Wine…the blood of Christ….Bread…the body…sausage rolls?

  From the BBC: Greggs apologises after replacing baby Jesus with a sausage roll — The Telegraph (@Telegraph) November 15, 2017 I dare not look on Twitter for the themed piss takes.   Apparently the BBC has apologised to all Muslims as it replaces Muhammed, who obviously can’t ever be shown, on HIGNFY with a tub of lard…. Ahhhhh…sorry…not ‘lard’ but ‘warlord’…..   Fortunately it was Salman Rushdie who was … Continue reading


The bullying begins. We want a good Brexit not a Hard ideologically driven Brexit #standupfordemocracy — Anna Soubry MP (@Anna_Soubry) November 14, 2017     The BBC reports: Brexit rebels reject ‘mutineers’ attack Pro-EU ex-minister Anna Soubry, described it as a “blatant piece of bullying that goes to the very heart of democracy”. So Soubry wants to silence the Telegraph because she values free speech, open debate and democracy? … Continue reading

Putin’s new bestest friend…the BBC

  Has Lord Hall Hall been handed a large brown envelope of roubles, has he been on the vodka, has he been seduced by a Russian temptress and rudely compromised?  Who knows but the BBC is suddenly very Putin friendly as it mocks May for her warning to Russia to stop interfering in British democracy.  What a turn around by the BBC. It was only a week ago that the … Continue reading

Strange Fruitcakes

  Guido has been highlighting racist comments by a Labour MP for some time now….did this appear on the BBC main news?  I can’t say….it has appeared on the BBC local radio with Vanessa Feltz questioning the MP…..the story doesn’t make the BBC front page, UK page nor the England page…you  have to go to the London page to find it… Emma Dent Coad MP apologises over ‘racist blog post’ … Continue reading

Hammond said what?

  Today we hear that it will be a catastrophe if an effective customs system is not in place by the time Brexit comes about….long queues and food rotting at the ports. Why though might there not be an effective system?  The BBC does tell us…. MPs warn of Brexit customs ‘catastrophe’ The Public Accounts Committee warned of “huge disruption” to businesses, “massive queues” at Dover port and food rotting … Continue reading

Too close encounters

As Brian Sewell said about the BBC’s output: We deserve better. It’s patronising rubbish.  The BBC clearly think it’s good to have programmes presented by people with no knowledge or experience.  There’s no debate, no critical discourse or differing viewpoints.   Oh dear….complete rubbish from the BBC who have allowed Labour’s Douglas Alexander  to find out ‘why we’ve become so polarised as a nation and what we can do about … Continue reading

New New News

  I have never rated Nick Robinson, he seems to be too pleased with himself and is all too often careless with the facts.  The more I listen to him the more I get that impression confirmed.  This morning is no different as he treats us to a torrent of negative disinformation about Brexit along with Mishal Husain who uses a discussion about robotics in agriculture to scaremonger about agriculture … Continue reading

Recycled News…Project Fear

Michael Bloomberg: Brexit is stupidest thing any country has done besides Trump   Leave voters are ‘Dumb’ and ‘stupid’…so says former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg….or was it Putin?  The BBC gives Bloomberg top billing on the news this morning with a second bite at telling us that Brexit will be bad for the City…and we get the old myth from the BBC tied into that repeated that 75,000 jobs … Continue reading

Tell me something new once again!!

  H/T to Craig at Is the BBC biased? for linking to the BBC report.   The BBC’s Quentin Sommerville tells us in excited tones about….. Raqqa’s dirty secret The BBC has uncovered details of a secret deal that let hundreds of IS fighters and their families escape from Raqqa, under the gaze of the US and British-led coalition and Kurdish-led forces who control the city. A convoy included some … Continue reading

Tell me something new!

  The BBC has a short memory as it reports this today….parliament to get a vote on Brexit…and if rejects it there will be ‘no deal’…..apparently this is a big concession and surprise…..Kuenssberg spinning away madly for the EU? Parliament to get binding vote on final Brexit deal Parliament is to be given a take-it-or leave-it vote on the final Brexit deal before the UK leaves the EU. Brexit Secretary … Continue reading