Easton Effrontery

    Today (0810) ventured onto the ‘frontline’ in the immigration debate as John Humphrys went to Sheffield to look at the ‘Roma’ question. Interesting as you got a clear picture of one problem in the immigration ‘debate’…those closely involved with immigrants have no intention of actually having a debate….immigration is ‘good’ for better or worse. Humphrys at least had a reasonable stab at balance…except no he didn’t…the things he … Continue reading

Tricks of the trade

  The BBC has been wonderfully generous with its time and money indoctrinating, sorry, ‘mentoring’, 30,000 school pupils from around the country and tutoring them on how to become journalists. Gord help us! Gord help us if this is what they are teaching them: Fiona Bruce mentors pupils for Michael Gove interview   Fiona Bruce reveals the BBC’s greatest trick for eliciting sympathy for a ‘victim’ of whatever oppression the … Continue reading


    I don’t know about a ‘full house’ but own a big house and you’re toast…if the BBC has its way. Listening to Today (around 07:25) and the BBC journo was interviewing Lord Turner, in charge of not regulating the banks at one time. Said journo stated that he thought the housing market was creating inequality and that we must surely have a ‘mansion tax’. Nice, as always, to … Continue reading

A Warning From The Future

    The BBC have a warning for you about the Far Right: France election: National Front gains trigger alarm   It is always an oddity that the BBC is never ‘alarmed’ about the Far Left taking power…there is no ‘warning from history’ about them….as Stalin erased his enemies from the archives the BBC erases Stalin and his ilk and their massive crimes….apparently communist North Korea is a Nazi state…and … Continue reading

This Labour love-in has to end

  Via Guido: Labour Send “Solidarity” to New Newsnight Editor Just what the new Newsnight economics editor needs when he is being accused of being too close to the Labour Party, the Labour deputy leader sending him public solidarity on Twitter: @DuncanWeldon sorry to c Mail attacks on you. Sending u solidarity Hang on in there. Horrid but they’ll give up after a bit. H— Harriet Harman (@HarrietHarman) March 25, 2014 … Continue reading

Po-faced Polly

      The canny Andrew Neil makes a wee joke about Tuscany Toynbee…and the Poverty Queen isn’t amused (via Guido):     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPTkbh6ojN0     Bit of a sense of humour bypass there.       Oh…and it was appalling bias by Neil against grandstanding social reformers campaigning for the poorest and most downtrodden in society using the conveniently highly paid media jobs as the vehicle to deliver the … Continue reading

Please Me Freeze Me

      The BBC completely ignored Labour donor John Mills’ claim that Miliband will not actually honour his promise to freeze energy prices….a pretty damning claim as that policy was central to Miliband’s politics….his ‘flagship policy’. However the BBC have immediately jumped on SSE’s announcement that they are going to freeze prices for a year slamming it on their frontpage as the second most important story and are claiming … Continue reading