Alright then, Here’s a new Open Thread for you to detail the bias. I was on with Jon Gaunt this morning and we were discussing how the BBC emotes its coverage of “Syrian refugees”. They are using their massive media reach to convey THEIR opinion that we must “do” something to help Syrians. That’s not their job and its time we stopped seeing this alleged reporters hamming it up as third rate actors.

Hush it all up


When Fox News announced that Birmingham was a Muslim only city [can’t be long now] the Left went into overdrive to deride and vilify the comments…how different their approach to Labour MP, Jess Phillips, who claimed that Birmingham’s Broad Street was subject to roaming gangs of native Brummie sex abusers and criminals on a scale similar to Cologne.

Phillips was naturally called out on that nonsense  by most people but not by the BBC or the Guardian who both came out in support for her…though their real aim, as was Phillips’, was to pretend that this was not an issue about immigration or the culture of the immigrants in Cologne or indeed across Europe…just as they tried to dismiss the truth about the racial and religious aspects of the choice of victims in Rochdale and Rotherham and other cities across the UK.

The Guardian has come up with the idea that Phillips was only criticised because she was a woman….which is a curious take as she herself is betraying the women of Cologne, Europe, who are being attacked….Phillips, the BBC and the Guardian, would rather these women get attacked, raped and abused than deal with the causes of the abuse….the failure to control immigration and the importation of the very people who commit these crimes….how many women would still be alive, would still be able to walk the streets in safety, if it weren’t for the BBC’s et al’s undying, uncompromising, extremist support for mass, uncontrolled immigration regardless of the consequences?

Mishal Husain,(08:30) who is Muslim and so has an interest in downplaying the role of immigration and culture in this issue, tried  to back up Phillips’ claim and did so by suggesting that a pat on the backside of a woman in a pub was somehow the equivalent of anything that happened in Cologne…she was insistent that this was ‘sex abuse’ and that many such crimes must go unreported…therefore Birmingham is just like Cologne if we take all those unreported crimes into account…yep…raping women, gang raping women, ripping their clothes off, hunting them down in packs, thrusting hands into their vaginas, just like a pat on the backside in a pub.

Husain brought in Salma Yaqoob who is well known as an Islamist activist….clearly she was brought in to deny the ‘Islam connection’ and she didn’t fail to do as expected.

The BBC, having been happy to attack Fox News for its slandering of Birmingham, have spent a lot of effort to downplay what happend in Cologne, and across Europe, even going so far as to claim it was a right wing conspiracy, but curiously now they try to spin a pat on the backside in a Birmingham pub into the sex crime of the century and are quite happy to denounce Birmingham men as rapists and sex beasts and all because they have a narrative about immigration….nothing bad must ever be allowed to get on the air that might show immigrants to be less than wonderful and a delight.

Which brings us to this…..any sign of the BBC reporting this at all?  No….

German journalist claims the government tells its media what it can and cannot report on following outcry over Cologne sex attack news blackout

A former news boss in Germany has claimed the country’s media is told what to report on by Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government.

His admission comes as the country grapples with accusations media ignored hundreds of sex attacks committed by migrants during Cologne’s New Year celebrations.

Dr Wolfgang Herles, the former head of a public broadcaster Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen (ZDF), said journalists are instructed to write news reports that are to ‘Ms Merkel’s liking’.

Dr Herles labelled the situation a ‘scandal’ during a radio panel discussion on media and freedom of the press, Breitbart reported.

Asked if the media landscape had ‘got out of whack’, he replied: ‘Today, one is not allowed to say anything negative about the refugees.


With all the BBC’s proud boasts about independence and the importance of free speech and a free press, they are strangely quiet about this very serious accusation…a government silencing the media on the subject of immigration and its fallout.  Then again the BBC has long been in cahoots with our government in how it reports on issues surrounding Islam and the EDL….pro-Islam, anti the EDL.

Here are some other news reports that the BBC won’t be highlighting…

Refugee crisis will cost Germany £38 BILLION by the end of 2017, new study claims


Six in ten migrants not entitled to asylum, says EU chief


Philip Hammond warns less than HALF of the million migrants flooding Europe are fleeing war in Syria




5Live spoke to Bryan Cranston, (14:07) Breaking Bad actor and lead in ‘Trumbo‘, a film about McCarthyism.

