Food For Thought

Yesterday on Midweek  Libby Purves brought us ‘Chefs Yotam Ottolenghi and Sami Tamimi were born in Jerusalem in the same year – Sami on the Arab east side and Yotam in the Jewish west.’…a Palestinian and a Jewish chef working together. No doubt the BBC thought this was a suitable message for the warring factions….you can talk it through and live and work together in harmony. All was going to … Continue reading

BBC Censorship: DNC Taken Over By The Israel Lobby Edition – UPDATED

(SEE UPDATE BELOW) With all that website space taken up with Mark Mardell’s encomium to Bill Clinton, a dishonest attack piece on Govs. Jindal and Haley, and Kate Dailey’s furrowed-brow musings over Elizabeth Warren’s mewling about horrors of “income inequality” (making sure not to mention Warren’s fake Cherokee ancestor controversy), the BBC News Online editors had no more room to report that the convention bosses had to force an acknowledgment … Continue reading


BBC News online has published an article today by “Washington-based journalist Seema Sirohi” asking why Indian-Americans prefer the Democratic Party. This being the BBC the journalist is of course strongly pro-Democrat (see example tweets below) and the article is basically an excuse for her to rail against the Republicans in the most obvious and partisan way. Sirohi even uses the awful device of making up a quote to prove a … Continue reading


I am sure many of you will have seen BBC coverage of the riots in Belfast in recent nights.  However is it possible that the BBC played a role in CREATING the riots through their very selective coverage? A Biased BBC reader writes; ” The BBC NI website was instrumental in making the band at St Patrick’s Chapel the biggest news issue around the 12th July. It was their main headline … Continue reading


Here I start you off with a passage from a Telegraph article….One point of which is the renewed popularity of Gordon Brown… surprise really when the BBC has done all it can to smother any and all criticism of him….you will rarely hear his name on the BBC despite him being both Chancellor and PM and leading us into the most disastrous financial crisis possibly in history. Also included are further parts … Continue reading

How Was It For You?

This is the BBC’s take on how the Olympics went for the troops working there: London Olympics: How was it for the troops? The public love them, their efficiency, friendly nature and some of the women coming into the Park often admit there is that man-in-uniform factor. “I was very happy to see the soldiers,” says Liz Gluckman, arriving with her family from Cobham. “They were very friendly and smiling.” … Continue reading

Where Ignorance Is Bliss

The opening night of the Democratic National Convention and the First Lady’s speech were a rousing success, according to Mark Mardell, the BBC’s US President editor. And his ignorance is on full display. For Michelle, the personal is political Mardell has been seeking inspiration for months, and seems to have found it. But first, a little sneer while making a lazy attempt to compare Michelle Obama’s speech to Ann Romney’s: … Continue reading

Mrs Thatcher Bites Dog

The BBC never knowingly allows a chance to attack Mrs Thatcher go by however unlikely: Dr Daniel Conway, author of a paper on the politics of Margaret Thatcher’s clothing, and Tory MP Claire Perry, debate the what these suits reveal about the Iron Lady. According to Conway Thatcher’s dresses were a physical manifestation of her politics…. which were all about ‘narrow, selfish class concerns.’ No they weren’t…if anything the complete … Continue reading

Growth: Stimulate to Simulate

Wake Up To Money A classic example of the BBC proving that they play the man and not the ball…..or rather attack the Tories whatever policy they come up with. How many times have you heard someone dragged onto the BBC to complain about banks not lending to them? How many times have you heard the answer to low growth is building more houses? How many times have you heard … Continue reading