Autonomous Mind explains brilliantly why the closure of the News of the World is a triumph for the BBC-Guardian axis. Meanwhile Roger Harrabin continues to pump out greenie untruths which are making us all seriously poorer and show the power of the liberal-left media class. As usual, he ignores the real facts – a quarter of Brits live in fuel poverty as energy bills rocket.


Coincidence? Curious timing of this interview with the DG of the BBC….couldn’t be part of the BBC’s ongoingcampaign to pressure the government to kick the BSkyB deal into the long grasscould it?  

“The director general of the BBC speaks to Joan Bakewell in an exclusiveinterview with the New Statesman.

‘We’re talking about a concentration of media power in the UK that’s unheard ofin British history and unheard of anywhere else in Europe. The combination ofthat kind of power with ownership of a significant part of the newspaperspeople read, as well as an internet service provider – this is extraordinarypower. 

Given the shape of what’s happening – the relative decline of other sources ofelectronic news, the funding security of ITN, the ability of commercial radioto fund news, the difficulty newspapers are having in funding newsgathering -it is going to be more, not less, important that the BBC has sufficientresources to be able universally to deliver high-quality, strictly impartialnews to the British public.’

Quite. Then again one could almost believe he is really saying hewants to hamstring Murdoch to give the BBC a free rein to be the major newsprovider….a free hand to shape the audience’s perceptions to the BBC worldview…


As always with the BBC, it is as much what they DON’T talk about as what they do select to cover. Just consider these wheeels within wheels, all ignored by the BBC;

“The BBC crows aboutMiliband criticising Cameron for employing Andy Coulson as his media advisorbut says nothing about Labour’s own Murdoch man, Tom Baldwin. In its report of his appointment as Milibands advisor the BBC limits its reporton Baldwin to this : ‘Mr Baldwin is known to be a close friend of AlastairCampbell, Tony Blair’s former head of communications.’ 

But of course there us more, much more.This is a man who used his position in the Times newspaper to placestories for the Labour party to damage the Tories…..’ “I see my job isto keep Labour in power as long as I can,” he once told me’…. Dan Hodges(contributing editor of Labour Uncut.)- 15 December 2010 in the New Statesman. Hodges also tells us that ‘Tom Baldwin is a mad, bad but inspired choice for EdMiliband’s press supremo. Ed has appointed a cross between Alastair Campbell,Hunter S Thompson and Rasputin.’ The Daily Mail has more detail here on this alleged champagne and coke snorting socialist.

Furthermore Baldwin has afriendship with the Left-wing journalist Alice Miles, one of Ed Miliband’sbiggest cheerleaders, who also comes from a wealthy background and is themother of a young daughter. Enter the BBC’s very own raving lefty, Andrew Marr, who fathered a child to Miles but ensured it was hushed it for years.

Such a small world…..BBC journalist in romantic trysts with Labour supportingMurdoch journalist who is a good friend of Labour’s new spin master. Strange that the BBC are not too concerned about the damage to ‘democracy’ andjournalistic integrity when it comes to a journalist who used his position in aMurdoch paper to further his favoured party’s political ends and binged ondrink and drugs.” Impartiality, it is in their DNA.


I see that Hugh Grant will be offering us his wisdom on Question Time this evening. I forecast pious cant on a grand scale. Here’s a little perspective on lovable Hugh; He was on with Victoria Derbyshire yesterday and his appearance generated this feedback from a B-BBC reader;

“This is a man who’bought’ a women for sex…..prostitution, pimps, sex slaves, humantrafficking, all words that come to mind….and yet he calls buying the News ofthe World ‘evil’. The legal definition of having sex with a women forced into the sex trade isnow ‘rape’. Hugh Grant, a man who works in the film industry, an industry that spendsprodigious amounts of money on drugs ultimately obtained from murderousgangsters and drug barons who kill and terrorise without a qualm. But it isnews papers who are evil rather than the self indulgent film actors whocontinue to finance these violent criminals. So a man that we can look to for moral guidance. Grant didn’t even know Milly Dowler’s name…he called her Molly.”

Still he was awfully good in Four Weddings and the funeral the BBC want to see is that of Rupert Murdochs ambitions.


