Kendall Scandal

Oh gosh…Pepsi has apparently hijacked the Black Lives Matter ‘iconic’ photo and exploited it to promote its fizzy drink….the BBC naturally were on the case.


First, almost certainly that photo was set up and the girl was not there under her own steam….likely someone trying deliberately to create an ‘iconic’ image.  And if anyone hijacked that image it’s BLM….done before and better….

Personally I prefer the real, authentic smack of heroism where life really is in danger…


And the Pepsi ad?

It is extremely corny but fairly typical in sentiment from any other such ad….remember this iconic Coke ad?..


No problem with Pepsi’s hijacking protest movement theme….it has just been done incredibly badly….why use a super model…the very antithesis of what such a protest would be about?  And oh so multiculti and right-on…and all those fake protest signs….crass and laughable….never mind the Muslim photographer.  LOL.  Could have been done so much better.

And this is the real face of the cop-killer BLM movement…

The best Pepsi ad?…cheap and simple….



Hair today, gone tomorrow


Melania Trump issues her first official White House photo portrait and the Left goes into a frenzied attack, the BBC included with  its bizarre critique of it branding it fake and emblematic of the Trump Presidency.

Any coincidence that the day after someone in the Obama entourage slips out a ‘natural’ photo of Michelle Obama casually dressed and with her hair as nature intended to great applause from the usual suspects…BBC included…

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Oddly no comments about the fact that she has spent the last 8 years living a lie then, her hair primped and preened to present an image….not as if everyone didn’t know it was a lie….here’s her graduation photo with her ‘natural’ hair…..

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And it’s not like her ‘new’ look is really new…from 2011…

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Building on Sands?

‘The referendum exposed two nations. We need a one-nation figure to restore order.’


The new Today editor coming from the Evening Standard?  A Remainder who doesn’t like Trump or immigration control[despite recognising the damage mass immigration has done…see below] No surprise there then. [Let’s hope the new editor of the Evening Standard does not become Today editor in time].  Will she as editor of the Today programme give Humphrys and Co a kick up the arse to make them less pessimistic and start being more positive and unifying?  Somehow doubt it judging her by the sum-total of what she says.

Some interesting comments from Sarah Sands in her ES column...

Let’s start with this one….and hope she takes her own advice on board..

Empathy with the public is the key political gift

I particularly admired Gill’s troubadour approach to journalism. He spoke truth to power and liked to bite the hand that fed him, which is apt for a restaurant critic.

Gill regarded himself as a sinner, which is the proper position both for a Christian and a journalist. He was a former alcoholic who never forgot that you can be in the gutter but still looking up at the stars. His compassion was not lofty but based on proper understanding — there but for the grace of God go I.

He always sided with the underdog. It is a Christmas message, of sorts.

Her loyalties and that of her friends and colleagues [in that Bubble]..

The sun has broken through. We are in a strange state of La La politics. Colleagues and friends who were devastated by the Brexit/Trump results have a new devil-may-care approach. They ask: how bad can it be?

My latest mood is one of Elizabethan adventure. I have no idea where Brexit will take us but it will be interesting to see how historians classify the age that we are in.

This sentiment is best expressed as: sod it. It is in keeping with the times that the Gibraltar issue hit us apparently from nowhere. The next years will be full of surprises.

This could be interesting….imigration is bad for jobs…..though not at all ‘unforeseen’, Blair knew what would happen to the working class and he lied, hid that truth and carried on anyway….

How do we learn to become more productive? An unforeseen consequence of immigration — Tony Blair’s Gibraltar, if you like — was the debilitating effect it has had on employment.

A throwaway workforce left us undeveloped apart from the London rocket.

And let’s not forget the BBC also lied and hid the truth not mentioning the bombshell revelations of Andrew Neather that Labour had deliberately set out to ethnically cleanse Britain…imagine if a Tory government had done something similar….headline news, blanket coverage for days, weeks, months until someone resigned.

How long can this non-PC attitude continue as she beds in at the BBC and goes native…

The policing of language is punitive.

When I read about Sunderland manager David Moyes’s remarks to BBC reporter Vicki Sparks — “You might get a slap even though you’re a woman” — I was as indignant as the rest.

