Back then, in 2007, under the wonderful nuLab , local councils switching off street lights in Devon and elsewhere was hailed by the BBC as a social experiment to be lauded, an essential part of the green crusade. It saved tons of that vile substance called carbon, don’t you know? Now, according to Newsnight, tonight, it’s part of the nasty cuts agenda. Snuffing those carbon-intensive sources of illumination was transformed into an issue of “fear” sometime after the general election. Funny, that. Not sure yet how Matt Prodger is going to handle the subject on Newsnight, but I can guess.


I have concluded that the BBC is frantically busy compiling the equivalent of the Malleus Maleficarum, the documentation of “proof” by the medieval Church that witches existed. Here, we have alien species – in this case, floating pennywort, a nasty invader from the nasty US – callously and viciously invading the pristine waterways of Northern Ireland. Here, strange men called Megonigels are devising new and ever more cunning ways of detecting the noxious and treacherous substance called carbon (even though it makes plants grow faster), and building fantastical new contraptions in pursuit of their prey. Here, the Black priest of the new religion is intoning the need for us to part with our cash to go on a new crusade in order to slay the dragons that are causing grievous loss of species. And here, nasty products that come from our sinful, dirty way of life are polluting and defiling the innocent creatures that should be protected at all cost.

Once upon a time, these non events would never have made the BBC, or any other, news. But because the BBC is engaged in a religious crusade based on cod science, anything goes. Strange signs and strange portents, indeed.


As dodgy Dave sells out more of our sovereignty to the French, Indian scientists are off on a jolly jaunt to the south pole, no doubt with their expenses paid by our uncut international aid budget. To the BBC, there is only one purpose; to measure the unavoidable impact of climate change. Actually, the exact purpose of the mission is not clear, other than to establish an Indian research station in Antarctica. But the BBC signpost to the story says this:

India is to make its first expedition to the South Pole, in a mission focusing on the impact of climate change.

If that does not make it clear that ice is melting faster than a lollypop in a heatwave, when you arrive on the story page, right at the top is a picture of a fast-melting chunk of ice. To ram the message home further, there is then a quote from an expedition member that “everything is now linked to global warming”, a statement that sums up precisely the BBC religion. And if that does not get you to the correct propaganda point, there’s another subtle hint: it’s all about changes in the last 1,000 years, ie, when men began their evil industrial activities that are leading irreversibly towards destruction. Exactly in tune with this chilling kill-us-all-final-solution board game, which could have been devised by the BBC writer.

To round off this exercise in unbiased, fair, and factual reporting, the writer provides helpful links to five more Antarctic end-of-the-world fairytales, including that ice is breaking off from west Antarctica, and, from Richard Black, of course, when all the ice there does melt, we will all drown anyway.

There’s just one inconvenient truth that this alarmist claptrap does not take into account. Warmists have been trying to prove for 20 years that Antarctica is melting. But it isn’t – it’s stubbornly, unremittingly, colder than ever. Even when warmists go looking for confirmation of their bias.

Voter Fraud in 2010: Where are the BBC reports this time?

Three weeks before the presidential election of 2008, Newsnight hired far-Left political activist Greg Palast to do a couple of video reports (which can be viewed here and here) about voter fraud in the US. This was a strategically-timed effort to create suspicions in the minds of the public in case Sen. McCain won the election. The BBC could raise the specter of 2004, and point to Palast’s “investigations” as evidence that this election was stolen by racist Republicans who didn’t want a black man as President. This time around, the margin of fraud in individual election races is going to have to be much larger than usual in order for people to trust the outcome. But this time around, the BBC has been utterly silent.

UPDATE 5 Nov.: Meirion Jones has kindly responded in the comment thread and pointed out a serious error I’ve made. I was wrong about him thinking that the Republicans stole the election in 2004. He thought it was stolen from Al Gore in 2000. That’s my sloppiness, for which I apologize.

But seriously, I do want to thank him for taking the time to address this, even though he denies being a co-conspirator of Greg Palast. I define that as someone who works together with another person on projects for a specific cause. Mr. Jones has worked with Palast in the past, and it’s that relationship which leads to Palast being featured on Newsnight.

