Seen this?

A left-wing comedian has said he was told by the Labour party that he could not vote in its leadership election. Jeremy Hardy said he paid £3 to become a Labour member in order to become eligible to vote, but that he has supported other parties in the past. He said he received a letter sent to people who are turned down, which said Labour had reason to believe that he “didn’t support the aims and values” of the party.

Hardy supports Corby – shock horror – and is a stalwart of what passes for comedy on the BBC. This is the funniest thing he has ever said.


It strikes me that the BBC are now fully paid up members of the Jeremy Corbyn fan club. His latest suggestion that if he becomes Leader he will apologise for the Iraqi war has the comrades in a paroxysm of pleasure. He is saying so many of the things the BBC approves of that I believe they are now repeating his propaganda on a daily basis with such frequency that it makes the prospect of his getting elected all the more likely. This is odd since they must know he is unelectable as PM but I suppose five years of hard left rhetoric and agenda setting pleases them?


The fall of Camilla Batmanghelidjh has distressed the BBC and I see they ran the following “news” story earlier today …

“Much of the focus of the collapse of charity Kids Company has been on its finances and its(cough) flamboyant founder Camilla Batmanghelidjh – what has increasingly been overlooked is the fate of the people who relied on it.


Part of the problem concerning those “helped’ by the Kids Company is precisely what they were helped to get.

“A teenager has boasted that she and pals used cash handouts from Kids Company to buy drugs. The youngster said they would queue up to collect an oyster card and £30 which they could spend how they wished. She claimed: “It was weed heaven on a Friday, you could smell it coming down from the landings.”


I thought that this was a strange item on the BBC earlier today.

“Large supermarkets are becoming a thing of the past – shoppers are increasingly using smaller shops, discount stores, and local retailers. What might those changes mean for our towns? We hear from retail consultant and broadcaster Mary Portas, and Matthew Price reports.”

The item sang the praises of the German discount chains, Lidl and Aldi. It also allowed Mary Portas to pontificate unchallenged – as if she were an expert. Is this the same Mary Portas…?

Retail guru Mary Portas has been branded as a ‘Queen of Flops’ by critics who say her plans to help struggling high streets are nothing more than ‘gimmicks’ that have failed. Traders in the seaside resort of Margate in Kent, which won a £100,000 government grant, claim the town’s high street is now in a worse state than when she arrived to help, as the Government-appointed ‘retail tzar’, six months ago.  Her plans for the town have included displaying art in abandoned shop fronts.



Great to see the Today programme focusing on issues that really affect our lives!

Labour leadership contender Yvette Cooper has called for a “feminist approach to the economy”. It has been a branch of economic thinking for a long time, but what does it mean in practice?

Feminist economics shows how the models and methods of traditional economics are biased towards masculine perspectives and masculine topics, said Oxford University’s Prof Jane Humphries (pictured above). “Equality is economic sense,” said Polly Trenow of the Women’s Budget Group.

Unbelievable that they actually devote time and resource to this male bashing tripe.


The BBC has been pushing this story hard this morning;

The number of people living with diabetes has soared by nearly 60% in the past decade, Diabetes UK warns. The charity said more than 3.3 million people have some form of the condition, up from 2.1 million in 2005. The inability to control the level of sugar in the blood can lead to blindness and amputations and is a massive drain on NHS resources.

It interested me because I am a type 2 Diabetic. But this interested me too and yet the BBC completely ignores it.

Doughnuts and pizzas on the NHS: £116million of gluten-free junk food was handed out in prescriptions in the past year

The NHS is a sacred BBC cow that must not be criticised and here we have the BBC pushing the “Diabetes epidemic”  overwhelming the NHS narrative whilst studiously ignoring NHS culpability