As I have suspected would happen, now that there are more and more problems in the climate change crusade, the BBC is increasingly shifting its emphasis on the intensifying push to introduce world government to ensure biodiversity. The UN convention that is frantically studying this topic in order to extract as much political cpaital as possible is meeting in Japan, and Richard Black is of course there at our expense. This is what he concludes:

Many experts believe it is necessary if scientific evidence on the importance of biodiversity loss is to be transmitted effectively to governments, in the same way that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assembles evidence that governments can use when deciding whether to tackle climate change.

What he doesn’t say, of course, is that many competent (but less political) experts maintain the opposite: that his carefully chosen glass half empty phrases, such as “deforestation”, and “species extinction”, are a load of alarmist cobblers. I have referred before to this Extinction Fiction paper by Donna Laframboise which puts the whole pile of pessimist agitsprop into perspective. Mr Black, as usual, ignores material like this and is only concerned to present the negative, world-will-end, must-tax-us-more synthesis; it’s not balanced reporting, just propaganda.


The Guardian has been speculating whether the BBC’s committment to reporting climate change is lessening. And earlier in the week, as I noted here, the Daily Telegraph suggested that new BBC editorial guidelines would force more balanced coverage of the topic. I have news for them both. Nothing has changed, and if anything the climate alarmist fervour is getting worse. The evidence? Yesterday, a reporter called Tom Heap presented a programme on Radio 4 in the Costing the Earth greenie strand called “Can Lawyers Save the World?”. It is the most outstanding piece of partisan propaganda I have heard in 11 years of monitoring BBC output for a living. I urge you to listen to it, if you have the stomach to do so.

It was so astonishingly one-sided that it’s difficult to know where to begin. But the theme was that governments are not doing enough to save us from being poisoned by carbon, or from flooding, or from heat, so the fate of the world is now in the hands of wonderful environmental lawyers who are battling heroically to save us all. Seriously, folks.

Mr Heap treated all these greeedy, chancer nutcases with breathless reverence as one by one, they spelled out their strategy. His profiles included a legal warrior in New Orleans who wants money for his house that he claims was destroyed by hurricane Katrina, because that was unquestionably caused by climate change. This was followed by an outraged Inuit who wanted millions because the Alaskan coastline is being inundated by unquestionably rising sea levels (not “seal” levels, as I previously had!: h/t Roland Deschain). Next stop was Europe, where a hero legal-eagle was invoking the chilling EU Aaarhus ruling to ensure that every green activist who believes they are affected by climate change can sue whomever is held responsible.

Mr Heap followed with a UK woman who has blown £150,000 of her own money heroically fighting a court battle to stop a cement works being built because it plans to use nasty fossil fuels for power. The programme then took on an almost surreal air as environmental camapigners entered the frame. There was an interview with a woman from an organisation called Gaia, who wanted legal rights for trees, and an end to the Western tradition of law because it did not recognise that Mother Earth needed its own charter so that in future, nothing could be done that could be seen to cause harm to ecology. And finally, there was a British lawyer who is campaigning relentlessly to bring in a new international law called “eco-cide”, to stand alongside genocide in seriousness. Under it, anyone who transgresses against the environment will be put on trial in the Hague, or wherever, just like the Nazis. She stopped short of calling for the death penalty for offenders – but that was clearly on her mind.

In this 30 minutes of eco-buffonery, Mr Heap never once questioned any element of the claims about man-made climate change. It was an unmoderated, unsubtle, one-sided, preposterous pitch in favour of lawyers becoming all-powerful in suing, jailing, and generally nailing everyone and anyone who commits an eco-crime. By giving them such a platform, he clearly supported the idea that those affected by climate change should be awarded billions of pounds in compensation, and for lawyers to have instant powers to jack boot us all into nature worship. Under this regime, any burning of fossil fuel, any cutting down of trees, any human action that was deemed to interfere with nature would be punishable.

The so-called climate experts (all warmists, naturally) he called on to confirm that damage is being perpetrated, and to show how it might be calibrated, did concede that everything they did is based on modelling, and that precise measurements of the actual impact of climate change were therefore difficult. But Mr Heap cheerfully glossed over this little difficulty and told us that it would no doubt be overcome in the near future.

This was a full-scale pitch of the BBC eco-creed. They may not be sending an army to Cancun, like they did to Copenhagen, but inside the corridors of Portland Place, Television Centre, White City and Salford Quays, they are clearly planning how climate sceptics will be put on trial, and all industrial activity involving fossil fuel will be suspended and so much bound in red tape that it will become impossible. And one thing is for sure. There will be whole battallions of BBC staff at the eco-cide show trials.


