FoodBanks For Thought

  Today investigated Foodbanks: Half of food bank referrals ‘due to benefit changes’   Apart from it being just another chance to bash the government on the apparent ‘Standard of Living Crisis’ one little claim stood out made by Justin Webb….he told us that it was ‘fair enough to politicise foodbanks‘ if it meant we got answers about the issues…issues of course as defined by the likes of Justin Webb. … Continue reading

Taking The Micky

    Wake Up To Money’s Micky Clark must be good mates with Russell Brand or something.   Last week he told us that the Government was lying to us about low unemployment figures….this week he continues the theme (8 mins) saying we may be being duped by employers and politicians about the ‘good news on employment’…the employment figures are open to manipulation he tells us.   So…again he is … Continue reading

No Good News Is Good News

  BBC have been allocating a lot of airtime today to this: More children on adult mental wards An increasing number of young people with mental health problems in England are being treated on adult psychiatric wards, it emerges. Mental health services ‘in crisis’   Note that link to ‘Mental health services ‘in crisis’… old story from last year…however not so keen to link to more recent news……. …… just … Continue reading

North Korea…A Bit LIke Disneyland

    Remember this: Saturday Live on the 16th had an interesting little report. (about 0945)…all the way from the delightful People’s Republic of North Korea. John McCarthy hears about the Arirang or Mass Games in North Korea’s capital Pongyang;  a dazzling display by thousands of marching, dancing, skipping, gymnastics and… flip charts. He talks to visitors to the games photographer Jeremy Hunter, former diplomat James Hoare and tourist Tony … Continue reading


    “Our first responsibility is to make money for our clients….and nothing is more important than oil.” Jeremy Grantham….Bob Ward’s boss and also that of Lord Stern.     ‘Something funny’s happening to the weather’.   Just some things to consider when reading BBC exclamations that man made climate change is here…     What to believe eh? No Arctic ice?…and yet ice is increasing….drier, colder winters?…..and yet winter … Continue reading


You might wonder why it is that despite its vast resources, and all those world class journalists, the BBC seem to have missed THIS explanation of why the Somerset Levels flooding. Turns out the Environment Agency (Under Labour quangocrat control since 2000) planned to flood the Levels. How awkward for those INTENT in turning this tragedy into one more excuse to advance the AGW agenda… As I explained on the … Continue reading

Degrees Of Separation

  What’s in a name? Build a wall and it seems the most pressing problem is how to define what that wall is intended to do….what to name the construction…..all very difficult if you have an agenda whilst trying to appear not to have.   In Northern Ireland walls that keep the warring parties apart are ‘Peace Walls’…and they’re still being built….as this BBC report from 2013 reveals: New ‘peace … Continue reading