Was he threatening her with violence for doing her job? Then watch the video — Moyes and the reporter are laughing (though perhaps there is a hint of anxiety in her laughter?).

He is teasing her about a question.

There is a deeper theme to the language of violence towards women because — as one Scottish woman writer put it — women always dread the sound of footsteps behind them on a dark road.

But intent and tone must be considered.

Perhaps she is already half-way there as she praises Today…

The Today programme is television for grown-ups

I have been reading with pupil’s attention Robin Lustig’s Is Anything Happening? My Life as a Newsman.

The broadcaster, who made his first career in print, is perceptive about Radio 4 and describes radio as TV for grown-ups

Radio 4 needs to be the rock of reason in the babbling ocean.

A young listener told me he had embraced the Today programme because “it was never moronic”. Television for grown-ups.

Still maybe there’s hope…well, not really…

Sarah Sands: Brexiteers and Remainers must learn to get on

When I expressed sadness to a student about Remain losing she answered darkly that now I might understand how she has felt for every election that the Tories have won. 

In his report set to be published tomorrow, Sir John Chilcot has brought back memories of mass opposition to the Iraq War. The aftershocks still shudder through our national psyche. What we need is a psychological reassessment. Living among Brexiteers, as most of us are, given the numbers, I am prepared to believe that we can reassemble our relationships, structures and economies in a new spirit of understatement. There is no absolute good or the opposite, outside the spiritual world. 

The negative version is that house prices crash and immigrants leave — because there is no growth and no jobs. 

The referendum exposed two nations. We need a one-nation figure to restore order.



Steve Bannon is moved from his temporary position on the National Security Council and. – bang – in goes the BBC. The comrades prefer to characterise this as as Bannon “losing” his seat and adds for good value…”Critics have branded Mr Bannon – who once managed populist, right-wing Breitbart News – as a white nationalist.” A bit like critics branded Obama a Kenyan, eh BBC?

Meanwhile, on the substantive issue of the unmasking of Susan Rice…….NOTHING.

The BBC is Fake News.

Patriotic Rebels and The Far-Left Le Pen


This will get the right-on rabble on Twitter twitting…the BBC seems to be giving the ‘Far-Right’ an almost fair hearing in an article on the ‘Alt-Right’ and a profile of Marine Le Pen…and in fact down-playing the so-oft alleged Far-Rightedness of Le Pen and those of the French ‘Alt-Right’….Read them for yourself… a pretty fair look at the various movements that are labelled of the ‘Right’ [mostly due to wanting immigration controls though their economics and social policies are usually left-leaning]…

Patriot power: How France’s alt-right seeks to sway election

It may still the usual BBC hatchet job in many respects [why no such look at the ‘Far Left’ in any other country…such as the US and here in the UK?] but it lets slip many admissions that would not normally see the light of day such as the media works to suppress Right-Wing views and debate as in the UK and that Le Pen is often supported by disillusioned Lefties…..

Spreading the message online

Shut out by traditional media, identitarians have thrived on the web over the past decade.

It also highlights the power of new media. Without the internet, Mr Le Gallou and others would have no mass audience. Their warnings against the “Great Replacement” of locals by immigrants are no-go areas for mainstream journalists.

Various parts of the online alt-right may be firing from different directions, but their target is the same: the political and media establishment.

Such resentment is not the preserve of the identitarian fringe, or of people languishing in neglected provinces.

Opposition to liberal elites and concern about the disappearance of borders are widespread, and increasingly being aired in the heart of Paris.

And from the Le Pen article…

Part of the reason for the alarm is that the FN has always had a terrible press. In France it has suited successive governments, especially on the left, to caricature the party in the worst possible light.

The article also talks of anti-White racism….

Kevin Vercin, another CRE student who supports hard-left presidential candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon, is as hostile to multiculturalism as the conservatives within the group.

Having lived in an immigrant banlieue (suburb) he says he has often been called “dirty white”, and says the mainstream press denies the reality of “anti-white racism”.

“I have suffered from being white,” says Ugo Iannuzzi, a Sorbonne student.

