Midweek Thread 3rd March 2021
Busy time – The UK budget and the Scottish First Minister appearing before the Salmon inquiry . BBC narrative – whatever the government does is never enough and the SNP can do no wrong .
Busy time – The UK budget and the Scottish First Minister appearing before the Salmon inquiry . BBC narrative – whatever the government does is never enough and the SNP can do no wrong .
Happy Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Sant. Over to You .
Tricky time for the Far Left BBC . SNP on the rocks – Islamic terrorist refused entry to the UK – Biden using the military – Chinese virus cases rising again – EU infighting – which anti british narrative does it push this time ?
Will the Far Left Anti British BBC honestly report to the UK the goings on in the SNP ? You can guess the answer .
Over to you – let’s hope the website holds up for a while …
Over to you …
The BBC has decided that the mental health of young people is in jeopardy – if they are exposed to the sort of stuff the Far Left Biased BBC puts out is it any surprise ? The constant negativity about the collective plight of our country can’t be any help in reducing the stress of staying indoors . Further – where is the humour ? Where is the fun ? … Continue reading
Deep gloom for the Far Left Biased BBC as the government target of 15 million vaccine injections is achieved. The failure narrative has failed. So it will have to find another target to run Britain down . Meanwhile the political show trial in America – which received wall to wall coverage on the BBC – has also ended in failure -in BBC eyes .what next ? Oh – and a … Continue reading
The BBC has been blocked in China . Lucky Chinese – and a belated Happy New Year .- the Year of the Ox.
The Far Left Biased BBC is doing its traditional job of undermining British morale . This time it is putting doubts in minds about the effectiveness of vaccines . Meanwhile it has announced that the licence is to increase by £1.50 to £159 per year . But the good news is – tv licence tax evasion is going up – its currently at an estimated 8% – according the BBCs … Continue reading