In today’s narrative, the Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams is thrown into the mix condemning the banks for “not repenting” of their evil ways. Druid Williams plays into the BBC leftist agenda by insisting that Government should have intervened to limit how Banks reward their employees. It’s an all-out assault on the Banking sector at the moment with the culpability of government entirely obscured. I can think of a certain self-proclaimed “son of the manse” who should also be doing a bit of repenting but the Archbishop, conveniently, has nothing to say about that. Is it any wonder that the BBC gives Williams the kid gloves treatment?


All so contrived. Over there the BBC glowingly reports Obama’s lecture to the US Financial Institutions the punchline being “they” have not learned the lessons of the mistakes “they” made which caused the financial meltdown. Meanwhile, over here, the BBC reports the left wing IPPR taking the same line. They even given McDoom a chance to weigh in with his bellicose warning that there is “unfinished business” with the banks. I am sure many will take the view that poor management practices in the banking sector were central to what has happened but so was poor political judgement and at no time does the BBC seek out anyone to posit this view. Instead, it’s just an all out assault on those wicked risk-taking capitalists. All hail the State and the State Broadcaster that continually shills for it.


BBC reports that the the government will punish those who made large amounts of money whilst the Rover car business was running into the ground. Good idea. Will the government now take the same action against those politicians who presided over our economy as it also ran into the ground? Will the BBC ask such a question? No. There is a deep-seated contempt for capitalism at the BBC and every time it gets a story like this one, it paints the business people involved as parasites. In fact, when one considers the £3.5BILLION the BBC gets each year, it is clear that it is the BBC which is the biggest and most bloated parasite of all.


What better way for the brave little class warriors at the BBC to start the week but by giving an easy canter to the hard-left Compass group’s lunatic suggestion that we need a “High Pay” Commission. In essence, Compass want Government to determine an upper limit on what we can earn and on the level of financial bonus we receive. The Compass spokesman got away with the canard that “greed” caused the economic recession and also with the suggestion that the “Low Pay” Commission brought in during 1997 has been a success. All nonsense and economically illiterate, of course, but since the BBC was unable to find anyone with an alternative point of view I guess listeners will be left with the impression that Compass wanted.


It’s almost pitiful to watch the desperation of the BBC as it continues to seek out those illusive green shoots of recovery. Today, they have been located in France and Germany where we are now informed that they have “exited recession.” Not that long ago Gordon Brown assured us all that the UK was better placed than any other major economy to withstand the recession. Yet here we have other European economies seemingly moving out of economic stupor so I am sure we can expect the BBC to now challenge Brown and ask him to explain why we still languish in the doldrums with soaring unemployment. Then again…

The Keynsian fantasists that drive the UK economic policy are not only prolonging the recession here by their gross folly but also ensuring that this country will be an economic basket-case for years to come. But when one reads the BBC portrayal of events, one could be forgiven for thinking that Captain Brown has steadied the ship and with a bit more spending we will soon move into clear blue water.

Perhaps you read this quote from Brown speaking in 1996…

“I tell you we have learnt from past mistakes…. Just as you cannot spend
your way out of recession, you cannot, in a global economy, simply spend your
way through a recovery either…. losing control of public spending doesn’t help
the poor”

I wonder if the BBC will pursue the rather obvious problem this gives McDoom? Of course not. This is all about trying to construct a narrative that suggests we are moving into slow recovery mode and by the time of the GE next June we might do worse than stick with experienced Captain Brown rather than the novice Cameron. It won’t wash, of course, but they will give it a try. Then, once that fails and Labour is removed from power, the new narrative will be all about Tory cuts and protecting “the weakest” in our society. (Welfare parasites to you and me) The BBC never really changes colour – always red.


Wondered if you caught the debate on Nicky Campbell’s “Big Question” concerning whether one should be willing to die for your faith? It is was set up by liberal Nicky be comparing the faith imperative behind Taliban homicide-bombers with Christians butchered for their faith (by Muslims, but Nicky didn’t go there) So, no real difference between the value systems of Islam and Christianity – right? Meanwhile, another big question was “are multi million pounds ever justified”? Why do we have to justify any salaries, exactly? The anti capitalism meme runs deep. Lots of socialists in the audience to remind us how evil it is to reward people who achieve business objectives. A maximum wage concept was introduced by a prospective Labour parliamentary candidate. In normal BBC fashion, the lippy leftists get the lion-share of the time and those who oppose are shouted down.


The BBC reports that the EU seeks establish a new pan-Europe Institution to supervise all national institutions such as the City of London. Quelle surprise, another power grab from the overlords in Brussels. BBC correspondent and Billy Bunter look-a-like Mark Mardell thrills that ” supporters of the scheme would like to see national bodies like the UK’s Financial Services Authority made subordinate to the new institution and adds that Prime Minister Gordon Brown has relaxed his previous opposition to tighter regulation at a European level.” Mark seems to have overlooked the salient fact that such is the level of EU financial corruption that EU accounts have not been signed of for fourteen years in a row. Even the BANKS must be envious of that! When it comes to the reporting of EU matters, the BBC is so biased as to be beyond belief. Then again, I guess the fact that the EU helps fund the BBC may account for at least that aspect!


Did you see Newsnight shilling for the complete nationalisation of British banking? It strikes me that as this financial crisis deepens, those such as the BBC are taking the opportunity to advance their own agenda that the State should own everything, just as it owns the BBC. That way, the BBC secures its own parasitic position. Also, is it just me or is John McFall omnipresent on the BBC these days since he espouses the Statist values the BBC places such value upon.


Did you see the prominence the BBC has given to the thoughts of Comrade Brendan Barber on the UK economy today? Brendan reckons that “the finance and banking sectors” have caused the recession (Has he not read Gordon’s script? It all started in America, remember?) but that 2009 represents a chance for government to create a “new” and “more fair” economy. Yes, just like Cuba, I’m guessing. (BTW – the BBC celebrates 50 years of Castro tonight if you feel strong enough to tune in!) Brendan then shows his economic perspicuity by demanding more welfare benefits for the unemployed even though I note he does not specify where the money for this is coming from and naturally, the BBC merely acts as his PR agency. Since the Trade Unions have so little relevance to the wealth-creating sector of the UK economy, why is Barber given such a soap-box?