As for ACORN’s voter fraud, my point that both Jones and Palast deny that their activities are intended to or have had any effect on election outcomes still stands. Would whichever defender of the indefensible who alerted Jones to my post please pass this along to him. Thank you.
Newsnight producer Meirion Jones is a co-conspiritor of Palast’s, having worked with him previously on an investigation of voter fraud in Florida in the 2004 elections (this wasn’t mentioned in the report, nor did the BBC admit on air to Palast’s activist assocation with Robert Kennedy, whom they show as an independent voice – so the BBC’s dishonesty is there for all to see). Jones and Palast are convinced that Bush stole that election, so Newsnight hired Palast to do these reports, produced by Jones.

Needless to say, both reports were made with the intent to convince you that only Republicans engaged in voter fraud, usually with the goal of preventing poor black people from voting. In the second report, Palast actually whitewashes the now defunct ACORN, even going so far as to say that, while ACORN had been indicted for and a couple people convicted of voter fraud, there was no evidence that they actually influenced an election. Palast’s report also took the standard far-Left activist/denier’s line that all registered voters that were purged from the rolls for breaking various rules were in fact innocent. He provided no evidence for this.

I commented on it here at the time, and sent a complaint in to the BBC. Meirion Jones actually responded, and after exchanging a couple of emails it was clear that he believed that Bush stole the election, and that ACORN engaged in voter fraud for kicks, with no intent to affect the outcome of an election. He couldn’t offer any valid reason why they would do such a thing if it wasn’t to effect election outcomes. I knew at the time that if there was ever any evidence of voter fraud from the Democrats in future elections, the BBC would keep shtum, because of their political bias.

Now that we’re having the second-most important election in human history (to judge from the hysteria at the BBC), I’m still waiting for the BBC to make a single report about the increasingly widespread Democrat voter fraud going on now.

Below the fold are several stories the BBC doesn’t want you to know about.

Poll Watcher Witnesses Misconduct in Houston

This is eyewitness testimony to voter fraud in the form of a poll worker casting votes on behalf of voters, captured by True the Vote and aired exclusively at PJM/PJTV.

The above link also includes evidence that some faculty at the University of Texas in Brownsville is going to take students directly to the polls for early voting. The leader of this illegal act is Selma d. Ysanga, Associate Professor of Educational Psychology and Leadership, and founder of Texas Counselors for Social Justice. Anyone care to guess which way they are directing their students to vote? Ysanga’s email to her colleagues includes this little fascist gem:

Starting tomorrow, tallies will be taken by college for student, faculty, and staff voter turnout. Let the College of Education lead the way!

Bucks election board to hear GOP allegations of absentee-voter fraud by Democrats

A petition seeking the hearing asserts that a Democratic program intimidated some voters into needlessly, and sometimes fraudulently, applying for absentee ballots. The Democrats then flooded the county elections office with the applications, hoping that many fraudulent forms would go undetected, the petition says.

Democrats have accused Republicans of demonizing a legal get-out-the-vote campaign in an effort to disenfranchise voters. They say that of more than 600 absentee-ballot applications rejected as defective by the Republican-controlled elections board, more than 80 percent bear the names of Democrats.

Notice that these are the same kind of fraudulent voter registrations that Palast claims were purged from the rolls for purely racist and political reasons. Where’s the BBC now? Looking under Christine O’Donnell’s bed for a Harry Potter costume, probably.

Did Harry Reid Commit Voter Fraud?

Leader of the Senate and co-architect of ObamaCare and the Democrat agenda against which the Tea Party movement is motivated, Democrat Harry Reid is facing a serious challenge from Sharon Angle (barely mentioned by the BBC in between full-length features about Christine O’Donnell, who is challenging nobody even remotely important). Apparently Reid is offering free food and Starbucks gift certificates in exchange for votes. Where’s Greg Palast now?

Significant Election Complaint Filed in Nevada

The complaint alleges scores of union tactics designed to undermine the integrity of the voting process and intimidate voters.

Specifically, the complaint notes that union officials are busing in union workers, leading them to the polls, deterring or preventing the union member from going to unobserved polling locations set up in Las Vegas, etc.