“I have often cried. I used to go to school with fear in my stomach. You start to feel bad about being white, about being French and loving your origins because you get beaten up, your phone gets stolen and glasses smashed.”

Mr Iannuzzi supports the FN. But his resentment of the political and media elites mirrors that of left-wingers like Mr Vercin.

The article finsishes with this…

Identitarianism feeds on pessimism.

Surely that’s not true….it’s not pessimism but hope for a better future and the resolve to make it work that drives them.

One major quibble…no mention in the long tract about Alain Soral that he has close ties with Muslim anti-Semites…remember the ‘reverse Nazi salute’, the Quenelle?

French Anti-Semites Dieudonné and Alain Soral Announce Formation of New Political Party

And funny how times change as Soral was a valued guest on Newsnight…

Newsnight had a look at this with its now infamously coy description of the Neo-Nazi Alain Soral as merely a ‘writer and film-maker’


And then there is this from Hugh extraordinary profile of Marine Le Pen…extraordinary because it seems entirely even-handed and even sympathetic in many respects….it even denies she is Far-Right….despite the BBC nearly always referring to her as such…as they did yesterday on the news in fact.

Marine Le Pen

Is France’s National Front leader far-right?

Today Marine Le Pen is a nationalist. She is unabashedly opposed to immigration. But there is no hint in her of the far-right ideology that clung to members of her father’s generation.
The influence of her generation is key. “I noticed working with her that when a question came up her first reflex was a reflex of the left,” says the former adviser to Marine, who does not want to be named.

“She does not have right-wing reflexes. For me, right-wing people are people who value liberty over equality. And left-wing people are the opposite. Well, Marine always chose equality over liberty.”

But one question keeps coming back. How far-right is the National Front?

In an FN-run France, walls go up. Foreigners and foreign goods are kept out. Brussels is pushed to the margin. The franc returns, and France comes first.

According to veteran commentator Alain Duhamel, it is “a former party of the far right that has become a populist party with instincts that are xenophobic and authoritarian”.
Part of the reason for the alarm is that the FN has always had a terrible press. In France it has suited successive governments, especially on the left, to caricature the party in the worst possible light.
In France people take sides. They believe in ideas. And if the conditions are right they will fight for them. That is why it all feels more real here.

I laughed at this…Le Pen’s niece has different politics…Le Pen’s are based on those of the ideological deconstruction that came out of the 1968 era…in other words she has the same values as so many at the BBC…..

Marion Marechal Le Pen, one of the FN’s two MPs, was born in 1990. One of her closest friends is Madeleine de Jessey, spokeswoman for the pro-Catholic family-values and anti-abortion movement Sens Commun.

Though they love each other deeply – Marine was a second mother, says Marion – their politics are very different.

According to Marion: “I am from the generation of the anti-May 1968. My generation is reacting against all the ideological deconstruction that happened after the student rebellion. We want principles, values, mentors – everything in fact that negates May ’68.

“For Marine the cultural victory of May ’68 dominated her childhood and adolescence. But today things are switching over.”

Schofield finishes with this comment….that a Le Pen victory would lead to violence in the streets…left-wing violence…ala Trump’s opposition..

A Marine Le Pen presidency could well spark violence on a scale far greater than the protests she currently attracts.

Twitter foaming at the mouth yet?


BBC’s anti-Trump messaging continues apace


Who is going to deliver the Dimbleby Lecture this year?….

Former CIA director to deliver 2017 Dimbleby Lecture

The former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency John O Brennan will deliver BBC1’s Dimbleby Lecture 2017.

Brennan, who was chief counterterrorism advisor to Barack Obama, is expected to assess the future prospects for “security, stability, and disruption in a highly dynamic and technologically driven world”.

Oh…the man who seems to hate Trump…as Justin Webb admits….

Why former CIA director John Brennan and President Trump are sworn enemies

The “spy who hates Trump” will be giving this year’s Dimbleby Lecture.

John Brennan is Donald Trump’s least favourite spy. And Donald Trump is John Brennan’s least favourite president. This is a Dimbleby Lecture with an edge. To a fastidious career spy like Brennan, the coming of Donald Trump feels like a moment of genuine madness. And Brennan has not been even the remotest bit diplomatic in his treatment of the new commander-in-chief.

