IT trouble

Seems like IT trickery people – apologies … i will seek higher authority …. maybe this one will work …

13 Aug 2020 09:45 : Update:  I think I’ve got a workaround. Comments should now all be displaying, old and new.

12 Aug 2020 12:00 : Update:  A ticket has been logged with the maintainer of this site’s WordPress Theme. It looks like an incompatibility with the Theme and the latest version of WordPress.  All comments are still in the system, but only new comments are showing. I’ll have to wait for a response.  Hopefully normal service will be resumed as soon as possible!

Weekend Thread 8 August 2020

More nasty news from the Marxist BBC – it is spending £38 million – the equivalent of 241, 269 licence fees setting up a call centre and employing 800 people to chase the over 75s to get the licence tax from them . If anyone sees one of the 10 page letters being sent to over 75s please let this site know .

Midweek Thread 5 August 2020

The 6th is another anniversary – this time its the dropping Of The Bomb on Japan . So let’s be ready for the annual rollout of The BBC reciting CND propaganda , another free run for the SNP to remove bases from Scotland – with a dusting of braveheart independence again – on top of its’ enthusiastic support for the latest iteration of Marxism .

Start the Week Thread 3 August 2020

This is an extract from the BBC website – you decide fantasy from reality . …..

The Royal Charter sets out the BBC’s Public Purposes:

1 To provide impartial news and information to help people understand and engage with the world around them.
2 To support learning for people of all ages.
3 To show the most creative, highest quality and distinctive output and services.
4To reflect, represent and serve the diverse communities of all of the United Kingdom’s nations and regions and, in doing so, support the creative economy across the United Kingdom.
5 To reflect the United Kingdom, its culture and values to the world.

Weekend Thread 1 August 2020

If you are over 75 and not receiving pensioner credit you now need to buy a TV licence to obey the law – if you still watch ‘live TV’ of course . But capita – which runs TV licencing for the Far Left Biased BBC – has issued policy saying that to comply with the need to avoid catching the Chinese Virus – it will write directly to the over 75s about buying a licence. There is no need to run off to the post office and risk your life to buy a TV licence . Now isn’t that nice ? And watch out for the scammers ….

Midweek Thread 29 July 2020

This coming Saturday – 1st August 2020 – marks the end of ‘free ‘ TV licences for those aged over 75 years . All were born since 1945 .The company the BBC uses to catch ‘licence evaders ‘- Capita -has a bad track record when pursuing the elderly over TV Licences . In fact it got so bad that even the BBC – yes – the BBC carried out an inquiry into how the employees of Capita were conducting themselves And their ‘incentives ‘.

Perhaps Friday would be an ideal day for the government to publish the results of its consultation on decriminalising the offence of not having a TV licence and start the process of controlling the BBC and if possible – ending it .

Weekend Thread 25 July 2020

The BBC loves a statistic . On Twitter a bbc employee crowed that on average 438 million non UK people visit BBC News each week . And the instant response ? But they don’t have to pay for the monster ….if they want it – let them pay for it – don’t make the british taxpayer fund it through threats and prosecution .

And – of the 1495 people employed by The Guardian – the BBC in print 180 are to be fired .