Well, as violent thugs (Impoverished youth with inadequate community centre provision caused by the heartless Coalition. if you work for the BBC) torch parts of our Capital city, and others join in the infernal jollity in Birmingham, Liverpool, Bristol and Nottingham, the multi-billion £££ BBC has been out to report the news. I heard Ken Livingstone on Newsnight last night and it almost made me physically nauseous. In these terrible circumstances, I find listening or viewing the BBC adds to the misery as they duck and dive around confronting the consequences of their support for multicultural uber alles. How about you?


Did you catch this interview this morning with the omnipresent on the BBC Claudia Webbe on Today? If I heard it correctly, she appeared to suggest that whilst all violence is utterly repellent (wait for it…) there are different types of violence. Violence against Police Officers, she suggests, is a different type of violence, a type that is understandable. Focus on 2 mins in and you hear the abhorrent leftist dross. I also wonder about John Humphyrs and his questioning of the Police tactics.


I try to avoid BBC 5 LIVE on the basis that listening to Today is as much as I can stomach but thankfully other B-BBC readers do tune in…

“BBC ‘Weekend Breakfast’ happy to have a ‘local resident’ tell us that the man killed by police recently was murdered and executed by them…’and the people are so angry and their not going to stop rioting and looting until they see justice’….not once but three times…..The presenter Jonathan Overend made no attempt to suggest otherwise.

She suggested that shops being burnt which had flats above them making the inhabitants homeless was OK because there is a lot of homelessness in the borough anyway. She’s a star.

Overened said he couldn’t comment because the IPCC were still investigating.

If that is so perhaps he shouldn’t allow on a person who says such inflammatory things.

As far as I know from reports the man shot was a drug gang member and a police officer was shot during the operation…in which they shouted for the man to surrender 3 times and which he failed to do.”

You can listen to the exchange above at 2hrs 12mins here.


An eagle eyed B-BBC reader notes;

How odd….an article in the Guardian by one of Ken Livingstone’s mates echoes precisely a BBC article:
Both suggest it was Tory cuts wot done it….to youth clubs, jobs and police finances. Compare the beginnings of the articles:

From the BBC:
Was Saturday night an orgy of mindless violence or a cry of rage from a marginalised, disaffected part of society? Riots polarise opinion and instant analysis is a dangerous game.’
From the Guardian:
 ‘I don’t know what could have been done to avoid last night’s explosion of resentment and criminality. But I’m grimly confident of its potential elsewhere. Instant punditry on such events is a perilous and often irresponsible pursuit.’

and compare these two final words from each article….just how similar are they?

from the BBC…..
‘Would that alone have stopped the violence on Saturday night happening? Unlikely. If police had come out of Tottenham police station and spoken to protesters would that have been enough to ease tensions? Hard to say. Any number of things can spark a riot; especially if temperatures are already running high.’
from the Guardian:
‘Could the worst have been avoided? Might the police or the Independent Police Complaints Commission have made a better job of anticipating such trouble and so defusing it in advance? I don’t know what the answers are, but feel grimly confident that such an awful, perfect storm of rumour, resentment and criminality could break in a dozen other parts of inner city London any day. These are nervous times.’

As we frequently observe here, the BBC is simply the broadcasting arm of the Guardian. The only difference is we are FORCED to pay for one.


BBC coverage of the Tottenham thuggery has been utterly appalling. I note they have virtually lionised the “young man” Mark Duggan tragically killed whilst…erm…trying to murder a Police Officer, allegedly. Now we get the usual dross about looking for the “deeper reasons” behind the riots. I blame Thatcher – how about you?


Honestly, the BBC’s refusal to countenance the serial failure of Obama’s policies just continues in every manifestation imaginable. This afternoon they intone, “Instability on the stock markets has continued, despite better-than-expected US jobs figures.Now I’m not sure what the BBC was expecting from the USA but the 9.1% unemployment rate is just about what everybody has been predicting over the past few days. I’m not sure where the BBC gets the idea that it was going higher than the 9.2% it had stood at last month? Given Obama’s multi-billion €€€ stimulus, this is a hopeless performance and yet through the prism of the BBC, Obama has come to the aid of the global economy and STILL those pesky markets will not give him the recognition, nay adulation, the BBC thinks he deserves. In 2012, vote Obama, got it?


Well then, the BBC has a problem. Despite Obama’s heroic raising of the Debt Ceiling and despite the best efforts of our wise rulers in the EU, financial markets decided yesterday that they no longer can trust the hollow promises from Washington and Brussels.Markets are in free fall – how to deal with? Well, this morning they wheeled on that old fraud Romani Prodi to try and explain things. He was dreadful and despite softball questions I imagine his comments will probably have further spooked markets. Next up was Olli Rehn, given a big drum roll by the BBC. He was only marginally better than Prodi and I think even the BBC were a bit rattled that their preferred snakeoil salesmen no longer even sound slick. That said, I suspect that the subtle agenda the BBC are getting behind is that the solution to EU failure is….MORE EU. The central planners in Brussels seek to use this crisis to further the design for complete control over the remnant of the Nation States within the EU bowl and you can be certain the BBC will do everything possible to help advance it.


This bothered me greatly earlier today. It concerns the whinging of a bunch of lefties who the BBC alleges have dealt the a blow to  the government’s inquiry into allegations that British security services were complicit in torture and rendition. In the first instance I am enraged that the BBC goes with the meme that our security forces are supportive of torture but also listen to the contrasting treatment afforded Clare Algar of Lefties for Jihad (or something like that) and Sir Malcolm Rifkind. The bias is visceral.