Past Catching Up

  The BBC is up to its old tricks….attacking the Daily Mail for its ‘dodgy past’:   Curious it is so sanguine about the dodgy past of one in its own ranks: Newsnight reporter faces call to quit over secret links to BNP: Controversial Left-winger tried to cover up role in racist demonstrations A BBC journalist faced calls for  his sacking last night for attempting to cover up the extent … Continue reading

No Kafirs, Dogs Or Women…And Definitely No Gays!

  “This should be dragged out into the open and be discussed.”     Make no mistake, Taliban devotees are in our schools, playgrounds, homes, mosques, political parties, public service, private firms and universities. And if we are to have any hope of combating them, we need to stop this attitude of appeasement and understand why so many Muslims are attracted to the most punishing forms of belief, suppressing women … Continue reading

Up The BBC

  This is a response by Milverton to this rather self-indulgent attempt at humour……I might suggest he represents the views of most people who read this site and puts them across very well and concisely….namely that the BBC is, in concept, a good idea, that in reality it provides much of value but falls down seriously by ‘polluting’ its output with its own political and social agenda and that privatisation … Continue reading

EDL Girls

      The BBC produced a programme recently following the lives of some ‘girls’ who are already, or are thinking about becoming, members of the EDL….they began filming before Tommy Robinson jumped ship.   EDL Girls – Don’t Call Me Racist The English Defence League has gained notoriety as the far-right street movement with racist and extremist members whose protests often end in violence. Many of its members feel … Continue reading

You Plonker

    In case you missed it and don’t want to plough through 3 hours of ‘Sport Relief’ here’s the ‘Only Fools and Horses’ bit…at 2 hours 38 mins on the actual show: Sport Relief – 2014

Because They’re Worth It

    We cough up 145 beer/irn bru tokens every year for the privilege of being patronised and manipulated but what has the BBC ever done for us? Is it worth the cost? Does it do anything useful? Here, via the Telegraph, is a site that provides, at no cost whatsoever and completely unadulterated by political spin, a sterling  public service of immense usefulness:   How to get potholes … Continue reading

The Dead Budget Sketch

  The BBC demands a ‘sustainable recovery’ and never mind what recovery there is now you’d better batten down the hatches because it forecasts a grim, depressing future as austerity really bites…you ain’t seen nothing yet….and welfare cuts are impoverishing the demonised poor. Remarkable how the BBC have totally ignored the wave of criticism that Miliband received, much from his own side, for his abysmal response to the budget……Pienaar and … Continue reading

I Was A Teenage Werewolf

  Via The Spectator….. The BBC’s latest recruit to Newsnight, Duncan Wheldon,  has admitted to having been a teenage werewolf.  The romance of the horror, the thrill of the chase, adolescent hormones coursing through the veins, the moonlight, all lured him into making that fatal decision.  But he’s better now. He’s over his brief dalliance with demonic Beastliness and has settled down in comfortable old age as a dinosaur…cosying up … Continue reading