No wonder really that the BBC has spent the last week avoiding any mention of Agent Cob’s alleged previous bit of capitalist entrepreneurialism selling out his country when they refused to make any noise about his, and his fellow traveller’s, proven terrorist associations and the willingness to betray Britain and cheer on those who would happily murder men, women and children across the land….and still doing it today by his support for Islamist terrorists who wish to wipe out all Jews in Israel….then again the BBC does the same
Only now does the BBC deign to allow us to read about the accusations, forced to do so as Tory MPs are demanding he face the Foreign Affairs select committee and May has broached the subject at a press conference when asked about it by a Sun journo…not a BBC one of course. Naturally the BBC report has no added value, no investigative journalism, no stabs in the dark, no conjecture or speculation or firm conclusions based purely on a hatred for the subject…oh, I’m getting confused with their coverage of Trump whom they have no problem declaring a Russian agent time after time based upon the words of serving Russian intelligence officers who want to disrupt the US political system…and the BBC et al act as their useful idiots by trying to unseat a President. Who is working for the Russians…Trump? or the BBC, the NYT, WaPo and the rest?
There should be no surprise about these claims about Corbyn as he has always ‘worked’ for the Russians one way or another, paid or unpaid….the man who wants to abolish the army, trash Trident, neuter NATO, silence the security services and lay waste to our economy.
Stephen Glover in the Mail today:
The BBC’s dereliction of duty: The allegations against Corbyn could hardly be more serious, STEPHEN GLOVER asks why the BBC is ignoring them?
What could be more serious than the allegation that the possible future Prime Minister of Great Britain worked for Soviet-backed Czechoslovakia during the 1980s at the height of the Cold War?
This is the grievous charge made by former Czech spy Jan Sarkocy, who claims he met Jeremy Corbyn ‘more than ten times’ between 1986 and 1989 while at the Czechoslovak embassy in London. He says that, as a young MP, Corbyn – codenamed ‘Cob’ – was a Czech ‘asset’ approved by the Russians.
The allegation has at least surface plausibility in view of Corbyn’s well-known anti-Americanism at this time, and his unfriendly attitude towards the British State, evinced by his association with members of the IRA during the ‘troubles’.
A number of newspapers including the Mail have been following up Sarkocy’s story, broken by the Sun last Thursday. Some have steered clear of it, notably the Leftist, Labour-supporting Guardian, which has so far not carried a single word. That is what one would expect.
Far more worrying is the way the all-powerful BBC has hitherto avoided Sarkocy’s allegations, which have been met with vehement denials by the Labour Party. If you relied on our public service broadcaster for your news, as about half the nation does, you wouldn’t know anything about ‘Cob’.