The Remain Hate that the BBC always ignores

  Pick up a copy of this week's newspaper to read more about Stanley Donwood's art – the man behind these fantastic anti-Brexit cartoons. — The New European (@TheNewEuropean) November 4, 2017   Here’s a ‘Neo European’ wishing old white men would just curl up and die in a cold winter…their grandchildren can then spit on their graves……maybe the police should arrest this guy?  If that’s not hate speech … Continue reading

Washington Post Truth

  The Washington Post, along with the New York Times, was a staunch anti-Trump ally of the BBC, all three spreading unfounded rumours about Trump being a compromised Russian agent as truth. They like to present themselves as the only trustworthy guardians of The Truth that can be relied upon and to that end work assiduously to smear and discredit as many other news and social media outlets as possible … Continue reading

Welfare? Well gud bruv innit

Do welfare states boost economic growth, or stunt it? I’ll let you decide what the answer to that is, but I think we all know what the BBC comrades generally believe. When you are trying to inform (i.e. brainwash) people on economic matters, there are two techniques you can use: One is to blind them with science and an overwhelming amount of statistical information that they can’t get their heads … Continue reading

Compound Error

    Laura Kuenssberg told us that the issue of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe’s detention was highly sensitive and political which is why the BBC has been stomping around in its size 12’s adding to the kicking Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe is getting. The BBC led the chorus against Boris and his comment [briefed to him by who? and why?] and are now targeting Gove for his innocuous comments. Sarah Montague this morning [08:10] … Continue reading

Media Meddling

  The Iranian government has opened a criminal investigation into 152 current and former BBC Persian journalists on charges of “conspiracy against national security”. October 25 2017 Where is the total outrage from the BBC, from Labour, from all those ‘inside the Tory party against Boris’ [Sarah Montague not mentioning they are pro-EU Tories] about these 152 BBC employees?  There came  none.  Only one ex-BBC employee gets their interest…one whom … Continue reading

Careful what you wish for

  The BBC wants hate speech legislation in order to silence those who criticise Islam…it had better be careful what it wishes for as the legislation will make the BBC itself fair game one day….. Spain has laws banning "hate speech." They're now being used to prosecute 8 Catalan teachers for the "crime" of criticizing police violence by Madrid. — Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) November 12, 2017  

Nuance, context and history…all strangers to the BBC

  The BBC constantly goes on about Russian interference in US Democracy…and yet has nothing to say as the EU tries to annex Northern Ireland and has flooded the UK with an EU citizen ‘army’ that is meant to undermine ‘Britishness’, the British identity and loyalty to Britain.  Others have noted the hypocrisy of those who attack Russia…. Is Noam Chomsky on the payroll of the Kremlin or just a … Continue reading

What’s this about?

  Worth a closer look I suppose…. I'm tempted to change my name to GA Ponsonski.Incidentally, I don't claim anyone at the BBC is involved in a *conspiracy*, I argue that there is evidence of institutional corruption. If Leask wants to challenge this evidence then he is free to do so. — GAPonsonby (@GAPonsonby) November 12, 2017     Ah…of course…how the BBC stole the Scottish independence referendum…the BBC…a … Continue reading