Trumbo was blacklisted and silenced as a Hollywood screenwriter for being a member of the American Communist Party.  The Left, and the BBC as here, has always been outraged at this example of ‘Gestapo’ tactics.

After having gone through that ritual outrage the BBC presenter, Colin Paterson, moved on to the present day and asked ‘as so many actors are Democrats do they get looked down upon?‘…..which is a strange way of looking at life as it is the Republicans who are vilified and sneered at more often than not…and indeed we then got onto Trump.

Bryan Cranston said everyone’s voice was important, that when we lose respect for someone elses opinion, when we villify the different opinion, it is the slippery slope.

Cranston said Trump had the right to say what he wanted and it was his truth as he saw it….he said how Trump is treated was the exact example of the meaning of Trumbo….which probably wasn’t what Paterson was hoping for as the BBC has given over so much of its time and coverage to vilifying and insulting Trump rather than giving serious consideration to his politics.

The BBC acting like the Gestapo as it tries to smear and silence Trump as McCarthy tried to silence the Commies?  LOL.

Of course Farage knows all about that as even now he is treated with disdain and derision…when he comes up the BBC presenters all have a laugh together and don’t take his views seriously.

When he made a speech today about Cameron’s EU smoke and mirrors in which he went through the list of what is wrong with the proposed agreement all we got from Jon Pienaar was that Farage was ‘rubbishing’ it and that he was going to keep on rubbishing it….which is a completely dismissive take on Farage’s views and analysis…Pienaar is saying that Farage isn’t taking a reasoned and critical approach to Cameron’s trickery but is merely shouting it down regardless of what it says.

Pienaar told us that Farage only made one point…but he actually made many examining Cameron’s promises and claims one by one.

Pienaar’s own analsysis is as hopeless as always.

Laura Kuenssberg suggested that the Brexit campaigners were like ‘Rats in a sack’ this morning on the Today programme to hardly suppressed mirth from the other presenters in the background….there does seem to be an urge at the BBC to present the ‘out’ campaigners as disorganised and more set on infighting than anything else.

It is of course difficult to assess the BBC’s coverage of the EU at the moment because there is so much of it and they have a habit of splitting it up…In one news bulletin they will have only the pro-EU Chuka Umunna on to praise the EU with no opposing voice…later they may or may not have a Brexit supporter on as a critic of Cameron’s agreement…such a tactic makes it impossible to assess the BBC’s balance in reporting this subject as you can’t possibly see or hear all the voices the BBC brings on…perhaps that is by design….if you claim one interview is totally unbalanced they will counter with one in which there is only the opposite view put…but of course you have no way of knowing how many of the unbalanced interviews have been broadcast…is the ratio one to one or is there an imbalance in total?  Do we get 10 pro-EU interviews but only 5 pro-Brexit ones?  Hard to tell.

What you can see though is the tone of the reporting….such as how they talk about someone like Farage and his policies…Hush-puppied Ken Clarke comes on with his patronising, arrogant demeanour talking down to the little people who apparently just don’t understand about Europe….Farage and some Tory ministers, he tells us, ‘just don’t like foreigners’.

The BBC presenter said nothing….normally they will jump in when such comments are made but in this case not a word..quite happy to present Farage and ‘some Tories’as racist and Euro-sceptics as ignorant….never mind Farage is married to a German.

The BBC seems quite happy to let the pro side to be as abusive as they like and frequently joins in the game themselves.

There maybe a surface appearance of balance but there is also an undercurrent that subtly derides the Brexit campaigners and dismisses their views.

McCarthy lives on.