One of the new causes that the BBC is fervently supporting is the mantra that prisons don’t work. During the Labour years, the corporation was virtually silent on this issue, mainly because Blair, Straw, Brown and their lackeys clearly diasagreed.

But now that the Cleggerons seem hell bent on reducing the prison population sharply, our nice BBC reporter friends are on a full-scale hunt for every snippet that will support their case. Today it’s a platform for those perennial do-gooders the Howard league for penal reform to trumpet that only 6% of prison governors believe that short prison sentences work in helping to rehabilitate prisoners. Well hang on. Short prison sentences are not, and have never been intended to rehabilitate as a primary purpose. They’re there to send the message that in a civilised society, certain anti-social, irresponsible behaviour leads to a loss of liberty and all the inconveniences that go with it. It’s also a way of protecting the public and of spreading the reassuring message that if you do bad things, bad things happen to you.

The survey question was as inane as asking whether hanging would help in rehabiliating someone. I note that in the article that there is not a peep from anyone who supports jail as a deterrent or from those (like me) who are deeply uneasy about further ill-considered liberal experimentation in this complex area. Of course, we would all like more effective ways of rehabilitating people, but there is no sign that anything like this is being offered; the alternative to jail seems to be to not jail them – because it saves money – and/or give offenders community sentences (which are so circumscribed by human rights restrictions as to be a useless joke). Note also the careful selection of a quote from a supposed university expert saying that we should “address the needs of offenders”. Right on. Exactly the BBC mentality. But what about the victims of crime? And public safety?


Neil Midgley reports optimistically in the Daily Telegraph today that the BBC’s new editorial guidelines will force our greenie friends at the corporation to start including more so-called sceptics in their climate alarmist reporting, because for the first time, science is included in rules about impartiality.

My advice is not to hold your breath. I have a letter from Ceri Thomas, editor of Today, saying that because there is a ‘consensus’ about global warming, reporting of the subject only needs to give “due impartiality” to sceptics. In other words, sceptics are wrong, the consensus is right, and programmes should only pay minimal lip-service to them.

Nothing that I can see in the new guidlines changes this. Mr Thomas is pretty much representative of the entire BBC management class, and he sits on the board of a warmist organisation that camapaigns to give the warmist cause more prominence, and excludes sceptics.

Meanwhile, tens of thousands of pounds of our money are being wasted in distributing 12,500 of these useless new guideline documents to BBC staff in Britain “and round the world”. What wonderful self-love!


The BBC’s droning, lecturing narrative about biodiversity continues unabated. Wonderfully (to me at any rate!), a new fish-eating species of mongoose has been found in a remote area of Madagascar. For the greenie chums at the BBC, however, this is not an occasion to rejoice or to marvel at Mother Nature’s endless variety, but rather to intone yet another solemn warning that despite the island’s vast 227,000 square miles and modest population of 20m, this is a species “under threat” – and at the same time to give a platform to Conservation International, a rabidly political organisation that hinges almost everything it does on its paranoia about “climate change”.

These perceived threats to wildlife are now becoming the major battering ram in the BBC’s alarmist agenda. To put them into context – to show what a load of ignorant hot air they are – I urge you to spend a few minutes reading the latest paper by the marvellous Canadian Donna Laframboise (website here). She debunks with masterful succinctness the nonsense about biodiversity being perpetrated via the UN/IPCC, and then amplified slavishly on a daily basis by the BBC.


Andrew Marr’s show on the BBC symbolises all that is wrong with the corporation. It has consistently been simpering and supine to Labour, and he makes David Frost, whom he replaced, look like a model of journalistic propriety. And now he has confirmed what an elitist, condescending piece of work he is. This is what he thinks of the blogsphere:

British journalist Andrew Marr has angered bloggers by suggesting they are “inadequate, pimpled and single.” Marr, was formerly the BBC’s political editor, also said that citizen journalism is “spewings and rantings of very drunk people late at night”. He made the comments at the Cheltenham Literary Festival, saying: “A lot of bloggers seem to be socially inadequate, pimpled, single, slightly seedy, bald, cauliflower-nosed young men sitting in their mother’s basements and ranting. They are very angry people.”

Sadly, Mr Marr’s outlook is patently shared by the entire £1bn leftist, moral relativist, elitist, eco-nut, anti-Jewish, anti-Christian, pro-Islam, pro-EU journalistic cadre at the BBC. It shows in the way they brook no dissent to their views and in how they so haughtily dismiss all those who dare to question them.

