BBC Hypocrisy: Context Edition

The BBC has figured out their Narrative on these leaked documents from the Israel/Palestinian peace process. Naturally, Israel gets the worst of it. But there is a moment of glaring hypocrisy.

Jerusalem’s troubled geography

Right from the start, we see the direction it’s headed.

The release of thousands of leaked documents apparently showing Palestinian willingness to compromise over Israeli settlements once again highlights Jerusalem’s troubled geography – and damages the credibility of both sides, writes the BBC’s diplomatic correspondent Jonathan Marcus.

Both sides look bad? I suppose that’s why so many Palestinians have been complaining that Fatah is undermining their hopes and dreams, because the documents are equally damaging to Israel’s credibility? Color me skeptical. But first, we get the usual BBC agenda-driven historical moment in a vacuum.

As a main topic of the leaked documents concerns East Jerusalem, it’s only right that the BBC sets the scene. We’re told that Israel “captured” East Jerusalem in the Six Day War, but are provided zero context (remember that word for later) as to why they were in a position to do so. All we’re told is: “For the Palestinians and many in the Arab world this was a disaster.” Yes, it’s Arabist Gospel that Israel was an unprovoked aggressor in that war, but the BBC needs to be dealing in facts, not fiction. Israel’s move into East Jerusalem is presented in a vacuum, and the reader is left to assume whatever they like.

Of course, in 1967, there was no such thing as Palestinians, outside of Arafat’s little activist group. The people of East Jerusalem were Jordanians then. So the BBC creates a little alternate history. The propaganda is so deeply entrenched in their minds – and, most likely, in BBC editorial policy on the subject – that they write it as fact. But after being educated by the BBC, the average BBC audience member must find it very distasteful to learn that many Israelis viewed this “disaster” as a “miracle”. I think we can see the Narrative taking shape.

Now for the bit where Jonathan Marcus explains how these documents make Israel look bad. First, he carefully explains the Palestinian position on East Jerusalem, the Settlements, and some of the larger picture. There is no mention of any Israeli concerns, as if it’s unimportant, although there’s a lone subheading about ‘holy places’. We’ll get to that shortly. Then Marcus writes this:

While the main thrust of these documents is to show a Palestinian Authority far more willing to offer compromises than the Israelis have ever been willing to admit, the story is not entirely one of sharp divisions and unbridgeable gulfs.

Now we see how Israel is made to look the villain even here. Nasty old Israel has been dishonest and lying about Palestinian negotiations, right? Who’s really not the valid partner in the peace process, eh, BBC? Forget about all those people complaining that ceding a little territory is proof that Fatah is failing their people, etc. It’s really Israel who doesn’t want peace.

The leaked documents show that in August 2008 Israel’s former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert was willing to break with his hardliners, accepting that Jerusalem would in some way be partitioned, allowing both Israelis and the Palestinians to use it as their capital.

Yep, those nasty old hardliners, the real obstacle to peace, eh, BBC? A joint capital was always the only way, don’t you know. And what about those holy places?

This offer, made just a few months before US President Barack Obama took office, included provisions for the token return of some Palestinian refugees and on potentially the most contentious issue of all – access to the holy places at the heart of the city – interim arrangements involving Israel, the Palestinians, the Saudis and the Jordanians.

Indeed, the Palestinian side too seems to have been willing to envisage imaginative solutions to resolve the problems of access and control over the holy basin.

So you see, it’s….wait…the holy what now? Who has access to which holy places now, BBC? No context whatsoever. In fact, as those who look to the BBC for their information wouldn’t know, Jews are not allowed to pray at the only actual holy site in the entire religion: the Temple Mount. They are permitted to worship only at the base of a retaining wall around the perimeter of the compound. Jews are not permitted to worship or even dress too orthodox on the actual premises. Only Muslims are permitted. The fact is, this is tolerated by the Israeli government because all hell would break loose if they did anything about it. The BBC never honestly addresses this issue. No special segments on any religion programmes about how Judaism is the only major religion in the world not in control of its own holy site. (This always begs the question of how this situation could exist if Jews really had so much power over world affairs. They control everything except that? But that’s for another time.) But they are more concerned about Palestinian rights.

To which holy sites do Palestinians not currently have access, BBC? Which sites would be blocked if Israel controlled East Jerusalem? Are we supposed to seriously believe that Israel would prevent Muslims from worshiping at the site? Based on what evidence? Again, the reader is left in a vacuum, with details supporting only one side of the argument.

Now here it comes, the moment we all expected:

This of course was all more than two years ago. Since then a more right-wing Israeli government has come to power. It has set itself firmly against any division of Jerusalem. A US effort to freeze settlement building and to get substantive talks under way has also failed.

This is the context in which these leaked documents must be read.

BBC hypocrisy on display. After providing zero context about the key issues involved, the BBC’s middle east correspondent has the temerity to lecture you about context: the context which fits the Narrative, of course.

Israel = bad. It’s the fault of those nasty right-wingers. The Obamessiah’s efforts failed – oh, wait, sorry, He can’t fail, it’s the “US effort” which failed – due to nasty right-winger Israeli racists. Nothing to do with Palestinian intransigence or anything. The only correct solution is a partition of Jerusalem, with the Jews ceding the most important areas. Fatah is clearly a willing partner in peace. Only Israel is at fault.