Prevent Prevent


‘Our grandfathers smashed fascism – outlawed it, executed its leaders, suppressed its ideas – because they knew how seductive that stiff-armed salute can be to idiots with a grievance, once all the illusions start to burn.’  Paul Mason



There is a war being fought and it’s not just with guns, bullets and bombs.  The Media, far from being prejudiced against Muslims, is the weapon of choice for those who seek to make Islam the dominant religion and political force in Britain, and the BBC is at the forefront of the charge.  And, this is the important thing to note, those who are ‘fighting’ this media war are not the obvious ‘radicals’ like Anjem Choudray, they come dressed in western suits and talk of reform and tolerance but always blame Muslim ‘anger’ on British society, on that phantom menace ‘Islamophobia’.  Of course what is even more frightening is that these men have not just managed to position themselves as authorities on questions of Islam, its place in Western Society and ‘radicalisation’, as Media spokesmen of choice but have also inveigled their way into the heart of Government advising it on matters of religion and radicalisation.  Biased BBC


For a long time this site has noted the BBC’s readiness to uncriticially give airtime to those who would like to neuter the anti-terrorist Prevent programme….’those’ being Islamists of many shades and their fellow travellers on the Left…. we illustrated a perfect example of the BBC’s pro-extremist stance just the other day.  But, unfortunately it’s a story that has been brewing for a long time…

Nearly a year ago we said that....

‘The BBC has leapt upon the words of ex-chief Superintendent Dal Babu as he tries to discredit the ‘Prevent’ programme….and there is remarkably little comment on the BBC from people who would say otherwise.  Discrediting the ‘Prevent’programme is the Holy Grail for Islamic extremists, amongst others, and Babu’s words align neatly with their own rhetoric about the programme and do great damage as they give authority and credibility to those extremists.’

Baroness Warsi, the woman who wanted to disarm Israel and arm Hamas, who constantly supports Islamist student societies, who spends so much of her time undermining Prevent, always gets a warm welcome at the BBC…

‘Here is a classic example of the BBC ‘looking the other way’ as it is fed a line by the Islamist Baroness Warsi on the Today programme yesterday(from 08:10) who declares that the solution to radicalisation is to let extremist groups, those defined by government as ‘beyond the pale’, put their agendas in place….by not talking to them the government is not talking to the Muslim community….the government has ‘disengaged’ with the Muslim community….The BBC completely ignored the implications of what she was saying….that the extremists and their views should become ‘acceptable’ and even more worrying that these organisations are in fact representative of the Muslim community as a whole….in other words they are not ‘extremists’ or people who pervert the religion, and far from being ‘outside’ the community they are the voice of it.’

The way to counter radicalism is to let the radicals have their way…yep…that’d work and Warsi always gets a free pass at the BBC, allowed to spread her toxic narrative without challenge.

The BBC continues to this day to work alongside the Islamists to attack the Prevent programme as it naively, or not so naively, reports stories fed to them by people who are well known Islamist activists..

Here’s something from a recent post we did…

Did the BBC get the story wrong because it had been fed to them by the extremist MCB which has, along with other extremist groups, worked insidiously to neutralise the Prevent programme?….what better way than to feed news organisations sensationalised stories of Muslims ‘under attack’.  They know full well the BBC will lap them up….and it worked.  Now why would a Muslim organisation want to nobble a programme designed to prevent Muslim terrorism?

The BBC used that story fed to them by the extremists to run another story attacking Prevent…a story they rapidly had to withdraw when the police complained it was based upon lies….

The BBC fell for this narrative by the MCB hook, line and sinker…here’s a report they hurried out in the wake of this story…

‘Terrorist house’ case raises doubts over Prevent strategy

Interesting….try the link to that story and you get this…

404 – Page not found

The BBC are backpeddling furiously on this…..they have been caught out by Muslim propagandists….the reason for that is because they are so willing for such stories to be true.  As I have said a few times here the BBC’s uncritical cheerleading of Muslim extremists, like Moazzam Begg, is a deadly game that almost certainly will have serious consequences.

Back in December we had the fake fury of the family denied entry to the US which the BBC reported endlessly as an example of anti-Muslim prejudice…we noted that…

Have to think this is an organised attempt to generate as much media and political pressure as possible to portray Muslims as victims of unwarranted discrimination with the intent that they are then given a special status as untouchables as we know the likes of the BBC and Guardian will happily fill the airwaves and pages of their websites with stories of ‘victimisation’ but offering no context or other side to the stories.

