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- taffman Mar 13, 00:22
Midweek 12th March 2025
Kikuchiyo “The one legged man in an arse kicking contest” Haven’t you learned anything during your absence? - JohnC Mar 13, 00:03
Midweek 12th March 2025
First thread I see on Quora: ‘British people outraged that JD Vance accused the British government of suppressing free speech?’… - Eddy Booth Mar 12, 23:50
Midweek 12th March 2025
[img][/img] Putin got his battle fatigues on, looks like he means business now, He was right about Trump being unpredictable,… - Kikuchiyo Mar 12, 23:49
Midweek 12th March 2025
Huh?! Aren’t you excited about that? I’m just quoting what God has promised. - JohnC Mar 12, 23:42
Midweek 12th March 2025
As usual you add nothing to the debate except the usual immature 12-year old spiteful rubbish. You belong on Quora… - Eddy Booth Mar 12, 23:41
Midweek 12th March 2025
“From Mexico cartel safe house to US streets: BBC tracks deadly fentanyl targeted by Trump tariffs” Quentin Sommerville “The… - Emmanuel Goldstein Mar 12, 22:00
Midweek 12th March 2025
GB News lefty Christopher Hope looks like an old Harry Potter. - StewGreen Mar 12, 21:55
Midweek 12th March 2025
The story the Daily Mail stole off me Them 23 Aug 2023 ” after *it emerged* staff might have doctored… - tomo Mar 12, 21:48
Midweek 12th March 2025 [img][/img]
agw anti-American anti-conservative anti-Israel anti Israel. pro Palestinian Antisemitism BBC - sickeningly biased at all times. BBC agenda BBC bias bbc bias and balance. bbc bias by omission BBC censorship BBC Question Time BBC selectivity bias Biased BBC climate change dhimmis general thread immigration Islam israel Mark Mardell obama obama bias Obamalove open thread pro-labour pro-palestinian pro EU pro Hamas pro Islam pro Labour bias pro Obama PRO OBAMA AT ALL COSTS. pro Obama BBC agenda question time question time live Richard Black save gordon. USA politics US economy US News US politics US presidential elections
Author Archives: David Vance
Interesting poll results over on Politics Home. It seems that the BBC is trusted more than any other news provider. However, a breakdown of figures by political affiliation reveals that this high rating is due to the overwhelming approval of Labour and Liberal Democrat supporters. Well there’s a surprise! Conservative minded people do NOT put their trust in the BBC and this poll should give the BBC pause for thought. But it won’t. This is because the BBC is steeped in leftism and this comes across loud and clear to lefty viewers – it’s a home from home for them but a cold place for many of the rest of us. Why should we pay for such a biased organisation?
I picked this up care of a Biased-BBC reader DB on the most recent open thread and wanted to amplify the point made. You will recall the murderous assault on innocent Israelis that took place in Jerusalem on July 3rd. A Palestinian psycho hijacked a bulldozer and killed three people and critically injured several more before being shot dead. Then, on July 22nd another Palestinian tried a copycat murder, injuring several people before his rampage was cut short care.
So, guess who the real victims of this Palestinian instigated carnage is? Yes, Palestinians! Or so the BBC says. Read the nauseating biased article as a classic example of how the BBC twists every event in this region to portray the Palestinians as the poor victims even, as in these cases, where they are the obvious murderous aggressors.
The BBC’s daily gushing tributes to Obama are an utter disgrace to the very notion of “impartiality.” I listened to Steve Rosenberg’s coverage of the visit by Obama to Germany on “The Today” programme this morning (7.42am) and a more fawning sycophantic biased item would be hard to find. Is Obama already President? Does John McCain even exist? As Steve points out, if Germans could vote in the US election then Obama would be President. Lucky that they can’t then, isn’t it? The JFK analogies were duly trotted out and the only down- side presented was that since expectations are so high, then Obama might struggle to deliver. I find this daily onslaught of pro-Obama PR hard to take – it is grossly irresponsible of the BBC to do this but I suggest it it merely the years of simmering hatred of the Bush administration coming to the surface where we all can see the pretence of impartiality uncovered without a trace of modesty.
