Start the Week Open Thread 22 October 2018

The Far Left BBC quickly buried the conviction of “the Huddersfield 20 Muslim racist paedophiles” and as it does – moved quickly on . How will the BBC perform regarding the political show trial of Tommy Robinson on Tuesday ? You can bet the Muslim paedo racist gang which is the cause of TRs   brush with the law won’t feature much in this crooked country but his past will … Continue reading

Weekend Open Thread 20 October 2018

I don’t know what to write. The BBC need not broadcast anti Brexit propaganda because the government is failing to represent the outcome of the Referendum without any help . Elsewhere the constant propaganda against President Trump is becoming worn out as he continues to repair his country after years of Democratic swamp rule . For those marching for Remaining on Saturday  ( disputed numbers of course)  – it’s good … Continue reading

Start the Week Open Thread 15 October 2018

The Far Left BBC and the rest of the main stream media reported -with the usual bias – on a march on Saturday by the Democratic Football Lads Alliance. The opposition was described as ‘anti fascist’ therefore labelling the Lads as fascist . This has turned into a term of abuse now – or just for a person with whom one doesn’t agree. From traffic wardens to American presidents the … Continue reading

Start the Week Open Thread 8 October 2018

The BBC and mainstream media will spend a bit of time working out how President Trump’s nominee was appointed to the US Supreme Court despite the MSM onslaught against him . Then it’s back to fighting the November elections on behalf the Democrat Party . Meanwhile at home we will witness the BBC undermining Brexit negotiations by blaming any piece of bad news on the People’s vote of 2 years … Continue reading

The Age and the Sydney Morning Herald mirror the BBC

I hope my esteemed colleagues will indulge me if I present a case against the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, rather than against the BBC. The latter is only guilty by association here since it practices the precise blinkered left-wing ideology demonstrated by these afore-mentioned publications. Nick Miller, an alleged journalist ‘reporting’ for these papers, wrote an article purporting to enlighten his readers about anti-Semitism in Europe. Instead, it … Continue reading

Weekend Open Thread 6 October 2018

The Far Left BBC will turn the possible  US Supreme Court victory for President Trump into a defeat as it shows its’ full bias.Next biased attack please … Russians are  making themselves easy targets as they try to muscle in on BBC territory to undermine the West. We are meant to believe the Russians want to hack the NHS – a culture still using fax machines to avoid the accountability … Continue reading