The BBC failed to report the real reason the family were prevented from flying to the US…..Islamic State of Mind

We have frequently noted Mehdi Hasan’s attempts to present himself as a suit wearing, secular democrat with progressive, liberal views when he is performing in public, such as on the BBC, when we know that in private he is a hard core Muslim believer with a great deal of contempt for the unbeliever.  It is Hasan who urged Muslims to become journalists in order to push the Islamist line….indeed the BBC’s own Mishal Husain said she was glad to have the job on Today because it allowed her to increase our ‘understanding’ of Islam and what a wonderful religion it is.


This Sunday we had the ‘Big Question’ asking if we should have a ‘British Islam’.  This shows a clear failure to understand Islam…there is only one Islam…Islam was ‘revealed’ precisely because Christians and Jews, we are told, didn’t follow their scriptures word for word and then split their religion into many sects….Islam was the cure for that…one religion, one faith, one God.  Not to undertsand that basic principle shows either a massive lack of knowledge about Islam or a deliberate attempt to mislead those watching the BBC’s programmes.

What should also raise questions and concerns is why the BBC continues to have MPACUK on as a spokesman for Muslims when it is a well known hardline Islamist group that advocated Jihad…

The Obligation of Jihad

“Allah hath granted a grade higher to those who strive and fight with their goods and persons than to those who sit (at home). Unto all (in Faith) hath Allah promised good. But those who strive and fight hath He distinguished above those who sit (at home) by a special reward,” Quran Chapter 4: The Women, verse 95

A high rank, forgiveness and mercy are gifted from our beloved for those who are the Mujahideen. Those that struggle and strive to protect the religion, that protect the honour of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), that protect our brothers and sisters in Islam and humanity are gifted with these amazing favours!

….for the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “He who dies without having fought in the way of Allah or without having felt it to be his duty, will die having a trait of hypocrisy”


The page has vanished from their site since we started highlighting it…but who can doubt the sentiments are still there and being disseminated by other means?  Why does the BBC knowingly give airtime to such people?

Last week Nicky Campbell was proselytising for the veil to be worn in schools and other places and brought in someone from the NUT to talk about this…..he did not ask the NUT about this from Andrew Gilligan published just days earlier…

NUT leaders ‘colluding to undermine anti-terror policies’

Leaders and activists of Britain’s biggest teachers’ union are colluding with Islamic extremists to undermine policies aimed at preventing terror attacks.

Quite extraordinary that a ‘journalist’ like Campbell should not jump at the chance of tackling that issue when he had the chance, especially when the subject they were talking about directly connected with what Gilligan revealed and as……

“They [Islamist groups] are winding up vulnerable young people with lies in an extremely dangerous way,”

Might have thought the NUT would have their own concerns about that…but no, instead they side with the extremists and the BBC looks away.

Gilligan has now directly noted the BBC’s own predilection for itself siding with the Islamist narrative…

Muslim extremists’ ‘campaign of lies’ to undermine the government’s fight against terror

An organised campaign to undermine Britain’s fight against terrorism can be revealed today.

Islamist activists linked to Cage, a group known to sympathise with terrorists, are using coordinated leaks to mainstream news organisations, including the BBC, to spread fear and confusion in Muslim communities about the Government’s anti-terror policy, Prevent.

The BBC has long been tied to the Islamist cause…Moazzam Begg being their poster child…as they ‘Dance with the Devil’

The BBC has a long history of pandering to Islamist extremists and presenting them to an unsuspecting audience as credible, authoritative and moderate Muslims whose words and beliefs are given all the more weight by the unquestioning platform afforded them by the BBC to push their ideology.

Recently we had Nicky Campbell allowing someone from CageUK to promote his Islamist cause which we looked at here…Jihadi Jock.

It’s not as if CageUK, or Cageprisoners as it used to be, is not unknown for its views….Statement by Gita Sahgal on Amnesty International and Cageprisoners

‘The tragedy here is that the necessary defence of the torture standard has been inexcusably allied to the political legitimization of individuals and organisations belonging to the Islamic Right.’

Note that line ‘the political legitimization of individuals and organisations belonging to the Islamic Right. ‘

That is what the BBC does, deliberately and knowingly…it is impossible for the BBC, a news organisation with huge resources, to claim it does not know the nature of the organisations and individuals it engages with in debate on its programmes.


Indeed…impossible for a news organisation with the BBC’s resources to not know who and what they are promoting.  Therefore the conclusion is that the BBC are wilfully giving support to known Islamists and their cause.

