Start the Week Open Thread 17 December 2018
The Week of The Meaningless Vote ? Seems like a lot of BBC political programmes are shutting down for Christmas -despite brexit -so will be interesting to see the bias of those left .
The Week of The Meaningless Vote ? Seems like a lot of BBC political programmes are shutting down for Christmas -despite brexit -so will be interesting to see the bias of those left .
I’m getting to the stage where events are changing so quickly that any example of Far Left BBC bias is surpassed by the next one . So I’ll stick with brevity and avoid being nebulous …
Just another day …
Outstanding contribution to BBC bias winner ; Jon Sopel from his early days being president of the labour and students union at Southampton university to the dizzying heights of Washington correspondent for the BBC Jon as been forthright in his views . His consistent bias towards the President of the United States has drawn admiration from his many fans . No journo has displayed such obsessed bias and for that … Continue reading
109 days to Brexit ? 10 ish days of renegotiating , resignations or lies from the government and Far Left BBC . Meanwhile a UN treaty benefitting illegal immigrants is due to be signed on the 11th with a full fanfare from the Biased BBC . Dont forget to buy your popcorn for the Tuesday vote . They’ll be tears and tantrums
The petition to request a parliamentary examination/debate of the poisonous UN migrants treaty had exceeded the required 100000 to get noticed. Silence on the subject is deafening from the Far Left BBC as well as the politicians who are meant to be representing – us . For those expressing their now limited freedom of expression by marching this weekend good luck . The BBC is peddling the ‘no brexit’ option … Continue reading
The Far Left BBC has been silent on the poisonous UN Treaty on Migrants which the outgoing PM will sign on our behalf this week. It is a horror and shows how far the UN has become a disfunctional lefty cancer in need to urgent reform . When the next government – of whatever type incorporates the treaty into UK law people will wonder what the hell is going on … Continue reading
I noted on a recent thread that my esteemed colleagues here were less than complimentary about Emily Maitlis. So when her name cropped up while I was Googling Intelligence Squared debates, I thought I’d plonk the debate above the line. This was the proposition: The world should recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital Ehud Olmert and Jack Straw were among the debaters. I’m sure I don’t need to state which side … Continue reading
For Christians Advent Begins .And for all of us Winter. Being Godless the Far Left BBC forges ahead with EU Remain lies and pro Muslim Propaganda . At least , in theory , we will have some idea about our place outside the EU by the end of the year – right ?
This coveted annual award is held in high esteem by the News Community . Rules – no actionable defamation ( no lies ) Should be a beeboid but the can be an honory biased swamp member . You can make other rules up but despite provocation please stick to the ‘no naughty words’ policy. nominations will close according to events.