Unknown known knowns

  The police and intelligence services know the identities of a vast number of potential extremists in Britain…at least 23,000 of them ‘of interest’. The last three terror attacks were all executed by people ‘on the radar’ in some shape or form… Perpetrators in all three of the terrorist outrages to hit Britain this year had at some point appeared on the radar of authorities. The most recent in London … Continue reading

Barriers, bollards and brainfade….inside the mind of Diane Abbott

  The Lord Harris review commends London’s emergency services for their improved major incident readiness, with responses now substantially faster and more effective than five years ago. The quality and effectiveness of the work done by the intelligence agencies and the counter-terrorist police here is, he says, amongst the best in the world.   London Mayor’s Office Labour is saying the terror attack in London was due to insufficient resources and … Continue reading

Bias…..Who cares? Not the BBC

  From the Mail: No one at the BBC cares when we’re accused of bias, says Evan Davis: Newsnight presenter reveals corporation receives constant complaints without taking any action No one at the BBC takes account of accusations of bias, according to the presenter of Newsnight. Evan Davis said the BBC is constantly getting emails from licence fee payers accusing them of pandering to certain political parties. But he claimed that … Continue reading

Known to police

Father brazenly parading ISIS flags with his toddler outside Parliament is stopped by police… but is allowed to walk free after officers say he is NOT breaking the law     The BBC are attacking the government for cutting the police and suggest this has meant the police do not have the resources to gather intelligence from the community about those individuals who may be going down the road of … Continue reading

Corbyn…..lies about ‘shoot to kill’

      Watch the video above as Peston on ITV quizzes Corbyn on the interview he did with Laura Kuenssberg back in 2015 when he told her he was ‘unhappy’ with a policy that allowed shoot to kill.  Corbyn tells Peston (2 mins in) that his answer was in relation to shoot to kill policy in the 1980’s in Ireland….he also claims that he went on to say ‘in … Continue reading


Only on the BBC. A muslim woman in full niqab explains why we need integration. BBC lap it up. The BBC is a MENACE, an enabler and a real and present danger to our society. Muslim in London, “Muslims must do more 2 integrate and terrorists are dividing us”, whilst wearing a full face Niqab. Couldn’t make this up pic.twitter.com/iUIPYYJ8zM — Paul ? (@PaulGAtletico) June 4, 2017 Would be Prime … Continue reading

Every Body Counts

  The BBC…you couldn’t make it up…..will the London terrorist attack be a positive or a negative for you Mr Corbyn?….Yeah says Corbyn…the more bodies the better….lol……Just what did the BBC think he would say to such a crass question?  

Quota Full?

  We’ll give the BBC the benefit of the doubt here and suppose that their quota for white, middle-class, middle-aged Tory voting men was already full as they search for an audience [Might that quota be 0?]… [H/T Craig at Is the BBC biased?  Looks like it don’t it!]….