The BBC peddling such myths merely adds to the credibility of the Jihadi narrative and gives more ammunition to the Muslim grievance industry.

The BBC has a long history of serving that Islamist narrative and looking away from inconvenient and difficult facts about such groups….

BBC Plugs Jihadi Charities

The BBC is providing the perfect background noise for the Islamists to keep the evergrowing stream of new recruits flowing.

Time for the security services to have a little chat with Lord Hall Hall.




Why did the BBC think it was a good idea to devote an entire episode of The Big Questions to the question “Do we need a British Islam”? The location was Bradford and the audience was overwhelmingly Muslim. Did you see it? How about we have an entire programme devoted to the question “Do we need Islam in Britain” and have an overwhelmingly non-muslim audience debate it? Here were just a few screenshots of the multiculti delights on offer yesterday…


Muslim Terrorists…..’Kind, clever, angry and idealistic… victims of the British State’




Jihadi John was a ‘beautiful person’…so said the extremists of Cage.

Apparently they were right.  Muslim extremists (when not being Churchill, Ghandi or Mandela) are, according to the BBC….kind, clever, angry and idealistic….and of course victims themselves of a tyrannical British state.

Kind of think the BBC has totally lost the plot….more so than ever I should add.

How would you persuade a young Muslim from becoming more devout and turning to fundamentalist Islam before heading off to Syria to fight the good fight?

Would you try to counter the narrative that he has been fed in the mosques, on-line and in the left-wing media?

Or…would you praise him and tell him he is right but just shouldn’t use violence, tell him he is kind, clever, angry, idealistic and that going to Syria would be dangerous so he’d had better stay ‘here’ where it’s safe and where you can fight the injustices, inequalities and persecution that drives you into the hands of the Extremists?

The BBC, via Shami Chakrabarti, has decided that the second option is the one that works….tell the potential terrorist that he is right to be angry about the grievances that he raises but the way is not to go to Syria but to fight them here in the UK.

In other words, the BBC and Shami, are telling us that it is an oppressive British society, the police state, the huge discrimination that Muslims suffer, the lack of jobs for a Muslim with two degrees, that turns a ‘young British Muslim’ into a terrorist murderer.

Not then a religion that tells Muslims they are superior to everyone else, that all who do not submit should be killed, that Allah’s religion must rule supreme over all?  Not the intolerant, anti-Western preaching in the mosques and madrassas?  Not the continuous narrative that the West is at war with Islam that is fed to Muslims via its ‘community leaders’ and the BBC?  Not the relentless claims that Muslims are discriminated against and are kept on the fringes of society, marginalised and disenfranchised by Islamophobia and racism?  Again a discourse spoonfed to Muslims by the BBC.


Shami has two targets in her short little playlet (so now we know what she intends to do now she has retired from Liberty….I would advise her to get the day job back).  The first target is those who want to control immigration, the second, as indicated above, is to turn Muslim terrorists into victims…victims of British society.

This is how those ‘kind, clever, angry, idealistic’ ISIS Muslim victims treat Christians…even the kids…

A child is photographed, waiting to be killed by militants. ISIS uses these images to terrorize others and to glorify their spree of terror.

…and if you really want to see the truth visit this site...warning very graphic photographs of the victims of those kind young men.

Shami’s little play brings us a mother talking to her son who wishes to leave to join an extremist group abroad. This is in the future, 2041.  The mother, naturally, is a single mother, an immigrant who came to where she now lives via ‘The Swamp’ in Calais…of course she has done very well for herself and is now a lovely, successful person who adores her new country.  Get it?  Let in migrants…they only want to be British citizens who live the place and will bring joy and prosperity to it.

We aren’t told that they are Muslim, we aren’t told which country they are in or where the son intends to go to but as we listen we can draw conclusions that there is going to be a ‘twist’ at the end…and Shami doesn’t disappoint…revealing that she fled a terrible war in Britain…a war that was a result of ‘greed, division, fear and hate as people turned in on themselves and on each other’….you are supposed of course to imagine you are a refugee fleeing war….empathise darlings, empathise and realise just how mean you’re being.

