BBC struggles to recognize Jerusalem

Thought I’d check out what the BBC had to say about the historic opening of the US Embassy in Jerusalem yesterday so I Googled:

bbc US embassy opening ceremony Jerusalem

These first four results came up from the BBC:

Gaza clashes: 52 Palestinians killed in deadliest day since 2014

Gaza protests turn deadly before US opens Jerusalem embassy

Jerusalem embassy: why Trump’s move was not about peace

Repeat of the first result

Apart from the obvious bias, this really had me scratching my head. I thought Google simply picks up key words and then produces links that feature most if not all of those key words.

Those results are followed by a couple of clips from the ceremony uploaded to YouTube by BBC News

Not sure who calls him/herself BBC News and why he/she would want to plonk clips on YouTube.

Perhaps those among my esteemed colleagues knowledgeable about these matters could throw some light on this peculiar happening. How did Google tweak those results to force them away from the US Embassy to Gaza?!

Meanwhile here’s the ceremony for those interested

It starts at 10 minutes in and there’s a fabulous Ethiopian/Israeli singer introduced by the president of Israel at 41 minutes in. She sings again at 1hr 24 min in.

Midweek Open Thread

Grotesque – adjective – ‘comically or repulsively ugly or distorted ‘

Listening to highly paid broadcasters talking about Iran,  young criminal groups, prosecuting members of the British security forces – all live subjects at the moment made me search for the BBCs attitude . ‘Grotesque’ was the word which came up – as well as ‘disbelief’ . Im sure you can think of better words . But please try to keep it clean!

Start The Week Open Thread

The Al Beeb “Start The Week” show  discussed democracy and elections. Normally I would have hit the off switch but had to listen to hear the inevitable recital of attempts to undermine UK votes through a completely undemocratic unelected House of Lords. But I listened in vain – similarly to anything on Al beeb about the March for Freedom in London on Sunday.

Anyway this is an open thread to demonstrate there is always a rich variety of bias by Al Beeb – which I will call it until the day it becomes British again.

Thanks to those who have given me valuable feedback about the administration of the site – I will try do my bit in response.

Resistance to the BBC and all other far-left ideologues

The ideologues of the far left in the US have misappropriated the term ‘resistance’ to define their frantic attempts to undermine the Trump administration. Perhaps they really see themselves as noble fighters akin to those of the French Resistance and the Warsaw Ghetto and Trump as a Nazi as they scream obscenities at him and insist on his impeachment.

Well, it’s these frantic ones themselves who should be resisted and US voters have made an excellent start in electing Donald Trump. He has in effect become the leader of the Western world in resisting those who would drag us back into the darkness of ideological oppression. And that would naturally include media giants such as the BBC – whose compulsion is to indoctrinate the masses in failed far-left ideology.

So it is unsurprising that many exceptional members of this genuine resistance have emerged from the ranks of the US masses – among them two strong black-American women calling themselves Diamond and Silk. Here they are on Newsnight forcefully resisting Evan Davis to the extent that he eventually has no idea how to handle them and appears to end up actually liking them, can you believe it:

Davis no match for D&S

Evan Davis will have to be cautious. Sharing good vibes with staunch conservatives is a poor career move at the BBC.

And here they are resisting vitriolic attacks from black-American members of the House Judiciary Committee – who are trying to catch them in a lie re Farcebook’s discrimination against conservatives and then get them for perjury under oath.

I doubt US Congressmen and women have ever seen witnesses like Diamond and Silk. Witnesses are generally awed by the power vested in Congress and refrain from talking back aggressively to those who wield the power. Let’s hope the example of the forceful, no-nonsense attacks by Diamond and Silk on the political correctness of the political elite will encourage many others to take a similar stance in Western Europe and beyond.

weekend open thread

I have put this up on Friday Evening as the Al beeb post election spin is at full speed.The distortion of election results are there for us all. ( apologies in advance if my first attempt ‘to do a David ‘ isn’t unto our mentors’ standard) over to you …. as he might say…


Let’s see. In the past few days we have the welcome reconciliation between North and South Korea, a commitment from North Korea that it will stop nuclear testing AND release captured US Prisoners. We have Trump being nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize? And what does the BBC want to talk about? Yes – STORMY DANIELS. Well, I suppose it makes a change from “Muh Russians”! Their anti-Trump bias is visceral. Thoughts?


Hi everyone! Reports of my demise have been somewhat exaggerated BUT I have been very busy launching along with a few million other things. I want to get Biased BBC back on track but I have a request. Is there any volunteers who would agree to help us keep the open threads ready as well as perhaps writing on the BBC’s egregious bias? I need your assistance – please message me via the site! And in the meantime, highlight the endless dready offensive bias!!!