They’re behind you…to the hilt!!!


Tories who want to lose an election so that we are forced to stay in the EU.  Traitors to Party, Country, Democracy and The People?


Curious how Boris has been absolutely pilloried by the BBC over the last three weeks and his ‘disloyalty’ to May highlighted and denounced.

Odd how ‘Remain’ Tory MPs are not so treated as they actually seek to unseat May as PM never mind try to influence how Brexit is negotiated which was apparently Boris’ crime.

Grant Shapps and Ed Vaizey have been leading the charge on the BBC to remove May from office [the BBC has been helpfully spinning that May is a disaster and can’t last long as PM]…both of them are Remain…and you have to suspect most of the alleged plotters against May will be also.

So who is the most disloyal, who are the backstabbing little traitors, who are betraying May?  More important why?

The BBC tells us Boris was ‘disloyal’ for raising his voice in support of May’s ‘Brexit means Brexit’ slogan but Tory MP’s who want to unseat May are not?  These MP’s seek to force another election which they know that they will in all likelihood lose to Corbyn.  Why?  Because they put their loyalty to the EU before their Party, before their country, before democracy and before the people of this country.  They hope Corbyn and a change in government will create such confusion and distraction that there will be an excuse to stop Brexit.

Hardcore Remainer Amber Rudd slips the knife in suggesting May should ‘not resign’…..with the implication that she might have cause to do so…as the Telegraph notes…’However, in calling on Mrs May to stay as Prime Minister, Ms Rudd becomes the first Cabinet minister to acknowledge that there is a question surrounding Mrs May’s immediate future.’

‘Trust us to take Britain in the right direction’Amber Rudd urges the Prime Minister not to resign at crucial ‘turning point’ for Britain

A small group of incredibly disloyal EU insiders and collaborators are trying to hijack this country and betray those who voted for Brexit…and the BBC doesn’t have much to say at all…except a few quiet hurrahs!!! no doubt as Lord Hall Hall parties on.


Because you’re worth it…her…not so much!



Apparently there is no pay gap between women and men at Radio 2...

The boss of Radio 2’s pronouncement that “there’s no gender pay issue here at all” has been met with scorn by BBC women.

Lewis Carnie, whose promotion to head of the music station was announced last November, denied that it had a gender pay gap.

“In our case at Radio 2, there is no gender pay gap. No one’s comparing like with like,” he told the Evening Standard.

I’m sure all the women are earning £700,000 like Jeremy Vine for chatting amiably for a couple of hours a day.  Libby Purves asks if the ‘talent’ is really worth all that…….

Speaking at the Henley Literary Festival, broadcaster Libby Purves, who lost her job presenting Midweek earlier this year, said it was “very rare that the magic is in the presenter, it’s in the production”, adding that many stars “went downhill” after leaving the corporation for ITV or Sky.

She said: “I wish the BBC would be just a little bit tougher and say: ‘Actually we’re not going to pay you that because we just really don’t think you’re worth it. You may be Graham Norton but, you know what, I go to the Edinburgh Fringe and there’s lots of Graham Nortons’.”

She added that she had never attempted to negotiate a higher salary. “I find the amounts of money that people are willing to ask for ridiculous,” she said.

Have to say she is right….just why are the likes of Vine paid such eye-watering amounts for such easy work that basically many, many people could do just as well or better for say £30,000?…and they’d think they were lucky to get paid that.


McAlpine innocent…then let’s get another Tory!!


The BBC’s coverage of the police failure to get any evidence against Ted Heath seems somewhat careless with its innuendo leaving you with the impression the BBC is declaring Heath guilty...their major narrative all day has been that …

Sir Edward Heath ‘would have been questioned’ over abuse claims

The over emphasis on this and manner it is pronounced as if somehow massively legally meaningful suggests guilt despite this being a standard procedure and that absolutely no evidence has been found to back up any claims and indeed out of 118 claims 112 were thrown out almost instantly.

One BBC journalist ‘analysing’ the issues told us that there ‘was a big question mark as Edward Heath is not alive to defend himself’ [Didn’t stop investigations and judgement on Savile]…no, there is a big question mark as the case against him seems to be based upon a large number of false claims…that doesn’t stop the BBC gratuitously listing in lurid detail the attacks Heath is supposed to have done.  Why do that unless you want to try and disgust people and, despite no evidence, still associate this to Tory Heath….mud slinging and some sticks?….and as you may think from this quote the BBC looks as if it is still intent on creating that cloud of suspicion…

Operation Conifer has gathered a vast amount of evidence – pursuing a total of 1,580 lines of inquiry and it has made public the most serious allegations against the former prime minister, but it can’t tell us whether they are true.

More than anything else, this report prompts more questions than it answers

Hmmm….so an enormous amount of, er, ‘evidence’, and yet they cannot make a single thing stick?  Never mind, the BBC can make the mud stick.




Von Druncker’s Express to Ever Closer Union



During the EU referendum the BBC studiously ignored the negatives of staying in the EU preferring to extol its supposed virtues, though even those are somewhat dubious.  One of the major problems with the EU is its intention to create the EU superstate with complete financial, political, economic, industrial and military powers taken over from the individual states thus destroying their status as individual, sovereign nations with all that that entails including of course the EU giving itself the ability to redistribute money from rich areas to less prospeperous areas.  This of course is already done but the scope for a massive increase in this will be handed to the EU.   This naturally would be unwelcome for us [but we’re leaving hurrah!] but Germany would be in line to be the main milchcow to be drained of its wealth.  Putin’s once colleague, Merkel, would no doubt be happy to take yet another chance to emasculate Germany after having set out to destroy its society and culture, now perhaps she will look to reduce its financial clout in the world by emptying the coffers and frittering away the money on white elephant projects in southern Europe, on farm subsidies to the mafia and a growing EU bureaucracy paying itself billions. Look at what is happening in Spain where one reason Catalonia wants independence is that it is fed up, as a rich region, of subsidising the rest of Spain.

