Why is the BBC still running as it’s lead story the “It’s the end of the world” hysteria because another handful of people have in the UK being diagnosed with swine flu? Ban ki-Moon and the rest of the UN bureaucracy must love this faux war – it’s perfect for them, and the BBC are determined to keep this as the single biggest news story in the UK today.


I see Lauren Booth has come unstuck from Gaza.
Oh, the folly of rushing to Facebook to declare your newly single status.
The relevance to BBC bias is that “She regularly reviews the UK newspapers on television for Sky News, BBC One and BBC News 24,” and also that this insane woman is treated by them as someone worth reporting about.
A ‘peace activist’ no less. Maybe she should apply that to her domestic arrangements.

“She said she was missing her two children who kept asking her, “Mummy, why can’t you come home? Have you done anything wrong?” “No, under international law I’ve done nothing wrong, but for some reason I am effectively being imprisoned here by authorities who wish to punish human rights activists who have come to view the situation in Gaza,” she said,

as you would, to children aged about nine years old. Sorry, seven and five.
Ha bloody ha.

And Oh the folly of appearing in a debate in theDaily Mail saying “These days, married women can be split into two categories: “stickers” and “runners”…………..Well, I’m a sticker.”
And a hypocrite and a self serving idiot.


So, one day after D-day and the site is still here and I have been closely following your comments. I want to let you know that we will try and follow up all your positive and thoughtful suggestions, wherever this is possible.

There are a few things that I have decided ARE staying on blog – such as the Twitter bar. The reason is that this enables me to post a quick comment which may be on the BBC whenever I hear or see it. If some don’t like this, tough. Furthermore, it may be that the blogger platform is imperfect but trust me there is no such thing as a perfect platform.

Some people have commented regarding the siting of A Tangled Web and All Seeing Eye at the top of this site. I would simply point out the huge behind the scenes work that Geoff from the Eye makes to this site (Ever wondered who makes the weekly Question Time session run smoothly) and just like ATW he also picks up on BBC related issues – so both blogs are staying, linked here – to be augmented with others. The broader blogroll will also develop. This is WORK IN PROGRESS – but progress it is. So my thanks to all who come here – hope the shock of the new is now wearing off – and from tomorrow on I only want to talk about the lousy BBC and the bias it exudes. Hope you agree!


Operation Save Gordon is in full throttle today and nowhere is this more evident than on the BBC. I refer you to the main news portal which leads with Postie Johnson declaring of Gordo that “… he is ” better than me or anyone else” as prime minister.” Well, certainly better for the Tories! However if you scan down the stories under Postie’s declaration of undying loyalty to Brown, look at the other BBC headlines. “Blears denies criticism of Brown”,Clarke in smears row action call” and “Prescott rounds on Brown’s critics”. Notice the slant? Not just biased – outrageously biased.


Anyone catch the Andrew Marr show this morning? Amazingly pro-Labour with Postie Johnson and luvvie Patrick Stewart bigging up Prudence. Johnson was on to slap down the Blears mutiny, of course. Meanwhile Marr himself commented that Labour had to be given credit for what they have already done for the Gurkhas.

And as an extra treat, Nicky Campbell’s “The Big Question” is debating should we be ASHAMED of our role in Iraq? Saddamite supporters in the audience. Total contempt for the British army. Universal agreement that the war was wrong because we were “lied” to and that weapons of mass destruction did not exist. No one too bothered about Saddam’s genocide. George Carey claims we brought terrorism into Iraq.

For further multiculti fun he also has a Druid on!

The look of this site might alter, the BBC agenda is fixed in aspic.


The BBC must be the only organisation on this planet that takes human wind bag John Prescott seriously. Prezza has waded into the Labour civil war – mindlessly trying to prop up Gordo. Isn’t it such a laugh to see hard Labour disintegrate in front of our very eyes whilst goons like Prezza rush into the busom of the welcoming Today programme in a vain attempt to save Gordon?


The BBC never misses an opportunity to evangelise on behalf of the Nanny State. And so it is that following the continued horrendous revelations concerning Haringey social services, the utterly ineffective Lord Laming is wheeled on to inform us that the logical conclusion to this sordid tale is ….that the State needs to become even more active in the role of parenting. No counter view required. None offered. Well, allow me to provide one. The guy that raped the two year old child needs castrated and put away for life, end of. The useless social workers need sacked. The politicians that presided over this should resign, Parents need to be held reponsible for their kids. How about some REAL debate?