Can’t imagine why the BBC chose Brennan for the lecture…no doubt will be feasting off the anti-Trump chorus for weeks to come.



All humour aside



The fantasy….

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The reality…..

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The BBC is in hypocrisy hyperdrive as it peddles the idea of the ‘perfect female image’ on its Newsbeat programme aimed at youngsters.

The fantasy…

The reality…

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Clearly Melania Trump’s official White House portrait is so fake….no?  Not like her at all.

Remember when the BBC attacked the Mail for daring to have a humorous look at the legs of our leading ladies telling us it was sexist and would never happen to men….the BBC has just launched a bizarre take-down of Melania Trump’s official portrait…it just doesn’t compare to Michelle Obama’s and is so so fake…

What Melania Trump’s official portrait says about the new First Lady

What does the picture say about the latest First Lady?

Photographs like these matter, says Prof Cara A Finnegan from the communications department at the University of Illinois, because they can tell you how a person in power views themselves.

While she thinks this is a better produced image than the first official portrait of President Donald Trump, comparisons to images from the Obama era are less favourable.

“In some ways they [the White House] are doing what they can do with what they have, which is someone who is a model, who built a business on her fame and the way that she looks,” says Prof Finnegan.

Commentators have pointed out the stance Mrs Trump has adopted, where the First Lady has her arms folded.“On the one hand it can communicate defensiveness,” says Prof Finnegan.

“But women in power generally don’t have a lot of body stances they can hold for themselves and communicate power.

So image is very important and tells you a lot about the person?  Then surely the same goes for Sturgeon and May?

Then it gets really catty…Oh and there’s always some sort of link to fake news in BBC Trump stories….

“Melania Trump’s first official portrait embodies the excessive wealth and reality star celebrity of the Trump White House”.

She believes this photograph moves the administration “even further from the truth and substance of middle America”.

Many people have discussed the kinds of digital manipulation the image may have undergone.

“The obvious airbrushing in the photo can also be seen as a parallel to the Trump administration’s use of lies and ‘alternative facts’,” says Prof Dahmen.

“The portrait is a construction of reality – not actual reality.”

The use of photo software also raises some issues for Prof Finnegan.

“As a woman and as a feminist, I’m not excited about the norms of beauty that any of these sorts of images communicate, especially to young women and girls,” she says.

“Anxiety about airbrushing and the inevitable link to fake news, I get less worked up about because photography historically has always been involved in debates about what’s real and what’s fake.

“If the argument is, ‘Look how fake the Trumps are compared to the Obamas, because the Obamas photographs were so authentic,’ that’s where I get uncomfortable because there are ways to select and frame images, regardless of whether you airbrush them, that can be very inauthentic.”


Hmmm…..Trump is so fake…’s ever glammed up for their photo before have they?

The fantasy…

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The reality…

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Soros to see you go


If only our government would take such a stand against the Saudi funding that pours into the UK universities and Muslim communities [Not to mention the millions that they channelled to the Clintons]…

Hungary passes bill targeting Central European University

Supporters have gathered at a Budapest university after MPs passed a bill which could force it out of Hungary.

The 199-seat parliament head earlier voted 123 to 38 in favour of the legislation, which places tough restrictions on foreign universities.

The main target is believed to be the Central European University (CEU) and its founder, George Soros.

It is the latest battle declared by the right-wing Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban, against liberalism.

A battle against ‘liberalism’…or against a George Soros funded slow burn ‘coup’?  Soros is a much a threat to many nation’s sovereignty, security and stability as Putin in his own way using his billions to finance ‘revolution’….Soros funding so much of the opposition to Trump in an attempt to unseat him or at least stop any of his policies being  enacted.  Curious the BBC does not recognise that. Or that he also allegedly funds Pussy Riot to attack Trump, Pussy Riot also supposedly funded by the US government….the Establishment against Trump?…

Here’s Pussy Riot’s anti-Trump video…


So the protest group ‘Pussy Riot’ is allegedly funded through various channels by Soros and the US government [via the National Endowment for Democracy organisation, a US government funded ‘soft-power’ organisation meant to promote democracy…by undermining non-democracies…such as Russia…much of course as the BBC’s World Service, still partially funded by government, is also mean to promote democracy…hence ‘Media Action’….’Areas described as suffering from a “democratic deficit” – a shortage of impartial news. [LOL]And while the Government will be helping to pay the bills – editorial control remains entirely with the BBC.’]

