Start the Week Thread 11 May 2020

Let’s play an online biased Far Left BBC game .

I’ll start . If a lefty is on the BBC they won’t be introduced . They are ‘ accepted ‘ . If some one of the Right is ( rarely ) put on the airwaves they are introduced as being ‘ from a right wing think tank ‘ or similar .
There should be a prize for spotting this if you still take the BBC – but this is a non profit site – so it’s just for fun …

Midweek Thread 22 April 2020

It’s a month to the day that Boris Johnson made his TV appearance announcing the ‘ lockdown ‘ and that ‘ people will die ‘ . Seems a long time ago . Since then the Biased BBC has been unrelenting in broadcasting bad news and criticism of the Government . We can but dread what effect this has had on the mental health of the UK .

Today is a big day for the Far Left BBC . It is Lenin’s birthday . Taxpayer funded Champagne For the comrades in Broadcasting House .