Start the Week open Thread 14th May 2018
The President of Turkey, apparently, is paying Blighty a visit. I wonder what spin al beeb puts on it ? Plenty to vex us as always. Enjoy,.
The President of Turkey, apparently, is paying Blighty a visit. I wonder what spin al beeb puts on it ? Plenty to vex us as always. Enjoy,.
Quangos like the Electoral Commission and OFCOM and others are now shelters ,or other sources of income, for ex Beeboids and other liberals looking for a gong. If we cannot depend on them for independent adjudication then what is to be done? The bias keeps coming . Welcome to the weekend….
Grotesque – adjective – ‘comically or repulsively ugly or distorted ‘ Listening to highly paid broadcasters talking about Iran, young criminal groups, prosecuting members of the British security forces – all live subjects at the moment made me search for the BBCs attitude . ‘Grotesque’ was the word which came up – as well as ‘disbelief’ . Im sure you can think of better words . But please try to … Continue reading
The scene. Whitehall. Just a few yards from the doors of Downing Street. A crowd of 4000 people gather to demand Free Speech. The ‘world class” journalists of the BBC somehow can’t find the event to report on it. Thus vindicating the event. Good old BBC – out to suppress speech it doesn’t like. For those interested, I have written an article on it here.
The Al Beeb “Start The Week” show discussed democracy and elections. Normally I would have hit the off switch but had to listen to hear the inevitable recital of attempts to undermine UK votes through a completely undemocratic unelected House of Lords. But I listened in vain – similarly to anything on Al beeb about the March for Freedom in London on Sunday. Anyway this is an open thread to … Continue reading
The ideologues of the far left in the US have misappropriated the term ‘resistance’ to define their frantic attempts to undermine the Trump administration. Perhaps they really see themselves as noble fighters akin to those of the French Resistance and the Warsaw Ghetto and Trump as a Nazi as they scream obscenities at him and insist on his impeachment. Well, it’s these frantic ones themselves who should be resisted and … Continue reading
I have put this up on Friday Evening as the Al beeb post election spin is at full speed.The distortion of election results are there for us all. ( apologies in advance if my first attempt ‘to do a David ‘ isn’t unto our mentors’ standard) over to you …. as he might say…
Let’s see. In the past few days we have the welcome reconciliation between North and South Korea, a commitment from North Korea that it will stop nuclear testing AND release captured US Prisoners. We have Trump being nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize? And what does the BBC want to talk about? Yes – STORMY DANIELS. Well, I suppose it makes a change from “Muh Russians”! Their anti-Trump bias is … Continue reading
Hi everyone! Reports of my demise have been somewhat exaggerated BUT I have been very busy launching along with a few million other things. I want to get Biased BBC back on track but I have a request. Is there any volunteers who would agree to help us keep the open threads ready as well as perhaps writing on the BBC’s egregious bias? I need your assistance – please … Continue reading
Time for a new one – here you go.