Yesterday, it was Deepwater Horizon which – in the BBC narrrative – was “one of the worst disasters in US history”. Today, our corporation friends give the open mike to Greenpeace to blast out a superlative-filled anti-industrial eco-nut rant against the chemical spill in Hungary:
Herwit Schuster, a spokesman for Greenpeace International, described the spill as “one of the top three environmental disasters in Europe in the last 20 or 30 years”.
Land had been “polluted and destroyed for a long time”, he told AP.
“If there are substances like arsenic and mercury, that would affect river systems and ground water on long-term basis,” he added.
For the BBC, anything – but anything – that provides evidence that industrial production is nasty and dangerous is front page news; and the only people they choose to comment on such events are greenie fanatics. In turn, those fanatics make any threat to the environment a vile capitalist conspiracy. Of course, a toxic chemical spill is deeply regrettable. But that’s not why the BBC is covering these stories with such prominent, strident glee. They are tub-thumping for the greenies.