Goodnight Newsnight

    ‘Is the BBC biased’ notes this comment from Rod Liddle about Newsnight:   I don’t think Rod Liddle was very impressed with last night’s Newsnight. “It was bad on a whole new level of badness”, he said. Presented by an Afghan-Australian woman called Yalda Kasem, of whom I had never heard. Yalda was hampered in her presentational debut by being unable to string a sentence together; nor did she … Continue reading

A ‘Pause’ In the BBC’s Reporting

  Extraordinary…not a peep out of the BBC about this story…despite a great deal of coverage  by most of the other media outlets. Here’s the BBC’s best effort…… News Sorry, there are no results for ‘Lennart Bengtsson’ in the category ‘News’.   Guess it is not only climate scientists who are engaged in a cover-up.    

The Road To Ruin

    It’s almost certain that everyone reading this has heard of ‘manufacturing of consent’, if you haven’t, read on for the perfect example of this in action which has surfaced from Labour’s very own ‘think tank’ the IPPR…..always curious how the IPPR is a ‘think tank’ whilst Migration Watch is a ‘pressure group’ in BBCspeak.   The IPPR has produced a classic of its kind.  You can see the … Continue reading

Take That Cameron!!

    When the story broke that Gary Barlow had been avoiding tax what was the one feature that the BBC emphasised first and foremost? That David Cameron didn’t think Barlow should lose his OBE.   This line led every report on this throughout the day and I thought at the time that it was probably a less than subtle attempt to link Cameron to the super rich and suggest … Continue reading

‘It is a constitutional scandal of the first order’

  When confronted by a story like this you might think the BBC would be all over it but you’d be wrong: It is a constitutional scandal of the first order. From the Telegraph: EU officials plotted IMF attack to bring rebellious Italy to its knees The revelations about EMU skulduggery are coming thick and fast. Tim Geithner recounts in his book Stress Test: Reflections on Financial Crises just how … Continue reading

Shameful Silence Of The BBC

        A scientist who joined the board of the GWPF has been intimidated and hounded out by the climate lobby: Shameless Climate McCarthyism on full display – scientist forced to resign   But the BBC has remained resolutely silent about this. This is the same BBC that is more than ready to claim scientists are silenced by climate sceptic’s ‘vitriolic attacks‘, as Evan Davis put it… Is there … Continue reading

Those Huddled Masses

      The immigration figures for the last year…ending september 2013: ONS estimates of Long-Term International Migration in the year ending September 2013 The latest ONS provisional estimates of Long Term International Migration (LTIM) show that there was a statistically significant increase in net migration to 212,000 in the year ending September 2013 from 154,000 the previous year. Net migration is the difference between immigration to and emigration from … Continue reading

Now You See Them, Now You Don’t

    Bold claims about how little effect the lifting of labour market restrictions will have on the numbers of Romanians and Bulgarians working in the UK over the next year are premature. Claims of this sort, based on a single quarter of evidence from one source, are nearly as risky as the predictions last year that lifting work restrictions would lead to a sudden “flood” of A2 migrants.     Oxford … Continue reading


I happened to catch a BBC report on the imminent findings of the investigation into the Islamification of certain schools in Birmingham this morning just after 7am. BBC only managed to find parents and schoolchildren who PRAISED the schools they attended and who were shocked, yes shocked, at this outrageous slur that they were being Islamified. One pupil helpfully pointed out that in her school, the Muslim population attending the … Continue reading