Raul Grijalva ally committing voter fraud in Yuma County

The group responsible for this is the racially-oriented Mia Familia Vota. Of course, we recently learned from Beeboid Andy Gallacher that it’s a perfectly natural instinct to vote with one’s own kind – when they’re not white – so it’s cool. However, this particular racially-oriented group has it’s Arizona headquarters at the same address as the SEIU. This is the same White House-connected union trying to influence the election in Nevada.

Grijalva’s opponent, Ruth McClung, is supported by the Tea Party. And she’s a rocket scientist. Put that in your biased pipe and smoke it, BBC.

Where is Newsnight now? Where is any mention of this voter fraud by Democrats – including the top dog in the Senate? Instead, the BBC is continuing with the White House propaganda about the Tea Party movement. Tomorrow will be interesting.

UPDATE: Voter Fraud in Minnesota

Crow Wing County Voter Fraud

On Friday, October 29th, 2010, a member of the Minnesota Freedom Council witnessed apparent voter fraud occurring at the Crow Wing County Courthouse in Brainerd, Minnesota. Upwards of 100 residents from a local group home for mentally disadvantaged individuals were brought into the County Courthouse to cast absentee ballots. The witness reported that supervisors were telling voters to cast a straight Democrat ticket. There was even a report of a voter prematurely leaving the voting both and a supervisor casting the ballot for the voter.

CBS Affiliate TV Station In Alaska Behaves In A Very UnBBC-like Way Over Republican Candidate…

US TV network CBS has an affiliate in Anchorage, Alaska – KTVA. Naturally KTVA is reporting the forthcoming election for one of Alaska’s two Senate seats. The Republican candidate is Joe Miller who is backed by the Tea Party movement.

It appears that the following conversation between two KTVA reporters was inadvertently left on the phone of a member of Joe Miller’s staff after a reporter from the station had been speaking to him. The reporter obviously forgot to disconnect from the Miller operative’s phone.

FEMALE REPORTER: That’s up to you because you’re the expert, but that’s what I would do…I’d wait until you see who showed up because that indicates we already know something…
FEMALE REPORTER: Child molesters…
MALE REPORTER: Oh yeah… can you repeat Joe Miller’s…uh… list of people, campaign workers, which one’s the molester?
FEMALE VOICE: We know that out of all the people that will show up tonight, at least one of them will be a registered sex offender.
MALE REPORTER: You have to find that one person…
FEMALE REPORTER: And the one thing we can do is ….we won’t know….we won’t know but if there is any sort of chaos whatsoever we can put out a twitter/facebook alert: saying what the… ‘Hey Joe Miller punched at rally.’
FEMALE REPORTER: Kinda like Rand Paul…I like that.
FEMALE REPORTER: That’s a good one.

KTVA have not denied that this conversation was between two of their reporters but claim that it has been taken out of context and that they were merely discussing possible scenarios of what might happen at the Joe Miller rally.

Established US media hacks appear to have taken the KTVA statement at face value but the perception that this is yet another example of left wing media bias is beginning to gain traction particularly as Drudge has picked it up.

Have yet to find anything about this at the BBC…but then I expect there would never ever be a conversation like this at the Beeb which is always an exemplar of even handed political and cultural neutrality……

cross posted at The Aged P


[Apologies for a second blogpost on this subject but I was working on it when David Vance posted his one. Hope he and others don’t mind if I put it up anyway.]

[UPDATE. I mistakenly thought Finlo Rohrer was a female journalist (I used to know a girl called Finlo) but apparently that’s not the case. Have updated the blog accordingly.]

When BBC correspondent Finlo Rohrer reported on the Glenn Beck rally he made a point of mentioning the racial make-up of the crowd:

The audience at the rally was predominantly white, but there was the occasional African-American in the crowd, some Tea Party-aligned, others without symbols of affiliation.

Yesterday’s Rally To Restore Sanity was at least as white (if not more so) but Rohrer’s account of that event fails to say so. Here are some images of the crowd from the Stewart/Colbert smugfest. If you look carefully you can just about make out a couple of non-white faces in the centre of the top-right image: [Read More…]

(Click to enlarge. Pics from American Elephants and Small Dead Animals)

It serves no purpose for the BBC to highlight the overwhelmingly white nature of yesterday’s rally so the fact is simply ignored, airbrushed from the bigger picture. The only white narrative the BBC is interested in is the angry white conservative one. A rally of young white hipster liberals is just a rally. Agenda-driven bias from the BBC, pure and simple.

