Ban All Iranians from the USA!

    Laugh, laugh out loud, laugh long and hard. Iranian BBC journalist is stopped from flying to the US…along with all other dual-nationality Iranians and others from Muslim countries…. Measures to tighten the US visa waiver programme were passed through Congress last month as part of the omnibus spending bill. People from 38 countries including Britain and France could previously visit the US for up to 90 days without … Continue reading

Ban Dan

  There must be something about people called ‘Hodges’….are they entirely trustworthy?  Should they be banned from the UK until we know what is going on? There’s Margaret and then there’s Dan….not to mention dodgy Hodges in Dad’s Army.  Some of our finest and upstanding citizens are named Hodges. What are Dan’s latest thoughts on the world? Dan Hodges: Donald Trump is an outright fascist Ban him. Ban him now. … Continue reading


The Today programme reported on Cameron’s wheeze to create a £20m fund to help more Muslim women in the UK learn English which will make them better able to resist the lure of radicalisation. You could tell they were not happy and made sure that those Muslim advocacy groups committed to keeping themselves SEPARATE from UK culture had their say. However the BBC always chooses to ignore the elephant in the … Continue reading

Cold comfort

    Always fun to remember that prediction from the climate alarmists. Delingpole also has his fun…. Remember: That Snow You See Out Of Your Window Is A Thing Of The Past However that old climate PR spinner, Bob Ward, is getting tetchy….   Bob Ward ‏@ret_ward .@JunkScience @tan123 Hey clowns, I live in London and there is no sign of snow here. Your blanket is a little patchy. Trouble … Continue reading

Raining on the BBC’s parade

As we’ve looked at before the BBC claimed…. Weather records: December was ‘wettest month for UK’ and trumpeted that loudly even though the Met. Office stated that… For the UK as a whole its currently the second wettest on record.   Just been looking at the rainfall totals for December for England and Wales. You know what…not a record, not a record by a long, long chalk. In December we … Continue reading


Wonder if anyone saw BBC “The Big Questions’ this morning? It was certainly explosive with left wing feminist rent-a-mouth harpy Kate Smurfwaite talking over everyone. However the BEST bit was when fellow leftist “Professor” Connie St Louis accused Milo Yiannopoulos of calling for the “assassination” of someone on his Twitter account. See Milo’s excellent response below. This is going to cost her.

Between a rock and a free school

  The BBC has a bit of a quandary…..reporting the success of non-private school pupils in getting into Oxbridge or hiding that because the pupils come from a Free School and from a poor area of London thus undermining two of the BBC’s cherished mantras about the hated Free Schools and poverty…..both apparently anathemas to success in education. A few days ago I heard Peter Allen claim that the school … Continue reading

It’s grim oop North lad….and it’s the Tory Government’s fault.

      When we had the floods recently the BBC made a big play about the supposed North-South divide in funding channelling a Labour Party narrative but not telling us that the person making the claim was in fact a Labour council leader. [Similarly the BBC doesn’t tell us that the PCC’s who complain about cuts to police funding are also Labour party politicians.] The BBC seems to like … Continue reading