Midweek Open Thread 10 April 2019
The Far Left Pro Remain BBC continues it’s bias and we must record it
The Far Left Pro Remain BBC continues it’s bias and we must record it
….takes its name, of course, from Hilary Clinton’s backfiring attempt to denigrate Trump supporters. Here’s what freedom looks and sounds like: Proud to be Deplorable Vote Republican song No smokin’ gun Brick by brick Pro-life Song And this guy John Morgan is so good I thought for a moment that Bush had taken up a new career: George W Bush sings Hallelujah to Donald Trump I realise this is all … Continue reading
Another Week and More Biased BBC lies and omissions
Over to you
The Far Left Biased BBC continues to paint a picture of political turmoil without saying Remainer MPs are causing it . Over to you …
David Vance has appealed over the years to contributors to moderate their language, so I’m just echoing that appeal here. There’s nothing to be gained by competing with the comments section under many YouTube videos, and swearing probably drives some people away from the site who would otherwise contribute. More disturbing are attacks on political figures which can be interpreted as promoting violence and even assassination. This blog is not … Continue reading
Id concocted an Fools Day Joke that the Far Left BBC had ‘seen the light’ …but then I realised how far fetched that was. I’be always been fond of ‘fools ‘ wheezes so any welcome .
Whither Brexit ? Over to you ( and let’s spare a thought for the insanely anti President Trump BBC correspondents )…
Over to you ….
I thought I’d try out shorter threads in current circumstances – so over to You to highlight the failings and hideous bias of the Far Left BBC