Will the Catalans, resentful of subsidising farmers in Andalusia, quietly have no problem with subsidising Polish peasants in Lower Silesia?

Look at the EU’s response as Drunckerwarned the Catalans against “separatist adventures” prior to the vote, asserting that “regional traditions” should not “set themselves as elements of separatism and fragmentation of Europe” and another EU politician stated that this was ‘a nationalistic propaganda act, undemocratic; a coup attempt against Spanish democracy, and so a coup against Europe’. The BBC’s response has been very muted and of course conflicted as it supports these little revolts against the nation state but also sees it as a threat to the EU...hence when an MEP states that the Catalan crisis is a ‘bigger threat to EU than Brexit’ the BBC prefers to talk about May’s coughing fit yesterday and today.

The BBC didn’t dwell much if at all on such important negatives of staying in the EU, never mind the basic one of loss of sovereignty to jumped up little jackasses like Druncker and Barnum but Guido shows that such things should have been, and should still be, considered as the referendum still seems to be ongoing with the BBC putting it about that Brexit is still undecided as Stout Remainer, Stanley Johnson, father of Boris, recants….

For me the critical moment came a couple of weeks ago when EU Commission President Juncker gave his State of the Union address to the European Parliament. The vision he presented of an EU with a single government, and with directly-elected EU ministers with EU-wide responsibilities, including finance and defence, was quite simply – it seemed to me – totally over the top.

Up until then, I was still ready to argue that if you wanted to steer the ship in a different direction, the best thing surely was to stay on board and try to seize control of the steering wheel. In other words, fight from within for change.

But the ship metaphor doesn’t really work. The train metaphor is a better reflection of reality. Mr Juncker’s Federal Express is heading down the track at an ever-increasing speed in a direction we really don’t want to go. Even if Britain stayed on board, I doubt if we would be able to change the points on the track ahead, or even slow the train down.

Boris, I have to say (but I would, wouldn’t I?), wrote a brilliant 4,200-word article in the Daily Telegraph pointing all this out at more or less the same time that Mr Juncker was giving that unfortunate speech. Boris argued that for 40 years Britain has been trying to nudge the EU towards a different destiny and on the whole we have not had much luck.

The time has come to bail out, he asserted. I agree. We may argue about the length of the transition or ‘implementation’ period but there cannot surely be any longer any doubt what the ‘end-state’must be.



Catch ’em young



What we always knew about the BBC attitude…..catch ’em young and keep ’em hooked for life…hence any attempts to criticise the BBC will be met with blinkered, adoring, mindless love for it or indifference to the BBC’s faults…..after all isn’t ‘uncle’ Attenborough so friendly and the animals so cuddly…how’d we cope without the BBC’s warm embrace…never mind the dodgy news and left-wing bigotry, we just love Attenborough….

There’s stiff pressure from the BBC Trust to fulfil its remit of reducing that audience’s age from today’s average of 33 (though he points out the most common age of listener is 23) into the intended 15-24 demographic – the idea being a Radio 1 disciple will stay true to the BBC for life.





Horror!!  Nasty nationalist little Catalonians, those bigoted, racist little Catalonians who want to go it alone and declare independence!!!  Their referendum will surely give licence to the racists to start attacking ‘foreigners’ in Catalonia and will certainly encourage those wishing to relive the Franco era to come out from under their stones.

Oh…hang on…that’s the BBC message about Brexit not Catalan…Catalonians are brave resisters who are fighting the Fascist, Franco state with a demonstration of people power…

In a demonstration of people power, hundreds braved a hail of rubber bullets, batons and riot shields to force a retreat by the police. It was an unforgettable sight on a day full of unexpected violence.

Daniel Sanchez told us he’d arrived at 01:00. “My grandfather would be proud,” he said. He went on to draw a comparison between the Spanish state of today and the Franco era. It was a common refrain.

When we spoke to former regional leader Artur Mas after he cast his vote, he crystallised what many here are thinking: “Everywhere there are peaceful people who are trying to cast their vote – and there is a violent Spanish state that is trying to prevent people from voting.”


So the Catalan independence protestors are brave and principled whilst the Spanish state in trying to stop an illegal referendum and secession from Spain is acting like Franco and oppressing the people… the bête noir of the Left and so the obvious figure for the BBC to compare things to.

Shame the BBC doesn’t show so much concern for the result of a legal referendum and ‘people power’ back in the UK which the Left are trying to undermine and stop using whatever means they can.



Blinkered on the road to Hell


Deep joy….on the same day….from the BBC:

Highway to Heaven

What one Canadian street could teach the world about religious harmony


Edmonton: Five injured in Canada ‘terror’ incidents

Canadian police have confirmed they are investigating possible acts of terrorism after multiple incidents in Edmonton, Alberta, on Saturday night.

They said a police officer controlling traffic at a Canadian Football League game was struck by a car at high speed and then attacked with a knife.

A man driving a van went on to hit at least four pedestrians and was arrested two hours later after a police chase.

Police said an Islamic State (IS) group flag was found in one of the vehicles.