Ah yes…I am suitably chastised….wanting to limit mass migration is ‘greedy’, making a reasoned and evidence based analysis as to what such mass migration might bring to the country is spreading ‘fear’ based, not upon that reason, but upon the hate and racism of those insular beings who turned in on themselves…you know…the ‘Little Englanders’ of left-wing legend….and hence started a civil war.

Hmmm….the war might actually not be ‘civil’ but between the immigrants who try to impose their ideology upon Britain and the Brits who refuse to submit.  A completely different and far more honest assessment of the situation than the one Shami proposes.

Shami ticks every box in the race-baiter’s list of pet grievances that they know the BBC et al will lap up and put on the Frontpage.  Every complaint that Muslim agitators give voice to Shami puts into this piece…and doesn’t dispute or counter them at all….in fact she claims they are all credible basis for complaint.

She starts the piece with a beached whale (Just when did she write this?  Has she churned it out at lightning speed in the past few days and got it on the BBC?  It would seem so) We are supposed to equate the whale with immigrants dying on the beaches of Europe….‘They’re coming to clear you away before you offend…no one cares…only that you’re here now and what they’re going to do with you’.

Hmm…OK…how about this beach then?


No clever comment Shami?

Then we get the son who says ‘Everyday I get scanned for who I am, who we are…etc…I’ll never fit in…you don’t see what this country has become….penthouses next to prisons, investment banks and food banks, people who do nothing and people who have nothing….I want to live another way….I’ve no prospects, no privacy, no pride.’

Ah…so extremism is all about economics is it?  Jihadi John chopped off heads because he saw the inequality in life and knew he had to do something to change all that?

Curiously this ‘persecuted’ lad has to get a new identity because he is being watched by the security services….but Shami doesn’t bother to enlighten us as to the cause of that surveillance, she prefers instead to suggest the surveillance is just unfair persecution by the police in order to justify his extremism….so he’s not a budding terrorist to start with then?

Shami then goes on to attack Cameron and those who criticise mass, uncontrolled immigration…..apparently people were ‘treated like parasites, insects swarming the country leeching off ordinary, decent folk…scroungers’.

Ah yes the usual lefty diversionary tactic to avoid talking about the real issues…let’s talk about grammar and vocabulary….let’s not call migrants a ‘bunch‘…that’s ‘Quite horrible’.

Oh yes…‘This country is a prison…rife with injustice and discrimination.’...and let’s not mention those painted doors and coloured wristbands so reminiscent of Nazi Germany.


Shami hasn’t really put in much effort here, churning out something that any 14 year old could do in their sleep.  It is childish, ill-informed, wrong-headed and dangerous rubbish.  She has crammed in every left-wing cliched dogma and Muslim dog-whistle she could manage in 14 minutes.  However it is the same old stuff that the BBC has been churning out as news and current affairs analysis for years, so no surprise there.

As said many times before it is about time politicians and the security services started to take a closer look at what the BBC is feeding the Muslim community…..praising and hero worshipping those who entertain ideas of becoming Jihadi warriors setting out to create a Cliphate and a new world under Islamic rule in order to fight Western oppression must surely not be what was intended when the BBC was asked to maintain civil society and cohesion.

Lord Hall Hall should be dragged into court as his organisation glorifies terrorism, not just recklessly but with intent,  as this little play seems to demonstrate.

Lest we forget what it is that the BBC ‘understands’, praises and glorifies:










Islam’s ‘Dirty little secret’?



Remember when Islamist Mehdi Hasan tried to curry favour and win credibility with those who could further his inflitration of the media and grow his influence by admitting in a series of articles that Islam wasn’t perfect?  One such article delcared that ‘It pains me to have to admit this but anti-Semitism isn’t just tolerated in some sections of the British Muslim community; it’s routine and commonplace. Any Muslims reading this article – if they are honest with themselves – will know instantly what I am referring to. It’s our dirty little secret. You could call it the banality of Muslim anti-Semitism.’

Of course he was telling a truth but his motivation was to gain tactical advantage in order to infiltrate into the media and the Public’s consciousness as ‘someone they could trust’, a Muslim yes, but one ‘honestly’ critical of Islam….anything he said then about Islam would be listened to with favour.

