On The One Hand…

  The BBC brought us (08:30….and repeated during the day) a woeful tale of the growing ‘tension and anger’ in Kos as immigrants flood in and the situation spirals ‘out of control’. Couldn’t help thinking that this is the same BBC that promotes open borders and no limits on migrant numbers, and about the number of times that we have been told of the huge  economic benefits and the blessed … Continue reading

Immigration Corrupting The Democratic Process?

  Eric Pickles says that political correctness is allowing electoral fraud by immigrants to continue unchecked… In Tower Hamlets, police and council staff failed to tackle intimidation – often in foreign languages – both inside and outside polling stations. Just as we have seen with child sexual exploitation in places such as Rochdale and Rotherham, institutionalised political correctness can lead to the state turning a blind eye to criminal conduct. … Continue reading

No Idea About Ikea

  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sx3qLKDvO6A       The BBC censored the identity of the murderers of two Swedes at an Ikea store.  The BBC has now come up with a narrative that allows them to reveal the truth about who killed the Swedes whilst managing to paint the murderers as motiveless madmen and asylum seekers as the real victims of the murders. The real big issue revealed by the murders?  Sinister Swedish … Continue reading

Are Muslim Fundamentalists A Danger To Other Britons?

  Are Muslim Fundamentalists A Danger To Other Britons? That’s not a question you will ever hear coming from the BBC.  In fact they work strenuously to put across the opposite idea…the well known phrase that ‘Islam is a religion of peace’ is one we hear constantly spouted by BBC presenters.  The BBC in fact promotes the idea that Islamic fundamentalism is a good thing…Mark Easton infamously favourably comparing Muslim … Continue reading

Stabbing Pains

  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0k_5pytCy98     The BBC is having a few problems with consistency when it comes to knife attacks. A teenager with a ‘Pakistani background’ stabs a black teacher in a racially motivated attack and the BBC covers up his race prefering to let people think this was ‘yet another’ racist attack by a white person…a version of events given ‘credence’ by the Today programme’s subsequent decision to then interview … Continue reading

Jesus Would Have Been A Jihadi Says Giles Fraser

    Its not often that I am lucky enough to get the opportunity  to catch some of R4’s Woman’s Hour but today was one of those days when the chance came my way and I leapt at it.  As with every other occasion it seems I, by chance, managed to tune in just as they were talking about converts to Islam.  Usually it is about the joys of conversion … Continue reading

The BBC’s Double Dealing On Race

  A black teacher is stabbed by a teenager of Pakistani background who shouts ‘nigger’ and ‘black bastard’ as he does so.  It’s a ‘racially motivated’ attack. It is well known that there is a level of racial tension between the two communities. But what does the BBC do, apart from ignore the race of the attacker?  It interviews an Asian teacher about the racism in schools (08:10) he has … Continue reading

Le Crackpot

    BBC Radio 4 Today ‏@BBCr4today Aug 8 ‘The size of the lie was so great’ – Martin Amis on Robert Conquest and Stalin’s ‘utopia’ http://bbc.in/1MXQC9a    We looked at the BBC’s refusal to report the words of the Foreign Secretary, Phillip Hammond, about immigration and its potential to have hugely damaging economic and social effects in Europe and give them the import they required.  The BBC totally ignored … Continue reading