The BBC report on the 10 0 Clock news concerning the Labour Party conference today is very interesting. The shrill calls from the comrades to nationalise, to tax and to punish capitalism further was reported with ill disguised glee and I note that new face on the block Robert Peston is very keen to advance the notion that changing economic conditions play into Gordon Brown’s court, which is verging on the surreal. There seems to be a political notion abroad amingst the media that only imposed socialism can save us from the perils of capitalism and the BBC is to the fore in subtly promoting this.


I see that the BBC has determined that the savages behind the mass murder attack in Islamabad are “militants” Now I don’t know about you but I would have thought that the brutal homicidal car bombing of a tourist hotel rather qualified as an act of unmitigated terror which would in turn make the culprits..terrorists. Then again, I also note that the Islamic terrorist scum behind this were able to get in contact with the BBC to explain that the aim behind the mass murder was “to stop America interference in Pakistan”

The BBC – the terrorists preferred broadcaster of repute.


The spiteful anti-American narrative that pervades much of the BBC’s political output (excepting when it comes to coverage of the Chosen One, naturally) was evident in the item on the horrendous Jihadist bombing that has taken place in Islamabad on Today this morning at 7.09am. Dr Farzana Shaikh, from the “foreign affairs think tank” Chatham House (No hint of any bias there, right?) was quick to lay the blame for the Marriot Hotel bombing where it truly belonged – namely the United States. The bottom line, she pointed out, is that the US needs to back off putting pressure on Pakistan and in directly ugoing after the Taliban/Al Queda. Criticism of the Islamist bombers was perfunctory as the time given was used to bash the real evil out there – the United States.



Just after the 7am news headlines, Today ran a quick item on current US political reaction to the turbulence in the financial markets and the US response. Only ONE of the candidates for the US Presidency got to speak on it – can you guess which one?

Competition time! Troll challenge edition

It’s a little tiring to have to keep pointing out the allegations the Beeb seems happy to ignore when left-wing politicians are in the frame, such as the Mail‘s against Labour MP Keith Vaz, also reported here, here, here, here and here, but sadly not as yet picked up by the BBC’s website. A challenge therefore for the corporation’s defenders: a copy of the Morning Star to the first who can point out any allegation against a Tory – ever – that the BBC has so comprehensively ignored.

UPDATE: The Vaz story is also now reported here, meaning that you are more likely to hear about these corruption allegations against a British Labour MP from the media in Argentina than from the BBC.

General BBC-related comment thread!

Please use this thread for comments about the BBC’s current programming and activities. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog – scroll down for new topic-specific posts. N.B. This is not an invitation for general off-topic comments, rants or chit-chat. Thoughtful comments are encouraged. Comments may also be moderated. Any suggestions for stories that you might like covered would be appreciated! It’s your space, use it wisely.



I suppose it was inevitable that the BBC would use the Labour Party conference to hail the achievements of the Great Leader but even at that I must admit to being surprised at hearing him compared to Winston Churchill! I tuned into Radio 5 live just after 8am this morning and the BBC were running a vox pop at the conference and everyone interviewed praised Brown, with one lady making the wartime leader comparison. The BBC is running with the narrative that because of the (sic) internationally driven financial crisis, only Brown with his massive economic experience can save the day. And so it is that in the Beeboid mindset, Brown is Churchill.


It’s remarkable to see the way in which the BBC shills for Mr Broon. I was wading through this grovelling contribution to the Brown recovery strategy by Brown groupie James Landale and was struck by the remarkable claim he makes that The Guardian is now a Conservative supporting newspaper!! Landale is bang on-message with Labour high command, damning Miliband and Johnson whilst praising Brown’s economic messianic capabilities. You couldn’t make it up.


You would need a heart of stone not to laugh! The BBC went ape crazy about the Large Hadron Collider just over a week ago, with maximum media overkill. Now it transpires that it will be out of action for at least two months. Part of the giant physics experiment was turned off for the weekend while engineers probed a magnet failure. But a Cern spokesman said damage to the £3.6bn ($6.6bn) particle accelerator was worse than anticipated. The curse of the BBC……!

A parallel universe

He may be a Republican pollster, but Frank Luntz is doing no favours for the Conservatives in this Newsnight report on how the party leaders are viewed. “We’ve gathered floating voters,” he begins. “Left-leaning floating voters”. And aren’t they.

With Channel 4’s poll of marginal seats the other day showing the Conservatives heading for a 150 seat majority, and the Lib Dems currently polling at just 12%, Newsnight managed to find a group of floating voters who were going to vote for Clegg practically to a man.

“You’re frustrated with your prime minister, but I don’t think you’re running to the Conservatives either,” observered Luntz. Perhaps not, but practically everyone else is. “There’s no outcry for him (Gordon) to leave,” he observed. Really? But this is Beeb land, so my advice to the Lib Dems? Go back to your constituencies and prepare for Government.