The peace process is damaged now, frets Marcus. Fatah leadership looks weak now because – this must come as a shock as it’s contrary to what the BBC often tries to tell us – the Palestinians actually don’t want any compromise at all. Israel looks bad because, well, the only thing one can draw from this article is that we’re supposed to come in with the perspective that they’ve always been bad, except for that brief moment of unicorns and rainbows under Olmert. There really isn’t any evidence provided as to how much from the leaked documents make Israel look bad, which is why Marcus needs to actually come right out and tell you how to interpret the story. The change in government isn’t new information, Israel’s various offers haven’t been kept secret, so what’s so damaging here? Instead, the revelations are spun to make Israel appear to be dishonest. There’s nothing of substance.

It seems that, in the alternate history in which the BBC lives, Israel is already the bad guy before we even begin. And don’t bother looking to them for any context worth trusting.


The story here is not that the BBC is cutting £34m from its web spending, axing 200 sites and “closing” 360 website posts. These may be minor, cosmetic steps in the right direction, but that’s all. No, the real isue here is that the corporation will continue to spend the obscene sum of £130m+ a year on its web operations for a cacaphony of services that are simply not needed. The BBC weather web service, for example, is simply a platform for inaccurate forecasts and propaganda for climate change politics. More seriously, the BBC’s websites have played a significant part in strangling both local journalism and major elements of web entrepreneurship in the UK. They are an integral part of the BBC’s imperialism (which it so despises in others!).


I know we have already covered Danny Cohen’s pronouncement that BBC comedy is not “working class” enough, but I must say how I enjoyed this debate on the subject on Today this morning. James Delingpole is excellent and comedian Chris McGlade does not say what they think he is going to say. So the entire interview goes WRONG but in a good way. Listen to Justin squirm, it will set you up for the day.


Another Monday morning and the BBC kicks with the usual narratives. Global hunger caused by massive population growth  (aided and abetted by global warming, natch) was in the spotlight and occupied prime-time on Today. Professor Sir John Beddington – advisor to the Coalition – was on to tell us just how awful it all is. If one was cynical, it could be argued that this was a timely and well placed piece of propaganda for the Coalition’s bizarre decision to ring fence the Foreign Aid budget. In all the discussion about hunger in Africa, not ONCE was the absence of democracy and property rights mentioned, suggesting that the Professor and his associates believe that tyrants, theocrats and thugs can provide food the people regardless.

Guardian Angel

Breaking News. Al Jazeera and Alan Rusbridger-Assange of the UK’s leading liberal arm of the Goebbels Reich Ministry of propaganda have Wikileaked thousands of protocol documents, which appear to show that the Palestinians have offered to concede even more than absolutely everything to the swaggering intransigent illegal Israelis.

The Guardian is quoted as saying ”This selfless Palestinian generosity demonstrates the weakness of their leadership and has nothing to do with making Israel appear intransigent, swaggering and illegitimate.”

Loveable rogue and chief negotiator of what appears to be the Middle East ‘peace process,’ Saeb Erekat says: “It’s a pack of lies.”

Warning: The above is facetious. Read a sensible analysis on CiFWatch.

“Standing in stark contrast to the Guardian’s Palestine Papers narrative – of Israeli intransigence and Palestinian weakness and humiliation – their own documents corroborate the widely reported Israeli offer, during the 2008 negotiations, which Mahmoud Abbas rejected: a contiguous Palestinian state representing roughly 94% of the West Bank with land swaps (part of Israel which would become part of the new Palestinian state) making up for the remaining 6%. The offer also included a Palestinian capital in East Jerusalem.”


Peter Sissons’ attack on the BBC continues in the Daily Mail today. Though there are no startling revelations – the disrespect he chronicles that is shown to the Royal Family, as evidenced by the handling of the death of the Queen Mother, has been evident for decades – what strikes me is the strength of his writing, and his dignity. This is emphatically not a man expressing bitterness (as the BBC are already claiming), but simple, professional, concerned regret that standards were not met. I look forward to the next installment tomorrow…on climate change.

Blackening the Whitewash

Early this morning Jon Donnison said something which I’ll paraphrase: “Israel has investigated its own conduct over the Mavi Marmara and it’s about to publish its findings. If, as reports suggest, it exonerates itself, it will be regarded as a whitewash.”

All day, BBC News 24 has featured the news about this investigation, taking care to emphasise the Turkish reaction.
Luckily for me, Elder of Ziyon has already tackled the BBC’s treatment of this topic, so I don’t have to.

Although the investigating committee did include outsiders, I would point out that any ‘self-generated’ investigation automatically faces the issue of impartiality, and I’d love anyone to suggest any other body that would investigate this more thoroughly and more self-critically than the Israelis. As Elder says, one glance at the report itself shows that it is “far from a whitewash, and it takes its mandate seriously.”

If the BBC is going to dismiss any investigation unless it’s done by pro Palestinian sympathisers, I despair.
Update.The BBC has altered the original report, changing the sub headings and much of the content. The new version includes several quotations from the Turkish perspective, and an additional article with some overlapping content has appeared, entitled : Turkey criticises Israel report.
From bad to worse.

(I can’t find any reference to this story on NewsSniffer.)


Well, another Sunday morning and the BBC advances its own hateful agenda. On Nicky Campbell’s “Big Question” we are asked; “Should Tony Blair be tried as a war criminal?”  You know where the BBC answer will come from on that one! Then, we have, shockingly, the argument for child euthanasia “Does a child have the right to choose death” Finally, there is the seemingly innocuous “Is it always right to uphold your religious convictions”  (Inspired by those evil Christian hotel owners who —- gasp — “discriminated” against gays) Hang Blair, kill kids, persecute children….just another day at the State Broadcaster.