This New Year should provide the comrades at the BBC with much scope for their bias. We will have the Scottish referendum on the 18th September. Where will the BBC stand on this defining moment for the UK? We have the European elections on the 22nd May. UKIP are forecast to perform strongly but how will the BBC spin a likely win for Farage and his gang? With the UK … Continue reading

If You’re Happy And You Know It…..

    Poor but happy, that’s the BBC’s ideal world. Low carbon footprints, sustainable consumption and sing songs and hugs for Christmas.  BBC bliss.   The BBC has long been banging away  that ‘consumerism’ is the root of all evil…despite also banging the drum that tells us the Poor must have more to be happy….just where do all those jobs, and the wealth,  that gives the Poor more come from?  … Continue reading

BBC Plays The Race Card On Immigration

    The BBC’s Phil Mackie brings us some blatant propaganda, lies if you prefer, all the way from Bucharest in Romania. (08:12) He manages to combine two of the BBC’s favourite Bête Noires, immigration control and one of Murdoch’s papers, The Sun, in a ‘report’ that was more a ‘Dan Brown-like’ invention of the truth than reality. His report is from one angle only as his Tweets demonstrate:   … Continue reading


The BBC does not seem unduly concerned that tomorrow, 1st January, may well see TENS OF THOUSANDS of Romanians and Bulgarians swarm into the UK. Indeed it runs an item today suggesting “Romania dismisses UK ‘invasion’ fears”. Nice to get the Romanian perspective from Auntie. Now I don’t know what January will bring us in regard to new Eastern European peasantry BUT I do know that the uber multiculturalists that … Continue reading


I tuned in to the Today programme this morning before 7am to hear the BBC bring us the BIG issue of the day – yes, transgender rights in 2013.  Then, by way of amusement, I listened to Evan Davis at 7.09am express his all to evident disappointment that  some Northern Ireland politicians had not been corralled into a deal by US Mr Fix It, Richard Haas. He TRIED to allow … Continue reading


Biased BBC writer Daniel Pycock notes… “The BBC reluctantly gives good coverage on UKIP, but cannot help itself… I recently spotted a few things in a recent article about Nigel Farage saying the UK should take in refugees from the Syrian Civil War (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-25539843). The first is that the BBC’s ‘political apparatchik’ correspondent said “Mr. Farage’s call was likely to surprise many”. If you look at UKIPs manifesto, or website, … Continue reading

BBC Science Journalism…Knowing enough is no longer important?

There’s Fiona Fox’s outrageous claim that the way the BBC could really improve its science coverage is to have fewer sceptics. She says: “To have a sceptic or contrarian in every interview is really misleading the public.” Luckily, she enthuses, the BBC is doing a fine job of correcting this grotesque imbalance. “With Climate Science there’s been a real change with people like Richard Black and Roger Harrabin fighting internally … Continue reading