Midweek 20th December 2023
Over to You …
Over to You …
Over to you – dump the TV licence
Over to you
A freelance Sports presenter – probably the highest paid ‘employee’ of the BBC – continues to publicly express personal political views – usually contrary to the elected government . The man’s views are offensive to many – and breaches the ‘neutrality ‘ the BBC pretends to follow … the BBC fails to stop him – but if it damages the BBC it’s good for those of us who want to … Continue reading
The BBC tried to block the release of emails by their corrupt reporter – bashir and the BBC management . A court has now criticised the BBC – ordered their release and awarded costs .But perhaps the BBC will continue to try and block damaging emails – using taxpayers’money.
The BBC licence fee is to increase by £10.50 next year .This week a BBC newsreader called Maryam Moshiri was pictured holding up her middle finger to the camera perhaps signalling the regard with which the BBC view the falling number of people paying for it . With bit of luck more people will refuse to pay for it . The BBC wanted a £15 increase and will argue that … Continue reading
The unelected PM is saying that the increase in the BBC licence fee won’t be as high as BBC expects – another lie ? Or maybe a suggestion the BBC becomes self financing ? Don’t pay for it . Keep your money …
Over to you – why not give yourself a Christmas present by cancelling your TV licence ? So many better things to spend the money on …
Over to You
We can be sure the BBC is ready to assign ‘blame ‘ for the renewed assault on Hamas by Israel.