Here’s a fascinating insight into Beeboid thinking concerning Iran. The headline announces that “Iran claiming victory despite sanctions” and it covers the Mullahs response to the effete sanctions, passed by the UN Security Council on Monday, which extend the two previous ineffectual tranches of sanctions aimed at tightening the economic and trade squeeze on Iran. The BBC asks Mark Fitzpatrick, a nuclear proliferation expert at the International Institute for Strategic … Continue reading


. The BBC is a prime cheerleader for those who seek to use “climate change” as a convenient excuse for limiting our freedoms. I notice it carries a glowing report this evening suggesting that the UK needs a “modal shift” from road to rail if greenhouse gas emissions from transport are to be curbed. The Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) says changes are needed to government policies on transport pricing, … Continue reading


 As I write this, there is a bomb scare at Belfast International Airport. The fruits of peace, I guess. The BBC on their main news portal for Northern Ireland choose to illustrate this with an image of two Irish airlines, one of which does not even fly into Belfast International! Could it be that the BBC think Belfast is in Dublin? The following arlines also fly from Belfast International; Easyjet, … Continue reading

Israel is “confounded”!

The BBC has now gone into full-on admiration for Gaza’s “rocketeers” – check out this gushing headline. No hint of bias there, eh? There are several remarkable aspects to this latest report from Al-Beeb. For instance, can anyone explain what is the actual difference between Hamas and the “Palestinian fighters” who are apparently “feeling the pain” of the bad Israelis attack? Who are these mysterious “fighters” – given that Hamas … Continue reading

The war on the Jews.

Gotta love the BBC – it remains consistent in its pro-Palestinian reporting at all times! Take the news that “Israeli forces have carried out further attacks on the Gaza Strip, killing at least 26 Palestinians.” Three points here;1. Who says that 26 people have been killed? Oh yes, Hamas. And they would never lie, right?2. Why did the Israelis launch these counter-attacks on Gaza? Oh yes, because of the HUNDREDS … Continue reading

General BBC-related comment thread:

Please use this thread for comments about the BBC’s current programming and activities. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog – scroll down for new topic-specific posts. N.B. this is not an invitation for general off-topic comments, rants or chit-chat. Thoughtful comments are encouraged. Comments may be moderated. Any suggestions for stories that you might like covered would also be appreciated! Click through to read … Continue reading

E-day fixe.

Dunno if you noticed, but “E-Day” was the day when the great British public was asked to turn off the lights to tackle climate change. Perhaps this was a good proposal, perhaps not – the British public appeared to hold the latter view – but it was certainly a political proposal. Bishop Hill asks why the man behind the campaign (who was also the guiding spirit for the cancelled Planet … Continue reading


I couldn’t let last evening’s Question Time Scottish extravaganza go without comment! What a leftist love-in from the caledonian socialist republic with a panel groaning with those on the political left! Did you see it? Naturally George Galloway – that doyen of the communist-loving dhimmified left – was given a rapturous welcome and his every utterance throughout the programme was warmly applauded. His praise of Castro in particular was revolting … Continue reading