Start the Week Open Thread 6 May 2019

We could witness The Sell Out this week or a General Election date or can kicking again  . But even after the Local Elections there has been no change in bias from the Far Left  Remainer Failing BBC.

The life of a prospective MEP has been threatened . The police are involved . Let’s hope the Main Stream Media supports anyone using the legal democratic process to carry forward their view as opposed to the mob..

Weekend Open Thread 27 April 2019

We can get bogged down in individual incidents of BBC Bias – but trying to identify the main areas

pro Muslim – anti Judeo Christian

pro homosexuality – anti heterosexuality

pro remain – anti democracy

Pro multiculturalism – anti Britain

pro green .

Pro Scots/Irish /Welsh  nationalism – but not English

Pro London – wheres the rest of the UK?

Weekend Open Thread 20 April 2019

I was going to call it the Easter Open Thread but this site is primarily about bearing witness to the bias of the Far Left BBC as opposed to specific religions [or none ]. Any way – there is a new line of attack for us . The BBC has whole heartedly swallowed all the human- activity-changing- climate stuff . You may agree or not .

But the point is – if the BBC wants to cut its ‘carbon fingerprint ‘ – is it doing it ? How many beeboids are sent to stand in front of events to talk at the camera when they’d do the same job sitting in a studio ? How much carbon is used and taxpayers’ cash spent ?

‘Does this evil organisation practice what it now preaches ? Perhaps every programme should have its carbon footprint published – the number of air miles and car miles – and programme cost -for starters .

Happy Easter .