Such an admission was though the truth and is relevant to what we see happening in Europe now as Jews are forced to flee once again due to growing anti-Semitism, much linked to the growth of Muslim immigration.  All of which makes the BBC’s approach somewhat  ironic, if that is the right word, a word not really conveying the powerful stupidity if not dishonesty and wilful cupidity that is involved in the BBC’s reporting.

The BBC, as we know, is desperately papering over the cracks in the unfolding disaster for Europe that is the mass influx of migrants from the Muslim world.  We are supposed to believe that the majority are from Syria, when that is far from the truth, we are supposed to believe that the majority are women and children when we know they are mostly young men, we are supposed to believe they are all despearte refugees from terrible wars and yet that again is untrue.

But that is not the worst of the BBC’s reporting.  The worst is their use of the Holocaust and the Kindertransport of Jewish children out of Nazi Germany to support the unlimited, mass shipment of migrant children (and there are apparently 14 million in the world) to the UK.

Most of these ‘children’, and they can range from any age, even up to 28, as the wool is pulled over uncritical eyes, are Muslim….the same community from whose ranks come those who are driving Jews out of Europe once again.

Some might call it a sick joke that the BBC is using the Holocaust to encourage the bringing to Europe of a huge number of people who espouse an ideology that is so inimicably opposed to other religions and non-believers and of which many of its members actively attack Jews.

Naturally for the BBC Muslims are the real victims of just about everything…

Remember Tim Wilcox suggesting Jews in Europe were a legitimate target for terrorism because of what Israel does?  (He naturally presumes that what Israel does is bad…just the usual BBC bias ala Israel)

Remember Mark Mardell explaining away Muslim terrorist murder of 13 American soldiers….Mark Mardell famously denied that Major Nidal Hassan murdered 13 fellow soldiers in the name of Islam,  that the murders were rather a  ‘senseless tragedy’…

Remember Evan Davis claiming that all the evidence pointed towards the Boston bombs being ‘domestic’, ie white, far right, anti-government, terrorism?  And of course when a fire started at a mosque in was the Far Right, wasn’t it?

Remember Jeremy Bowen claiming that the Muslim Brotherhood were moderates?.’The country’s only properly organised mass political movement outside the ruling party is the Muslim Brotherhood, and it would do very well in any free election.  Unlike the jihadis, it does not believe it is at war with the West. It is conservative, moderate and non-violent. But it is highly critical of Western policy in the Middle East. ’

Remember Mark Easton favourably comparing Muslim extremists with Churchill, Mandela and Ghandi?….’There is, it seems to me, an inherent contradiction between banning orders and the core British value that one should be tolerant of different viewpoints.  History tells us that the development of new ideas of governance and government require people to think radically. Extreme views are necessary to test the wisdom of the mainstream.

Remember Hugh Sykes telling us that Cologne was a Far Right conspiracy?….‘There are conspiracy theories in the air that the New Year’s Eve attackers were encouraged to make sexual approaches to German women, told that it was the normal thing to do on New Year’s Eve. If true, they may have fallen into a well-laid trap.’

Remember the BBC report that said Cologne was an IS conspiracy? …’Some analysts have suggested that IS has encouraged a link between refugees and terrorism in order to foster hostility to refugees in Europe, although it is not known if the latest attack was carried out in co-ordination with the IS leadership in Iraq and Syria.’

Anything but blame the attackers themselves and the conclusion that the immigration policies that brought them here were having a terrible fallout.

It does seem that the BBC has an agenda to misguide the audience as to the truth about Islam and many of its devoted followers.  This I might suggest is rather dangerous especially at a time when there is a clear conflict around the world between those who would like to impose Islam and the rest of the world.   Trump had his own solution…we should put a hold on Muslim immigration until we know what’s going on…or rather, as we know what is going on despite the BBC’s best efforts to fool us, until we get a grip on things, especially the narrative that is the foundation of the Muslim ‘radicalisation’….a narrative so often spouted by the BBC itself.  Until you reduce the attractiveness of that narrative Muslim communities already settled in Europe will still produce endless numbers of violent extremists…and so why import more who may potentially take up the same cause?

Not as if it isn’t happening already as ‘refugees’ are targeted for recruitment to Jihadi ranks….

