It’s a tricky one, isn’t it? The BBC are laying into the policing of the G20 summit in London, with the latest shock horror being some woman complaining that she was “hit across the face” by an officer. This is a headline grabbing news angle, apparently. Don’t get me wrong, I despise the increasingly politicisation and paramilitarisation of policing – all conducted under Labour. Many within the senior ranks are essentially politicians – not coppers. I don’t like the arrogance and bullying that British policing often exudes. But I am disturbed at the way in which the BBC is leading this assault on the integrity and dedication of policing. It suggests that the G20 protesters were all innocent angels. It uses vermin like Ken Livingstone to try and undermine Boris Johnson. The BBC has an agenda in play here which boils down to ensuring that the sort of rabble that turn up to cause trouble at G20 summits be treated with kid gloves. Mind you, when it comes to the police treatment of those who support country sports – you couldn’t hit them hard enough.


It’s easy to understand why the likes of Justin Webb gets so excited about the Obama Presidency. The hard-left ideology that underlines Hopenchange resonates precisely with that running through those employed by the State Broadcaster. Despite a short period in power, Obama has managed to cuddle up to just every tyranny in the world. Naturally this excites the BBC, and so when Obama embraces Venezuelan thug Chavez – smiles all round. It’s incredible to compare the unrelentingly favourable coverage Obama gets from the BBC compared to the unrelenting hostility Bush got. The BBC’s troupe of in-house comedians still make jokes at the expense of Bush but when it comes to Obama, silence. So long as Obama is being nice to Iran
to Cuba, to Russia, to those poor oppressed Palestinians – all is well in the BBC garden. We observed the same during the Clinton era but Obama has already demonstrated his much more extreme leftism and that ensures he becomes the poster boy for those who dare to claim they are an impartial news gathering organisation.



Here’s a lovely item which positively glows with praise for the wise Obama as he decides that he needs to “regulate” the “pollutant” that is CO2 apparently. The idea that CO2 is NOT a pollutant – a view held by many prominent scientists – does not get a mention. First Obama regulates the banks, and now he wants to regulate the atmosphere.

General BBC-related comment thread

. Please use this thread for comments about the BBC’s current programming and activities. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog – scroll down for new topic-specific posts. N.B. This is not an invitation for general off-topic comments, rants or chit-chat. Thoughtful comments are encouraged. Comments may also be moderated. Any suggestions for stories that you might like covered would be appreciated! It’s your space, use it wisely!


I see that John Humphyrs has been given his first class ticket to the world and is off to cover the looming South African election. Apparently it is “too soon to write off hope” in this afflicted nation. Not so sure about that. The ANC is a corrupt venal immoral hypocrisy and yet they are looking at being returned for a further term in power, so I hope Mr Humphyrs will spell out why they are voted into power time after time and perhaps explain the serial failure of the political class in South Africa to deliver anything for anyone other than cash and patronage for themselves.


I see that Vince Cable has once more been given great publicity from the BBC. They love him, don’t they? And all the time – the cold wind of being ignored blows over Conservative George Osbourne and even Ken Clark. One could be forgiven for thinking Vince Cable was Chancellor of the Exchequer given the scale and positive spin to the coverage he is afforded.


You have to hand it to the BBC, they really are doing their best for Gordon Brown. Today they are providing much publicity to the claims by an economist called David Miles, soon to be a member of the totally independent MPC! More green shoots of recovery – recession bottoming out – nothing to see, move along, Vote Labour. You get the drift.


It never ceases to sicken me the way in which the BBC seems to be besotted with the loathsome Keith Vaz. In this story, note how they use Vaz to try and undermine Boris Johnson. Pathetic stuff – ever since Boris won the BBC have been doing everything possible to try and get their pal Livingstone back into office next time round. That’s one reason why Red Ken is never off the BBC. I know Boris has his frailties, and he says many things I do not agree with, but quite frankly this sort of petty nonsense is just a bit of character assassination.


Ahoy Mateys – but if you want a laugh have a read of our man Justin Webb’s latest diary entry concerning Obama’s great triumph over the Somali pirates. It’s truly pathetic stuff, visceral in bias. How he just LOVES Obama. Justin is more of a puppy to The ONE than even Bo.


Hi all. Been away all day and just back now! See the BBC is bigging up the story about Barry the Brave publishing “torture” memos from the Bush era. It soooo fits the narrative, doesn’t it? The BBC salivate in true left-wing style at this sort of non story – it is made to confirm their most fevered imaginations about the evil Bush. Let’s hope that Obama’s GOP successor in the White House is also quick off the mark to expose any politically expedient memos from this presidential period – and trust that the BBC are quick to carry it so prominently! BTW – the BBC seema tad subdued about the Tea Parties for some odd reason?