‘You’re finished, all of you’

  ‘One hundred rusty, dilapidated boats leave India crammed with starving would-be immigrants. Indians, like so many other third-world citizens, are desperate and bitter about their lives. The first worlders know the boats are en route to France, yet they make little effort to prevent the ships from landing. The liberal press, churches and students have helped instill a sense of guilt. The people don’t have the will to defend … Continue reading

The EU’s Macroney is in place

  Le Pen has lost and Macron is President, and the BBC is very happy….a pro-EU Hollande placeman has taken office…the BBC portrays him as centrist but he is leftist, and the BBC say he was an outsider…and yet he had been at the centre of Hollande’s government and had a war chest of over £80 million…not bad for an outsider….just where did that come from?  He says he wants … Continue reading

German girls could learn a lot about standing up for themselves…maybe some in Rotherham too

  On Saturday the BBC was expressing great concern about sexual harassment at Music festivals….were the organisers doing enough to stop it?…maybe there should be women only areas…let’s have some zero tolerance. Contrast that with the BBC’s extensive efforts to playdown the mass, organised attacks in Cologne and the rising proliferation of sexual assaults across Europe and to hide who the culprits were…just as they failed to report what was … Continue reading

Tommy Knockers

  Fake news in the Guardian?  Curiously, despite the BBC’s rabid interest in exposing ‘fake news’ it seems not to be so concerned here….. though Robinson is given a voice, he is essentially shouted down and dismissed by the other three…including Neil at the end. Tommy Robinson was accused of being a white supremacist by the Quilliam Foundation…in the Guardian… That the far right has moved from the fringe into … Continue reading

Brexit’s Beastly Billionaires

  The Sunday Times [pro-Brexit] has released its Rich List and revealed that ‘Brexit brings bonanza for billionaires’. It tells us that this is good news for Britain as business is booming…and that the ‘explosion of wealth is fuelled by a Brexit boom’ and…. Poll backs self-made rich, not inherited wealth. It also tells us… The notion that all the business community backed ‘Remain’ is bunk.  That may have been … Continue reading

Numbers of the Beasts

  Trump would win again if another election was held now, not only would he win the Electoral College vote, he’d win the popular vote as well…so reveals the Democrat supporting Washington Post, way, way, down their article… Asked how they would vote if the election were held today, 43 percent say they would support Trump and 40 percent say Clinton. A figure you didn’t hear bandied about on the … Continue reading

A right royal c**k up

    The BBC has gone all tabloid and been slagging off the royal family, as usual, all the while pretending it’s great art.   A play about the royal family in crisis and a constitutional problem.  And all in the best possible taste.   The Spectator’s take on the play on the stage?…….Charles III is made for numbskulls by numbskulls. Written in Shakespearean verse but brought right up to … Continue reading

The Farron Fart…sorry, Backfire.

      The BBC has been reporting loudly on UKIP’s fall today, contrast that with how they practically ignored UKIP when they won large in elections previously, and curiously the LibDems have hardly been mentioned today.  This is curious because, whilst UKIP’s fall could easily have been predicted and was much expected, Farron has been telling us that the LibDems are on the march and due to the army … Continue reading

The Abbottcus Calculus

  Nothing to do with BBC bias but come on, it’s the Diabolical Dabbler Diane Abbott..she’s done it again and fluffed her numbers…is she going for the sympathy vote?…… Shadow home secretary @HackneyAbbott with yet another numbers #gaffe after she massively underestimates @labour's local elections losses. pic.twitter.com/OtOWY4JGKI — ITN Productions News (@ITNPNews) May 5, 2017   Hmmmmmmmm…leeeeeettttt mmmeeee thinkkkk….     Two fingers to the lot of you!!!!!