“German Officials Warn of New Security Risk: Local Extremists Recruiting Refugees.” by Anton Troianovski and Ruth Bender, Wall Street Journal, November 29, 2015 (thanks to all who sent this in):

BERLIN—The Paris attacks have raised fears of terrorists slipping into Europe by posing as refugees. But in Germany, the top migrant destination, security officials have another worry: Local extremists will recruit the newcomers to join the Islamist cause once they arrive.

German authorities warn that migrants seeking out Arabic-language mosques in search of the familiar are increasingly ending up at those attended by Islamist radicals….


Islamic extremists ‘trying to recruit Syrian refugees in Germany’

Islamic extremists in Germany are trying to recruit Syrian refugees to their cause, the country’s domestic security service has said.

The warning came as one of Germany’s best known Islamist preachers published a list of suggestions for his followers on how best to approach refugees.


That’s of course those ‘refugees’ who aren’t already signed up to the cause…

Isil exploiting migrant routes to smuggle jihadists back to Britain using fake documents

Isil jihadists are exploiting the migrant crisis to smuggle terrorists into Europe with fake passports they can then use to travel to the UK, British intelligence officials fear.



Google Is Magic



Rich Hall appeared on the News Quiz on Saturday.  It’s probably the last time he will ever be invited on.

For some reason this troop of comedy greats were described as the ‘piranhas of satire’….more like goldfish….at least the lefties were…round and round they go, the same old stuff being trotted out time after time with no recall that they’d played that tune a thousand times…with one exception…Rich Hall.

The same old targets and the same old lazy anti-capitalism, anti-Tory, anti-anything right-wing faux morallistic bombast that we always get…and no surprise here, the first target was Google with Cameron’s ‘Bunch of migrants’ comment (A ‘Quite horrible’ comment according to the granddame of comedy Jeremy Hardy who thought any BNP voter should be shot) thrown into the mix along with the bedroom tax.  Of course no mention of Labour MP Jess Phillips’ labelling of Birmingham men as brutal sex attackers…odd that the first town that didn’t come to mind was Rochdale.

No mention of the reason for Cameron’s comment…that Corbyn wants to fling open the borders and let in all migrants who want to come here….no wonder the Left are staging a massive distraction away from that one…never mind the Unite union, which backs Corbyn and Labour, were involved in the migrant storming of Calais port and probably, through their proxy ‘blackshirt’ street thugs in the UAF, involved in attacking the anti-immigration protest in Dover.

Rich Hall threw a spanner in the works (5 mins in ) when he declared that Google shouldn’t pay any taxes…why?  Google is magic.   Because look at what they actually provide…apart from jobs, paying large amounts of business rates in London and sucking in investment.  Google provides us free at the point of use….Google Search, Maps and Earth, Google Translation, Google Books, Google image search and Android software that probably powers your phone and tablet….amongst many, many other products…not all free of course….but have you ever had a bill from Google?

Google is not avoiding tax or evading tax, it is just not paying the tax it is not required to pay.  If the politicans want more tax then produce a tax system that doesn’t allow for reliefs and allowances and practises that allow companies to be based in other countries for tax purposes….and don’t create ‘enterprise zones’ and tax reductions designed to attract in businesses to the UK…and then moan about it.

The UK can’t complain, it sets one of the lowest tax rates in the world precisely in order to attract companies and their investment to the UK….as the Guardian admits. 

A survey by PwC earlier this year revealed that 63% of the 1,344 chief executives surveyed worldwide put government tax policy high on the agenda when choosing where to operate their business.

Chris Morgan, head of tax policy at KPMG, said this move, along with a raft of other measures designed to attract the bigger international players has spurred investment and protected jobs.

So the government taxes a company ’til the pips squeak…then what?  The company upsticks and heads to a country where the tax rate is lower…taking jobs, investment and all the other taxes they do pay along with them….and when a big company comes in it drags in with it a lot of small ones who ride on their shirt tails….they go down when the likes of Google go down.  The government then loses that income and on top of that has to pay for unemployment and all that involves.

Funny thing is, when Hall first said Google should pay no tax there was a deep indrawing of breath and a stunned silence from the audience….but when he’d finished his piece he got what was probably the biggest cheer and loudest applause of the day.

Funny that.