This is the organisation that has today also astonishingly and disgracefully handed a leaving package worth £4.7m to Mark Byford, the soon-to-be-redundant deputy director general. Everyone who has met Mark will – I am sure – share with me the sense of sheer amazement that such a without-talent individual should be worth so much of our money. But then, nothing is surprising in the Mickey Mouse world of BBCland.


The BBC’s news editors probably danced in glee when they decided to run with this story: a bunch of MEPs demanding more action on biodiversity. Two of their favourite causes – worship of the EU and eco-nuttery – combined in one! The ludicrousness of the EU’s latest demand for yet more power to combat yet another imaginary set of problems, is, of course, totally lost on them. Breathlessly, the feature reports that these over-paid, mainly useless MEPs include in their aims:

…eliminating subsidies harmful to biodiversity; zero net deforestation; the end of destructive fishing practices; and preventing the extinction of known threatened species.

That will be the EU that (for starters) is forcing the spending of trillions of our cash on needless climate change measures, a fraction of which – if used instead to promote sustainable business enterprise – could end help poverty in Africa; the same EU that is so incompetent and corrupt in handling money that its own accounts have not been signed off by accountants for 15 years; it will be the same EU that, throught the madness that is the CAP, forces the adoption of monocultural and rigid farming practices that are the enemy of wildlife; and the same EU that like common gangsters have bought up and plundered fishing rights off the coast of Africa with zero regard for the needs of Africans.

Of course, the BBC would not dream of discussing issues like this. Instead, the story is an exercise in admiration for both the EU and its puffed-up politicians. It’s by a veteran BBC greenie camapigner Mark Kinver, whose love of the EU is second only to his save-the-world zealotry.


The Splattergate saga continues, and I have been doing a little further digging about BBC connections. I’ve already mentioned Richard Curtis, scriptwriter of the snuff movie and BBC luvvie par excellence. But the 10:10 team behind this odious camapaign also has on board an ex-BBC chap, one Alexis Rowell, who, according to his biog, worked for ten years as a BBC reporter before becoming a pain-in-the-derriere eco-nut campaigner. He was probably already pushing his eco-fascism while at the corporation, of course, but what better training could a 10:10 man have but to work at the BBC? Everything about Mr Rowell’s self-satisfied CV screams BBC indoctrination. And his style of showing the truth is to take a close-up picture of one overflowing waste bin on Hampstead Heath and present it as proof that we are all going to hell in a handcart. Pravda never did better.

As further insight into this mindset, this is Mr Rowell’s view on reporting “climate change”:

It is utterly irresponsible of the BBC to run stories that suggest that there is some sort of debate about this. We can have a debate about how high temperatures will go, about the possible consequences of climate change, about how fast we might get to mass extinction of species (which is of course already happening), but not about the basic science.


One of the elements of the BBC’s bias is the deliberate, constant re-writing of history to fit its own narrative, and the drip-drip of its own propaganda messages. The impact of the Deepwater Horizon oil blow-out was far less than the panic-reporting by the BBC predicted, but the corporation hates anything to do with fossil-fuel as part of its greenie obsession, so that’s not what it wants to believe. To them, according to this report this morning, Deepwater remains “one of the worst disasters in US history”. What pig-ignorant cobblers. The reality is that 11 people died and a few miles of coastland has suffered from oil-related pollution. The rest of the damage was inflicted by government ineptitude, vindictiveness to BP (and British interests) and over-reaction. How can that be even remotely compared to 9/11, the San Francisco earthquake of 1906 or the 1900 Galveston Hurricane?

What makes such vapid nonsense so damaging is that it diverts attention away from the main substance of the news piece, that the Obama administration had not got the faintest idea how to deal with events, other than to blame the Brits. Shameful reporting.


Richard Black’s at it again, this time claiming to discuss objectively whether meat rearing is sustainable. His agenda of course, is that he is a greenie and greenies such as IPCC boss Patchy Pachauri and his acolytes make no secret of their contempt for human carnivores. They want the world to become vegan in the name of “sustainability”. Mr Black sticks closely to this script and uses as the main fulcrum of his bleatings a paper by two eco-nuts from Canada, who have done what such people always do, created a snappy model of “earth boundaries” and then said that by 2050, we will all be dying because of our nasty meat-lust.

As usual, Mr Black chooses to ignore alternative viewpoints, such as this admirable discussion by Willis Eschenbach, in which he shows that if meat production stopped tomorrow, more, not less, land would be needed to grow replacement vegetable protein, and we would also lose the ancilliary products from animal husbandry such as leather and feathers – all of which would take extra resources to produce. In other words, the Canadian model, along with the greenie obsession with vegetarianism, is a load of cobblers (of course you might not want to eat meat for other reasons, but that is a separate debate). Yet again, Mr Black ignores the key facts.