Well, the sun rises on a  new day and the BBC continues to attack on The Sun’s proprietor, Mr Murdoch. Yesterday Millie Driver provided the emotional attack line, today it is the families of our Armed Forces personnel killed in the line of duty in Afghanistan. BBC is in overdrive on this one and the aim seems to be to stop the acquisition of BskyB by Newscorp. The morally virtuous Labour MP Chris Bryant (above) along with the integrity-proofed Mr Miliband are given the opportunity to preen meanwhile The Guardian was eulogised. In essence, the BBC is lobbying like mad to scupper the BSkyB deal, to damage Cameron and to take the heads of Wade, Coulson and as many other NOTW journos as possible.  Is this the appropriate role for the State Broadcaster? Is it manufacturing the intensity of this story? Is it cynically manipulating the news agenda in order to take a pot shot at those broadcasting rivals with which it disagrees? Is NOTW the ONLY newspaper to have hacked  into mobile phones? Has the BBC ever used illegal and inappropriate methods?


Ah, the delight of that little watched late evening programme “Newsnight”. It’s a full on attack on the evil Murdoch Empire with intellectual heavyweights such as John Prescott weighing in. Also gushing praise for the rather odd Ed Miliband and smug smiles all round as the BBC congratulates itself for having such high ethical standards. The mask has dropped this past 24 hours and the BBC hatred on Murdoch shines through. Let me be clear – I have no time for the gutter press but then again I see the BBC as part of that!

Priorities and Agendas

It seems like a good moment to update David’s excellent post below about the ongoing voicemail hacking change my password? Meh, why bother? nonsense in the news at the moment.

Compare and contrast what the BBC sees as a priority – indeed the Top News Story:

…and what the Great British Public are reading about (under threat of imprisonment for non-payment)

The BBC want to use this story to discredit both Rupert Murdoch and the Prime Minister even though it is only alleged at this stage (and not yet proven) that in 2002, five years into a 13 year period of Labour government, journalists working for a Labour-supporting newspaper edited by a someone who was a close friend of the then Labour Prime Minister Tony Blair, and who was also feted by the then Labour Chancellor and later Labour Prime Minister Gordon Brown, illegally accessed the voicemail of the missing Milly Dowler. Everything still remains allegation and speculation.

Now the BBC (and specifically Peston) want to derail Rupert Murdoch’s consolidation of what he already owns and Nick Robinson has the knives out for Andy Coulson.

The problem for our State broadcaster, as shown by the screenshot, is that the public are preferring to read BBC stories about female biology in New Zealand and how to escape from jail in a suitcase. Even the Most Read entry at 7 is a rebuttal by Cameron.

You might think that people are concerned about the crime but don’t buy into the convoluted attempts to smear Murdoch and Cameron, eh?

Jonny Dymond And The BBC Want To Inspire Your Hatred

In the Open Thread, Anthony Masters calls our attention to Jonny Dymond’s hate-mongering piece about an alleged “explosion” in hate groups in the US because we have a black President. Stop me if you’ve heard this Narrative before…..

I say it’s hate-mongering and not reporting, because the intent here is to make you hate millions of people like me by falsely associating them with a few ugly extremists. This isn’t about raising awareness of anti-Semitism or racism: it’s about creating the impression in your minds that any opposition to anything done by a black President is due to racism and extremism rather than any legitimate policy concerns. There is no valid journalistic reason for this report.

Dymond’s only real source for this story is the Southern Poverty Law Center. Well, while it used to be a respectable advocacy group with a history of fighting the Klan, it’s come to resemble a far-Left hate group with a pro-Democrat agenda in the last few years. They started this Narrative that we’re all out to get the black man over two years ago, and don’t care about facts. They’ve become a propaganda outlet, so it’s only natural that the BBC would look to them for information.

Here’s all you need to know about the SPLC:

Southern Poverty Law Center Still Peddling Lie That Giffords Shooter Was Right-Winger

What a shock: it’s the same lie the BBC peddled. (Bias bonus: Rachel Kennedy tweeted a link to the HuffPo to support the lie.)