BBC Media Action is the BBC’s international development charity. We use the power of media and communication to help reduce poverty and support people in understanding their rights. Our aim is to inform, connect and empower people around the world.

A free and diverse media rooted in a strong culture of independent journalism is a cornerstone of effective governance. In many of the countries where we work, media is often a positive force for democratic change and governance.

Curious how supposed Russian interference in our politics is outrageous but our interference in other nations’ politics is the promotion of democracy and enlightenment and thus OK…never mind that the BBC always seems to hate democracy, Britain and America….guess their enemies’ enemy is their friend now as they seek to unseat Trump.





On the one hand…..


The BBC just keeps on giving…..anything to do with Trump sets them off on a furious tirade of nonsense and abuse never mind the facts…

Trumplomacy: Bromance with an autocrat

When I was based in Egypt during the 1990s, we regularly got human rights reports about dreadful abuses in military prisons.

What particularly sticks in my mind, though, is a report on what happened in police stations: even people picked up for petty crimes were tortured.

Egypt’s security state has always been ruthless, but in those days the brutality was more under the surface.

Under George W Bush the administration began to question the wisdom of seeking stability at the expense of democracy.

Barack Obama went further. He rolled with the revolutionary wave of the Arab Spring, then shunned the strongman, Army General Abdul Fattah al-Sisi, who took power in the debris of its aftermath.

The brutality had risen to the surface: Sisi oversaw a vicious security operation that killed hundreds of protesters in the streets. He has since jailed tens of thousands of his opponents.

But he has also cracked down on Islamist terrorism, and that is the language the Trump administration speaks.

So President Sisi has been rehabilitated, validated by a visit to the [Trump] White House.

Is this Washington reverting to the comfort zone of supporting Arab autocrats, in a time of great instability?


Ah Trump the friend of brutal autocrats…and Putin….and he wants to crack down on Islamic terrorism…and the BBC doesn’t?

Hmmm…OK…but….also from the BBC…..’Pope Francis will travel to Egypt later this month. In a statement, the Vatican said the Pope had accepted an invitation from President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi’…..Can there be two al-Sisi’s running Egypt…the badass chumming it up with Trump and the angelic one meeting his Popishness?

Dialogue marks faiths’ response to the Westminster attacks

Following the recent attack in Westminster, the temptation to increase tensions between Christianity and Islam was rejected almost immediately.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster, the Chief Rabbi and two British imams gathered on Westminster’s North Green, embodying interfaith unity in the shadow of a horrifying attack.

“We are each drawn from the historic Abrahamic faiths,” said Archbishop Justin Welby, “faiths that teach the primacy of love and compassion over antagonism. We have come together to push for a more peaceful future.”

It was an immediate effort to reject the narrative that Khalid Masood was an agent of Islam at war with the Christian West. [Good luck with that]

The Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Vincent Nichols, will embark upon a more adventurous pilgrimage. He will take four British imams to meet with Pope Francis at the Vatican, also on Wednesday. The BBC has been invited to travel with the cardinal’s party.

“Pope Francis is committed to engagement,” the cardinal says. “When he was archbishop of Buenos Aires, he repeatedly visited mosques and engaged with the Muslim community. And his willingness to welcome our British imams is a further sign that he regards interfaith dialogue as being of the utmost importance.”

To further emphasise this commitment, it has just been announced that Pope Francis will travel to Egypt later this month. In a statement, the Vatican said the Pope had accepted an invitation from President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, Roman Catholic bishops, the leader of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria and the grand imam of Cairo’s Al-Azhar mosque.

Oh hang on…one last BBC jibe at Trump as the report ends…

But by continuing the dialogue, these faith leaders are sending a clear message to the communities they serve: that faith without works is dead and that dialogue must always trump conflict.


Is this an example of ‘alternate facts’…one set for the Pope and one for Trump?  Good old truthful, unbiased and honest BBC.