Start the Week 1 August 2022
Over to you
Over to you
Over to you
Over to you
Over to you
The traditional quiet time of the year . The swamp – deep state goes on its ‘ holidays . The BBC leaves things with the interns – the bias becomes more bare …enjoy the stress , the delays and the rest …
Over to you .
Welcome to the Great British Summer – Aka a level 1 climate emergency .the site as part of the public service – recommends the following in the warm weather 1 – take every thing with a pinch of salt 2. Avoid increasing blood pressure through exposure to strong BBC bias 3 Always wear a grimace when hearing BBC wokery 4 Drink plenty in warm weather – ensure it is alcoholic … Continue reading
Summer can be Hot .panic .
Be in no doubt that as the BBC bury the Report on mass child sexual abuse in Telford their fight with the British Military will be pushed on . Some people ask what evidence of anti British Bias is there ? Well the 2 issues above help answer that question. Dump your TV licence – end your Direct Debit . The site has been playing up from time to time … Continue reading
The BBC has helped bring down a Prime Minister .Who does the BBC target next on the ‘unapproved ‘ list ? A harmless ‘Culture Secretary’ perhaps ?