Unlikely Foes

A group of leading genocide scholars this month sent the center a stinging letter, obtained by Inside Higher Ed, that charges the center with getting out of a lawsuit in part by assisting “unscholarly and unethical” efforts to cast doubt on the Armenian genocide.

They’re even being sued over libel on this issue:

Scholar’s libel suit proceeds against Southern Poverty Law Center

Guenter Lewy’s very interesting libel case against the Southern Poverty Law Center can proceed in the District of Columbia, a trial judge ruled Tuesday.

This one is worth watching.

Lewy is an emeritus professor of political science at the University of Massachusetts. A survivor of German violence against Jews during World War II, Prof. Lewy has written numerous books and articles about the history of persecuted peoples. In 2005, the University of Utah Press published his book, “The Armenian Massacres in Ottoman Turkey: A Disputed Genocide.”

Dymond and the Beeboid who hooked him up with the SPLC probably have no idea. It’s not important to the Narrative.

Does the Southern Poverty Law Center think Barack Obama is spreading hate?

They’re adding 13 new groups to the list of hate groups for opposing homosexuality. Now some of those groups do appear to be a bit extreme, but others such as the Family Research Council and National Organization for Marriage are hardly outside the political mainstream, and still others seem to be condemned by the SPLC for no reason other than adhering to biblical teaching on homosexuality.

This is perfect fodder for Dymond. Don’t agree with the BBC’s core values? You’re an extremist and hater. (Unless you’re Muslim, that is.)

Liberals desperate to connect the Tea Party with domestic terrorism

Tea Party leaders say a series of reports by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) attempting to connect the Tea Party movement with domestic terrorists in the militia movement shows how desperate the left has become trying to stop the political juggernaut.

The group says individuals such as Glenn Beck, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann — all regulars at major Tea Party gatherings — have given widespread visibility for ideas espoused by the militia movement, or the “Patriot movement” as SPLC calls it.

No wonder Max Deveson or someone similar sent Dymond to the SPLC to form the foundation of his report. Too bad they’re not very reliable these days.

The SPLC said there was a big KKK rise in Rhode Island, but police found no evidence.

In short, the BBC had a Narrative they wanted to establish in your minds, the same one they pushed down your throats before the 2008 election, and the same one they shoved down after it about the rise of the Tea Party movement. Now that their beloved Obamessiah is in trouble, they’re doing the exact same thing again. They had a story they wanted to tell, so some Beeboid in the US hooked Dymond up with the SPLC. These people see racists and extremists in every closet, under every bed. Everywhere except where they really ought to look.

Where were they when Leftoids were calling for the lynching of a black Supreme Court Justice?

Don’t trust the BBC on US issues. Ever.


Quite the red carpet treatment from the BBC for Arianna Huffington as she launches the UK version of the Huffington Post this week. Last night Newsnight:

This morning BBC Breakfast and an interview for Radio 3. Tonight Radio Five Live’s Richard Bacon will be hosting a Huffington Post event (and naturally he’s impressed with the new site).

Let us know if you’ve spotted Arianna on the BBC or have seen BBC employees gushing about HuffPo UK. You could win a monetary prize equal to the amount Ms Huffington pays her bloggers.

Update. This morning’s Woman’s Hour on Radio 4 (h/t Millie Tant).

Update. She’s on the Richard Bacon show this afternoon. So far that’s BBC1, BBC2, and Radio 3, 4 and 5. CBeebies next?

Update. She’s been on enough channels – you’d think they would know how to spell her name correctly:

And another BBC online report here (h/t RGH). Bono will be getting jealous.


The BBC agenda is clear. Rebekah Wade must be sacked, Andy Coulson should be imprisoned, NOTW should be shut down and NewsCorp must NOT be allowed to take 100% shareholding in BSkyB. Oh, and David Cameron is unfit to be Prime Minister since he has people judgement is appalling. The hysterical tone adoped by the BBC in the past 24 hours on the phone-hacking issue seems to have reached a new shrill tone this morning. The Today programme has been running attack interview after attack interview with smug BBC hacks delighting in this opportunity to unveil their ill-disguised hatred of Murdoch under the farcical pretence of seeking to secure journalistic integrity. Your thoughts on the Murdock jihad?