I see that the BBC gives great prominence to the decision taken by the EU to suspend largesse to Bulgaria worth hundreds of millions of euros because of concerns about corruption and organised crime. Oddly enough one has to scroll back to November of last year to read that the EU’s own annual financial accounts had still to be signed off, for the 13 year in a row. Likely neglect and corruption have been quoted as prime reasons for not passing the EU accounts, and now the EU is unhappy with Bulgarian corruption! I wonder why the BBC sees no reason to share the wider context of the widespread corruption that typifies the entire EU bureaucracy, not just hapless Bulgaria and Romania.
General BBC-related comment thread!
Please use this thread for comments about the BBC’s current programming and activities. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog – scroll down for new topic-specific posts. N.B. This is not an invitation for general off-topic comments, rants or chit-chat. Thoughtful comments are encouraged. Comments may also be moderated. Any suggestions for stories that you might like covered would be appreciated! It’s your space, use it wisely.
Did you read this article from the BBC informing us that due to the serial recklessness of the sinister “alcohol industry” Government in the loathsome form of SuperNan Dawn Primarolo, may have to consider banning happy hour, banning larger wine glass sizes etc to help save the NHS?? Note how the article is contrived to establish the central proposition that individuals are NOT responsible for their own actions and need our benevolent government to step into the breach and “help” them. The advance of the neo-Puritans in the form of Labour seeking to ban as many of our choices as possible is given an easy ride by the servile BBC. Time for bed now, lights out…lie back and think of the Great Leader as he selflessly considers what to ban next….
Did you check out Matt Frei’s latest paean to Obama? Seems that Matt reckons ol’ Obama needs to start telling more jokes. But what sort of jokes I hear you ask? Frankie Boyle hatred style humour perhaps ? Nope. Instead Matt reminds us of the Obama classic..”Who can forget his comment about smoking and inhaling dope: “Of course I inhaled. I thought that was the point!” Way to go Matt, that’s what we need. Of course Matt also manages to have a go at the red-necks, at McCain and Bush. Reading this kind of pro-Democrat drivel makes me wonder how the BBC can see this as anything other than pure political bias from Frei? The primary concern of Frei is to make sure Obama presents himself in the best possible light – but is that a proper concern for a BBC journalist?
Don’t know if you ever watch the BBC2 alleged satirical comedy “Mock The Week”? I caught it the other evening and was revolted by the “satirists”Frankie Boyle and other panel members all having a great laugh at the prospect of Lady Thatcher dying. The question they were asked was if they thought she deserved a State Funeral, the answer was “Who cares so long as the bitch is dead!” Cue uproarious laughter. I also saw another panellist in the shape of c-lister June Sarpong getting a laugh by claiming that she had met Lady Thatcher at a party recently but Thatcher had forgotten her husband Denis was dead. More howls of laughter at the frail Thatcher’s expense. Charming stuff from these satirists and well worth your license tax, eh?
Well now, hasn’t the BBC been busy promoting the adventures of the Great Leader in recent days? We had the fawning coverage of Brown’s trip to Iraq including that ludicrous image of him holding a machine gun; then we have him moving amongst Israeli and Palestinian leaders, bringing peace and dispensing £££millions to the savages that celebrated the release of child-killer Samir Kuntar; next Gordon is to warn Iran to back off its nuclear crusade (or what?) and then, as if this were not enough, the Government that has presided over an explosion in the scale of the Welfare State now allegedly gets tough and talks of sending the long-term workshy out to sweep up litter! As if! It’s a major PR offensive being staged, helpfully coinciding with the run-up to the Glasgow East by-election and BBC simpering co-operation with its’ Paymaster General is exemplary.