Weekend 26th August 2023
Over to You
Over to You
Anyone stil watching the BBC ? End your licence – spend the money on something good .
Over to you
Over to You
Hey -Guess what – it’s time to dump your TV licence . Defund the BBC .
VJ Day is commemorated on the 15th of August . Will it be treated with respect by the BBC ? Will it be ignored ? Used as a ‘multicultural campaign weapon ‘? Take your pick . So much sacrifice .
Ah the Glorious 12th .
We enter the doldrums of the year . The sons and daughters of BBC executives are doing their job experience as interns before continuing the dynasty on the taxpayers ‘ cash .Viewing and listening figures continue to plunge as the BBC happily destroys itself .
1370 TV licences are , on average , cancelled or not renewed each day . Why not be number 1371? Youll be in great company .
This week a BBC autocue reader called sally nugent , 51, referred to the dambusters ‘ raid as ‘infamous ‘. Someone in the BBC looked up World War 2 and discovered that something called the RAF helped save Britain – therefore they issued a limited apology – with miss nugent keeping her job . 53 RAF lost their lives on that infamous attack on Nazi Germany – with 8 infamous … Continue reading