Arggh! Woke up this morning to the Today programme around 6.50am and who was on? Yes, it’s Universal Alistair Darling on. He had also been on Today in Parliament around 11pm last night. After the 7am news headline, on comes the lovely (!) Yvette Cooper to give us five minutes of Labour propaganda. Seriously, has the BBC gone into denial? I think we may need to send in some psychotherapists to help our dear Beeboid friends…..


Have you noticed how omnipresent former Chancellor Alistair Darling is on the BBC these days? I caught him on The World Tonight, and he was on Today the other morning. Maybe the BBC believe he STILL is Chancellor? He is given the opportunity to snipe at Coalition policy at every turn as the BBC consigns HIS role in the devastation of our economy to the memory hole.


I had the misfortune to watch the BBC Breakfast news programme this morning and caught an interview with Michael Gove on the new policy to try and introduce some freedom into our Education system. What struck me was the BBC’s obsession that if this policy is implemented, it could means that “big business” might get rid of some teachers. Reading between the lines, it is the prospects of poor-performing teachers that most concerns the BBC. I thought Gove did well but it was clear the BBC does not accept the premise that freedom from bureaucracy for schools is a good idea and I am certain this will become part of the anti-coalition narrative.


I note that Roger Harrabin has not yet responded to my invitation to explain the BBC’s eco-freakery. Could it be that – like all his warmist colleagues – he is afraid to? Meanwhile, eco-nonsense pours incontinently out of every BBC orifice; this story about polar bears reaching ‘a tipping point’ (I’m pinching myself; you can’t believe some of the things you find yourself writing) has all the hallmarks of such a scare story, namely, overpaid so-called scientists with nothing better to do, inane handling of limited information, the use of modelling to ‘prove’ a dodgy hypothesis, and last but not least, no inclusion by the BBC reporter of any opinion to the contrary. WUWT sums the limitations in a paragraph:

After reading this BBC article on modeling the “tipping point” of polar bear populations, it seemed this photo summed it up well, especially since modeling was substituted in lieu of “nearly non-existent data”. I wonder how the bears survived the Roman Warm Period, or the Medieval Warm Period?

I know I drone on about this, but what does it actually take for the idiots who write this stuff to realise how stupid they are? Or are they so ideologically motivated that they have lost all reason?


Tony Blair, while for some obscure reason being prime minister of the UK, laid the foundations for the greenie legislation that costs UK taxpayers an eye-watering £18bn a year in perpetuity. Now, the BBC reports glowingly, he’s joined the fast-expanding greenie venture capital gravy train that, in general, advises greedy corporations how to make an obscene fast buck or two by forcing people into fuel poverty and by pushing the the third world to abandon measures that help them out of poverty. For the BBC, of course, this is simply a great story; they report it without any qualifying comment in their eco-freak mutual admiration society. Their fervent wish is the resurrection of St Tony.

Aiding or Abetting

The BBC’s approach to the I/P conflict is to assume there’s a unanimous consensus amongst its viewers and listeners that Israel is guilty on all counts.

Dissenters like myself take the view that the BBC taints the news it brings us by using a combination of devices.
A distancing, dehumanising approach to Israeli individuals, the exaggerated human interest treatment of Palestinian victimhood, the omission of vital context and historical background, and undue prominence given to unverified statements from Palestinian spokespersons; to name but a few.

All this reinforces the perception of Israel’s unreasonable conduct, and rationalises the guilty verdict.

There has been a lot of news about the merits or otherwise of giving large amounts of aid to needy countries. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, say some, and aid inevitably gets into the wrong hands, causes corruption, and creates dependency and hampers self determination and enterprise.

One group, however, is so needy and so deserving, that the urgency of their predicament supersedes such considerations, causing all doubts to melt away. Which brings us to..

The Flotilla.
When the flotilla approaches Gaza, people wonder what will happen. What will Israel do?

What will the BBC do?


Well, the age of austerity beckons with all those £££billions of cuts and many of us will have to tighten our belts. Happily, this is not the case at the BBC where the good times just keep on a rollin’…

The BBC was accused of making a mockery of public sector spending cuts as it announced that three new executives would get pay packets vastly in excess of the Prime Minister’s salary.

The BBC said that Pat Younge, the new chief creative officer, who joined the broadcaster in January, would be paid a base salary of £310,000, more than double David Cameron’s £142,500 prime ministerial salary. The total remuneration package for Mr Younge, who is responsible for production of all the broadcaster’s television programmes, is worth £317,800.

Paul Gaskin, the new human resources director for BBC North, will be paid £190,000, with a total package worth £197,900.

Simon Lloyd — “director of marketing, communications and audiences for future media and technology” — is to be paid £160,000, with his overall remuneration worth £167,800.

Because they are worth it?


BBC been leading the charge against the “savage cuts” from the bad and evil Tory/Dems. I particularly enjoyed Alistair Darling being granted airtime to pronounce of the poor judgement of the Coalition, without even a hint of BBC irony….your favourite moment of the day from the Cuts crusaders?  

Falsehood and Madness

“Reporters are mouthpieces for people in power”

On Today, Guardian writer and one-time journalist of the year Nick Davies tells us that the internet is a mechanism for distributing falsehood and madness.
But not to worry. Although much journalism is necessarily inaccurate, the bastions of truth and good journalism are the BBC and the Guardian.