Joining the dots

  The London attacker has been named as Khalid Masood, the BBC tells us lots about him except of course his religion…they even tell us that he, presumably, posed as a teacher when hiring the vehicle that he used in the attack…no doubt the BBC would portray this as the cause of the disaffected was he by government ‘cuts’ to the education budget that it drove him to attack … Continue reading

Lie with sincerity

The secret to political success?  Lying with sincerity.  So says Mary Ann Sieghart, Chair of the centrist Social Market Foundation think tank, who has just done a programme shilling for the ‘centre ground’ of politics for the BBC called “Can The Centre Hold?” Naturally she doesn’t actually say ‘lie’ but that is the basis of her plea…do what the Dutch Prime Minister did, make right-wing sounding noises in order to … Continue reading

Some real fake news

  Whilst the BBC refused to report eye-witness statements that the attacker in London was Asian looking it has been fast to correct Channel 4’s claim that Abu Izzadeen was the attacker…note BBC calling him ‘Trevor Brooks’ and not his new Muslim name…from Guido… Tonight on Channel 4 News Simon Israel named hate preacher Abu Izzadeen AKA Trevor Brooks as the Westminster attacker. The BBC say they are wrong and … Continue reading

Not fake news, not a blood libel…just the truth about the Muslim religious war

The Long View of Targeted Fake News Jonathan Freedland compares the current wave of fake news stories, particularly those targeted at Muslims and immigrants in the UK, with the anti-Semitic story of an eight-year-old Christian boy, William of Norwich, who was murdered in woodland outside his native city in 1144. His death was later reported as a Jewish conspiracy and ritual, becoming the founding myth of the so-called ‘blood libel’. … Continue reading

‘Mostly Asian’? With Beard

    What the police are saying is a terror attack in London…the BBC wants all the facts…. Are you in the area? If it is safe to do so, please get in touch with us. Email us at You can send your pictures and video to You can also contact us in the following ways: Tweet: @BBC_HaveYourSay WhatsApp: +447555 173285 Upload your pictures/video here Text an SMS … Continue reading

‘Mostly Muslim’?

    Curious how the new ban on electronic devices on aircraft coming to and from a certain six nations is not being described as anti-Muslim, nor is the BBC using the descriptive ‘Mostly Muslim countries’ when reporting which countries are being affected… The ban affects direct flights to the UK from Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia and Saudi Arabia. ….unlike of course when Trump banned travel from 7 countries … Continue reading

The ‘Great Family Man’

    Martin McGuinness is dead, dying from a rare heart condition….many might think it odd that he was found to have had one after a career murdering and torturing so many, and so many of the murdered being women and children. Still, the BBC’s John Simpson thought he could be compared to Nelson Mandela, oh maybe not quite exactly like him but you’d have to see him on the … Continue reading

The BBC’s Brexit ‘Blood Libel’

    A comparison of figure 1 to figure 2 indicates that the UK public actually became more positive towards EU immigration between November 2015 and November 2016, the period covering the campaign, vote and supposedly hate-filled aftermath. There is nothing here that supports the ‘tide of hate thesis’.   The BBC has mounted a sustained campaign of hate against Leave voters denouncing them as racist, ignorant and bigoted, claiming … Continue reading


The comrades have been caught out yet again… A phone call to the Allan Beswick Show on BBC Radio Manchester and BBC Radio Lancashire has been subject to an investigation by the BBC Trust. It was found in breach of editorial guidelines for allowing a caller to speak on-air about having sex with his own eight-year-old children. Trustees were deeply troubled by the fact that the caller had been allowed on … Continue reading