Search Results for: John Humphrys

Tiny Glimmer Extinguished

On Wednesday, Aleem Maqbool brought us the violence between Hamas and Fatah. (Murders, knee-cappings and torture.) There was only one brief reference to Israel’s wickednesses; he actually stuck mostly to Pali on Pali atrocities.

This morning John Humphrys let Jerusalem Post’s Gil Hoffman speak positively about Avigdor Lieberman – he was even allowed to be optimistic about the likelihood of peace under Benjamin Netanyahu’s regime.

Announcing on hourly radio news bulletins that a 13-year old Israeli boy has been killed by an axe-wielding Arab seemed almost like another small glimmer of light; somewhat dimmed by the fact that while other news outlets reporting this sign off with a mention of other terrorist attacks on Israeli citizens, the BBC reverts to type by adding instead a reminder that “this is the first such incident since the right-leaning government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took office.” Later changed, extinguishing the glimmer completely, to ”All Jewish settlements in the Palestinian territory are regarded as illegal under international law, although Israel disputes this.”
Understandable that militants would want to kill Israeli children, right?

Only Joking

Hilarious conversation with Hazel Blears and John Humphrys about new policy against political correctness. (Inability to mention certain things.) This new policy of abandoning political correctness, (Unfortunately P.C. prevents us from saying out loud what we really mean,) is, for some coincidental reason, designed to prevent radicalisation.
Up till now political correctness has prevented us from making jokes about the Irish, Welsh or Scots. (To name just a few.)

“Of course we mustn’t allow racist jokes. People will say we don’t want any part of that. Because it’s not even funny’ (Well, not always)
“Muslims are not offended by us celebrating Christmas! We celebrate their rituals, after all.”
“Sorry, political correctness prevents us from telling us exactly who we’re afraid will be radicalised.


Interested to hear John Humphrys assert this morning that Spring comes earlier each year “because of global warming.” I was wondering on what basis John feels entitled to state this, or was he just making it up as he went along. Give it a listen here, it’s at the very beginning.



It was a change to hear a GLib-Dem voice other than Vince Cable on Today this morning! The publicity hungry Chris Huhne was interviewed by John Humphrys on the topic of the barring of Dutch Parliamentarian Geert Wilders from the UK. Huhne was, being a good latter-day liberal, all in favour of refusing entry to Mr Wilders. There proceeded a tortuous interview with Humphyrs rightly questioning the logic (or lack of) in what Huhne (and by definition Jacqui Smith and co) are saying. I found Huhne just your average pathetic dhimmi but I felt that Humphyrs could have pressed a bit harder. Did you hear this and if so what is your view of BBC coverage of the jackboot tactic of Ms Smith? I think the BBC know it is an erosion of free speech but they are still dhimmified and so struggle to express any real outrage at this government decision.


It’s rare for a week to go past without the BBC running an item somewhere suggesting that Britain should top locking criminals up. It’s all part of the narrative and so it is no big surprise to hear an item on Today earlier this morning suggesting that we should follow the example of Finland and cease “incarcerating” young people (anyone under 21) in our prisons. The debate was between Professor Rod Morgan who supports the Finnish model, and Michael Howard who does not. An exchange of opinions – which is fair enough. But the bit that got me was the way in which BBC reporter Mark Easton set the whole item up in prejudicial language that was clearly very sympathetic to the line then taken by Morgan. In this way, Howard was basically outnumbered two to one, before on then throws in John Humphrys! Bias – it’s just a way of life for them.


I don’t normally get to hear the main “Today” political interview as I normally otherwise engaged by 8am but this morning I did catch it and what a gem it was. Essentially, it was a ten minute sneer from John Humphyrs. US Ambassador Bob Tuttle was in the studio and the subject was the Bush legacy so you can imagine the vitriol dripping from Humphyrs mouth. To be honest I thought the Ambassador showed remarkable restraint given the relentless provocation from John Humphrys. Every lurid left wing imagination over the past eight years was trotted out to damn the outgoing President. It was a useful insight into how the BBC thinks – and very unpleasant at that! Did you hear it?


