Anyone catch Mark Mardell’s latest love note report on Obama here? It’s the fawning sycophancy that most sticks in my throat. George W Bush was far from perfect AND so is Obama but the tone the BBC adopts  towards the two men could not be more different. The BBC meme is that Bush was always a miserable failure whereas Obama is a stunning success worthy of four more years. If you listen to the clip you will even hear Mardell lead the Democrat he interviews into the “let’s get out of Afghanistan right now” narrative so beloved of the BBC. On another front, the BBC has kept a pretty low profile on “Weinergate” and I see that Mardell gives it short thrift on his blog here. Still, with all those Palin emails to pour over, I am sure Mark will be a busy boy this weekend.


Let’s be clear where the BBC stands. Obama has done a great job, he has healed some of the wounds created by the evil Bush, oh, and he’s saved the US from another great depression. The rest is detail, or so the BBC would have us believe. Naturally, the reverse is true and so the BBC has to spin even harder to sustain the Obama-delusion. Take THIS report from Stephanie “Two Eds” Flanders. The shock horror news is that “some” parts of the US economy are “slowing down” rather than “moving towards a quicker recovery”. The good news is that “recoveries are never linear, you get setbacks”. Stephanie pretends the US economy has moved out of recession (it hasn’t) but is now going through a soft patch. In this way she seeks to obscure the central fact that Obama has done more than anyone to delay the recovery through his massive injections of QE and the truth is that his “stimulus” hasn’t stimulated anything.


I see that the BBC is giving massive prominence to our Sharia-compliant leftist loving Archbishop of Canterbury’s latest attack on the Coalition. Williams waffles on about the Government introducing reforms no-one voted for. Can’t seem to recall the Druid taking to his platform during the Labour years to denounce them on a similar basis but I suppose since this story conforms to the BBC narrative about “fear and anger” it was always going to be given a blast.


I was intrigued by this item on the BBC concerning how CCTV cameras are being placed in student bins in a drive “to change young peoples’ attitudes to recycling”. The Big Brother aspect of such an unwelcome intrusion into anyone’s private life sails right over the BBC and instead it is all about how “we” can cure “bad bin habits”. What a load of rubbish. How about having someone on to say that this sort of invasive social engineering is an affront to our liberal democracy and that those researchers involved demonstrate that for pure totalitarian stupidity, you can’t beat an academic. Evidently anyone who opposes the recycling mania of Government (and the EU) will not be given an air-time on the State Broadcaster as it relentlessly pursues its own agenda.


Ken Clarke
Look, let’s get ONE THING straight. There is no way that the imminent shelving of the proposed 50% sentence cuts for an early plea of guilty can be blamed on Justice Secretary Ken Clarke. No way. Have a laugh and listen to Nick Robinson come to Clarke’s rescue on Today this morning in a quite remarkable example of BBC bias. It seems Oliver Letwin is to blame! You see whilst the BBC loathes Conservatives, it likes those who are Conservative In Name Only, hence the desire to love Clarke and Chris Patten. I also thought that the idea of the prime breakfast-time interview being between one BBC journalist and another is quite incestuous (With a pre-record of Michael Howard thrown in as faux balance)


Wow – this BBC report on the alleged “crisis” in University funding has all the greats lined up to take a pop at the Coalition. Margaret Hodge leads the charge, ably supported by Student Grant aka Aaron Porter, alongside Sally Hunt (No, that’s not rhyming slang) from the Comrades in UCU Lecturers union, and were that enough good old  Nicola Dandridge, another favoured BBC talking head. Naturally there is no one called on to support the Government or indeed to take issue with the guff spouted by all these oh so predictable leftists.


The NHS and the BBC have much in common. Both are anachronistic, grossly overstaffed, massively inefficient and in need of major surgery, if you’ll pardon the pun. However the BBC is a major defender of the NHS and nowhere is this more evident in how it has been running a campaign to endlessly undermine the attempts by David Cameron to introduce at least some sort of modest reform into the NHS. Listen to this interview this morning, the predetermined conclusion of which is that you can’t really change the NHS and you shouldn’t really try. In truth, this is how the BBC feels about itself, but it channels the NHS as a proxy to let Government know how difficult if not dangerous ANY attempt to bring change will be.


Azad Ali
Anyone catch this interview on the BBC this morning? It concerns the government plan to tackle Islamic extremism and in brings the BBC Former security minister Baroness Neville-Jones and Azad Ali, chair of the Muslim Safety Forum and an adviser to the previous Labour government. Azad plays the role of outraged moderate Muslim except that is not quite the entire picture.

Mayor Boris Johnson has given at least £30,000 of taxpayers’ money to an organisation co-controlled by an Islamist “extremist”, the Standard can reveal. Azad Ali praises a spiritual leader of al Qaeda on his blog, denies the Mumbai attacks were “terrorism” and quotes, apparently approvingly, a statement advocating the killing of British troops in Iraq. He also criticises those Muslims who “tell people that Islam is a religion of peace”. He describes non-Muslims as “sinners” and says Muslims should “hate [non-Muslims’] disbelieving actions”.

Is it possible that the BBC is actually promoting the views of an Islamic extremist whilst pretending to have a reasoned debate? Surely not?