A Biased BBC reader writes…
Newsnight (http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00tkx6p/Newsnight_23_08_2010/13 minutes in) had a go at explaining how the niqab is an empowering choicemade by Muslim women without pressure from husbands or brothers or indeedclerics. (Yes, seriously)
I watched it and then by coincidence was clearing out old newspaper clippingswhen I found one from the Sunday Times in 2006 about the teacher, Aishah Azmi,who wanted to wear the veil in class. She at first insisted it was her choiceto wear it but later admitted that it was as a result of a fatwa from YusufSacha, a Muslim cleric in West Yorkshire.
Newsnight only revealed the first name of one of the interviewees asRamaisa(spelling?) and that she was a professional. Looking at the clippingAzmi looked the spit of ‘Ramaisa’…..even though wearing the niqab she hasdistinctive eyes….her accent is also very, very similar to that on a youtubeclip.
Her photo is available on the internet.
I wonder if I’m right….I’d lay money I am and that the BBC has used anIslamic campaigner and changed her name to present the image they want to.
Note also that these women started to wear the veil 8 years ago….2002…justafter 2001, just as the 2 brothers at ‘Forest Gate’ started becoming moreIslamic due to the influence of 9/11 as Bin Laden intended….a battlecry…..as Lawrence of Arabia recognised: ‘Such people demanded a war-cry andbanner from outside to combine them, and a stranger to lead them, one whosesupremacy should be based on an idea: illogical, undeniable, discriminant:which instinct might accept and reason find no rational basis to reject orapprove. This was the binding assumption of the Arab movement; it was thiswhich gave it an effective, if imbecile unanimity.’