Anyone catch Sir Philip Green having a go at John Humphrys on Today around 8.20am about the BBC’s annual £3bn windfall from us, the license-payers? It was good stuff and clearly Humphrys was taken aback by the persistence of Green who seemed determined to talk about why the BBC should be allowed to take this cash from us. It’s always a hoot to hear the BBC challenged about their massive annual cash-grab and Humphrys seemed far from comfortable in the attempted debate.

BNP and the BBC!

Well then, I am sure you will heard plenty about the BNP’s published membership list today. I first caught Nick Griffin being interviewed about this on Today this morning by John Humphrys and I reckon Griffin acquitted himself quite well. Whilst I am no admirer of the socialistic racist nonsense served up by the BNP, I did chuckle at Humphrys evident dismay when Griffin wondered aloud why radical Islam was not treated in the same way as the BNP? In fact that’s really my point here. The BBC trumpets the cliched establishment revulsion at the BNP and loves to suggest it is “far-right” when in fact it is more accurately “hard-left” with a flurry of racism added. So how does that make it any different to the likes of “Respect” – other than it is not Jihad-sympathetic? And isn’t it cute the way the BBC finds room for UKIP’s Nigel Farage to stick the boot into the BNP whilst it normally ignores him on most other issues? The best way to test the BNP, in my view, would be for the BBC to allow Griffin onto the likes of Question Time so that his party views could be examined just like the other parties but the BBC chooses to ignore the BNP whilst finding time for other comedians such as Marcus Brigstocke. But that just is not going to happen and so by ignoring the BNP, the BBC actually helps create an undeserved mystique for the organisation. I never did see the list that was published but wondered if the BNP has members in the BBC?


If there is one concept that is guaranteed to raise hackles at the BBC, it is the idea that government might seek to cut taxes. For years now the BBC has assiduously retailed the Labour line that any cut in taxation would result in less doctorsnursesnteachers and so as Prudence Brown has cranked up taxation, the Conservative Party backed away from the idea of cutting tax (wrongly in my view). But now that dear Prudence has mired the UK economy in recession, all of sudden Labour is now making noises of tax cuts. As are the Lib-Dems! So the Tories under Boy David have been forced to come out and say that a future Conservative government would look to cut taxation. However what got my attention this morning was on Today circa 6.30am when John Humphrys was sneering at the Conservative notion that tax cuts could be paid for through efficiency savings. Humphrys seemed much more comfortable with the Labour notion that in order to cut taxes you just borrow more and more and more. It might be news to fat cat BBC presenters like Mr Humphrys BUT there is no organisation in this land that, if pushed, could not find efficiency savings. In fact this is a central engine of effective capitalism. But in the neo-socialist cossetted world of license-payer funded indulgences, Humphrys seems unable to grasp this key economic tenet. Labour under Brown has built up a bloated public sector which, like the BBC, could provide substantial savings were the axe to be taken to parts of it. But the BBC prefers to wallow in the tax and spend philosophy of Labour and that is why it will prove very difficult for Cameron to obtain a fair hearing for his (belated) tax cuts.


If you had the misfortune to tune into the Today programme this morning at 7.12am, you would have found yourself treated to John Humphrys in full on anti-American military sneering mode.

The news item concerns a US air strike on the Taliban spawn that infest the Herat area of Afghanistan and which killed dozens of the Taliban. Or at least that’s what the US armed force say, but who believes them, right? Straightaway this is disputed by “tribal elders” (Taliban, natch) “locals” (Taliban) and the ubiquitous “Human Rights” activists. (Taliban apologists) Humphyrs line was to immediately weigh-in behind the idea that the US forces had killed many innocent civilians – again. He brought on Grace Ommer from Oxfam (An organisation hardly noted for balance..) and he then made the remarkable assertion that this “war, if war it is..” is going very badly? I wonder what he thinks it is? Is he there to editorialise on this and if so who is there to provide a balance? Humphrys tried to get Ommer to say the war was going badly wrong but in fairness even she figured that Oxfam are hardly in a position to judge. She merely pointed out that US actions against the Taliban made humanitarian work very difficult. She appeared to long for the good old days when the Taliban were in sole control of the country and Oxfam could operate with impunity.

This item fairly simmered with anti-US military hostility and it is an example of how the BBC does all it can to undermine the efforts of the US military everywhere they operate. You should give it a listen, it’s an example of the visceral bias that permeates the BBC.