Rohrer’s account of the Glenn Beck event included this:

Activist Jeremy Batterson, manning a stall festooned with posters of President Obama sporting a Hitler-style toothbrush moustache, explained why he was so steadfastly against the nation’s leader.

His report on yesterday’s event mentions only funny slogans and placards. Here’s another side to the rally – isn’t it amazing that BBC journalists never see stuff like this at leftie events?

(Click to enlarge. Pics from Falling Panda and Don Surber)

One of those Hitler moustaches is on a Jewish congressman, btw. Once again it doesn’t fit the BBC narrative, therefore it is ignored.

From Rohrer’s account of the Stewart/Colbert rally:

What was going on was effectively a mixture of a stand-up comedy gig and a one-day rock festival featuring Ozzy Osbourne, Tony Bennett, Sheryl Crow and others.

Ah yes – “and others”. Rohrer sidesteps the controversy over the appearance at the event of Yusuf Islam, a man who wants Salman Rushdie dead just because he wrote a book. Quite an odd choice of guest when one claims to be “promoting sanity” as Jon Stewart is, but once again it’s not deemed worthy of mention by the BBC. Airbrushed and ignored.

Rohrer’s Glenn Beck article includes the following sidebar column:

Readers of Biased BBC won’t be surprised to learn that there is no equivalent criticism accompanying yesterday’s article (there is a link to a Mardell blogpost about an “all-white” Tea Party gathering, but no same-page critic.) The idea that there could be negative opinion of Saint Jon’s event probably didn’t even occur to him.

Update 3pm. The BBC online team is trying to drive as much traffic as possible to Rohrer’s article by making it the top item on the BBC home page:


Very few people, apart from Richard North, admirably summing up the position here, understand the extent to which we are actually now ruled by Brussels, and how powerless we are to stop anything emanating from it. The reality is that David Cameron and the rest of his useless party, by saying that they want to be “in Europe but not run by it”, are guilty of disseminating a great big porky pie: truth is you are either in or out. And if you are in, then you do as you are told. No if or buts. Resistance is fruitless, you cannot opt out of budget increases, much as you might huff and puff and gesitculate, or make useless phone calls.

I have been a minor part of a campaign for years for the BBC to report this whole sorry saga properly, but everything that Global Britain has pointed out in reports like these has fallen on deaf ears. The sorry truth is that the BBC is an integral part of the EU project and it has repeatedly failed in its intrinsic duty to tell the British people about the awful, octopus, fascist nature of what is going on. And so the tradition continues today. In the report, they convey the semblance of brinkmanship and robustness on the part of the Cleggerons when in reality the government is powerless to resist. They spinelessly pass on vapid hot air from Labour suggesting that something can be done to avoid the £900m increase when it was Tony Blair’s budget cave-in in 2006 that made what is happening today inevitable. How short are the BBC’s memories and how limited is its ambition to carry out proper journalistic research and checks? And finally, Nick Robinson, the supposed political expert at the BBC, says that the meeting involved is a “summit”. He should damn-well know it’s not and to say it is both inaccurate and deliberately disingenuous. His innaccuracy sums up the poorness of the BBC’s journalism. The charade our leader is involved in is a rubber-stamp exercise and Mr Robinson should be saying so. He – and his colleagues – should also be talking to the Richard Norths of this world so that they can convey accurately what is actually going on. But they never do…


North Sea oil and gas transformed the economic fortunes of the UK from the grim days of the 1970s and underpinned our re-emergence as a world power. The boom ensured that we had abundant energy and could keep warm cheaply. This is a fundamental reason why our living standards are so relatively high today. Now the Cleggeron government is severely limiting further exploration (and has needlessly restricted the number of exploration licences)because – no doubt partly as a result largely of a deluge of greenie PR by the BBC – Greenpeace and others now dictate energy policy. This means that more emphasis is now placed on marine wildlife than human welfare, and that the days of cheap energy are well and truly over. The BBC, of course, report the whole disgraceful charade with the emphasis on the Greenpeace perspective; the picture of their pathetic publicity stunt has been carefully chosen so that the greenie concerns are foremost. And note how they give credence to the idea that the economy can be “de-carbonised”. Which planet do they live on?