Make France Great Again!

      Odd how the BBC drools over Macron who roars out ‘Vive La Republique…Vive La France!!’  and yet scoff at and scorn Trump and his ‘Make America great again!’  Indeed odd that Macron himself had a dig at Trump’s call to arms. I guess others aren’t so sanguine about Macron in France….    

Once again the BBC damages Britain

  The BBC has set its hat at destroying Brexit and undermining the British side’s negotiations whilst promoting the EU’s but the BBC damages British interests and democracy in so many other ways, in particular by its arrogant presumption that it knows what is best for the country and that politicians must follow its prescriptions, or else.  Just one small example is how it treats the prospective Trump state visit … Continue reading

Anus Horriblis

  John Simpson, the Liberator of Kabul, has had a bad year, the worst of his life he tells us.  Not sure why after all terrorism has been worse under the IRA, the economy is purring along nicely whatever the BBC tells us, industrial strife is limited despite Corbyn and Co’s attempts to bring the country to a grinding halt and their ‘day of rage’ turned out to be a … Continue reading

Inflating Inflation

  The BBC is scaremongering hard about inflation and the dread ‘cost of living’ rise that we are supposedly suffering under #duetobrexit. Trouble is inflation is not much above the average and it’s been much higher as a standard in the past…   The average rate of inflation has been 2.58% since 1989…… Consumer prices in the United Kingdom increased 2.9 percent year-on-year in May of 2017, higher than 2.7 … Continue reading

Keep taking the pills Jeremy

Gotta laugh at Corbyn.  May thought she would have a majority before the election, Corbyn thinks he has one after it and that he is actually the PM. Corbyn caught out in another lie as he denies telling Glastonbury’s Michael Eavis that he would scrap Trident as soon as he was PM….can we trust a word this man says?  The same man who lied about shoot-to-kill and then lied to … Continue reading

Hurry up and die you stupid Brexiteers

  The British Social Attitudes survey has been released and the BBC quickly reported its highlights this morning on the radio…people want to pay more tax [so supporting Corbyn’s narrative] and more people are accepting of same-sex marriages [sotake that you bigoted dinosaurs of the DUP!]. What didn’t I hear? 76% of people said the UK should leave the EU or that if it stays the EU’s powers should be … Continue reading

That…er…’Muslim Ban’

  Remember that Muslim ban that Trump was supposed to have introduced despite most Muslim countries being free to send their citizens to the US and that the countries chosen for the ban were picked out as countries of concern by the Obama administration….now just a ‘travel ban’…. Big win for Trump and his travel ban Although the Supreme Court left parts of the lower-court-ordered suspension of his travel ban … Continue reading

Suicide isn’t painless

  Too late BBC, way, way too late…..the government, has spent years trying to suppress the EDL and Tommy Robinson using various methods such as setting the UAF on them and blaming the subsequent violence on the EDL, false flag attacks on Muslims blamed on the EDL, misinformation spread by a willing and compliant media, the BBC especially, that maligned and demonised the EDL, and of course legal ‘Jihad’ against … Continue reading

How to confuse Gerry Adams

How to confuse Gerry Adams…put two shovels against a wall and tell him to take his pick…or offer him two sums of money for the benefit of Northern Ireland and ask him which one is dirty money…the one Sinn Fein likes or the one the DUP likes.  See Adams and Co pick and choose what ‘bungs’ are acceptable…. McGuinness claimed that the Stormont House Agreement gained extra cash from the … Continue reading