Doug Stanhope is encouraging his adoring fanbase to contact the BBC to defend Richard Bacon. In trademark foul-mouthed style he rants against the “fuck-mouth” at the Down’s Syndrome Association who wrote Friday’s official statement, saying the person “is not fit to protect the retarded. Oh… and go fuck yourself in the head.”
He just doesn’t give a fuck, does he? In case you miss the point, he even says it: “I don’t give a fuck.” That’s his thing, not giving a fuck.
He offers this argument in defence of Bacon:
Imagine if Richard Bacon had actress Sasha Grey as a guest, someone who is known for her cross-over from pornography. He warns the audience over and over that some of her x-rated work would be upsetting. You race to your computer to watch, then blame Mr Bacon and implore folks to file complaints saying that Richard Bacon was “directing” you to do so?
For the comparison to work Bacon would tell his listeners: “Sasha Grey is here. Just a remarkable actress. If you haven’t seen her and want a flavour of what she’s like go to a search engine now and type “Sasha Grey Anal Cavity” [laughs] and get back to me.” I somehow doubt Bacon would feel comfortable about that, realising it might overstep a line or two at the BBC.
Here’s a more direct analogy. Stanhope describes his stuff as “flat out shock humour”. Imagine he’s got a shock routine, equal in depravity to the Palin one, only this time it’s about one of the Obama kids. On Stanhope’s terms it could be defended as a satire on politicians using their children in politics or something. For argument’s sake, let’s say it’s an expletive-filled violent pornographic fantasy revelling in the prospect of raping one of the young Obamas. Is that about on a par with fantasising about shooting Palin’s child in the head as it’s born? I don’t know, but we’re playing imagine so let’s imagine it is. Now, would Richard Bacon have said to listeners, “If you want a flavour of what he’s like, go to YouTube and type ‘Doug Stanhope Barack Obama'” knowing full well that’s what people would find? No, of course not. It’s the fact that Stanhope’s target was Palin’s child that made it OK to mention because hey, that shit’s cool and hip right there. Stuff about underage Obamas – man, that would be just sick.
Interestingly, if you do a YouTube search for “Doug Stanhope Barack Obama” it turns up a video which includes a clip of him discussing his choice for president in 2008. He says he’d like to vote libertarian but can’t bring himself to do so. His choice instead?
“Barack Obama’s my fucking dude. He’s fucking cool to watch, so why not? It’d fucking make us look better to the rest of the world when I go to play in fucking Norway next time or England or the UK. They won’t spit in my sandwich because they heard my accent and think I’m an asshole.”
For someone who doesn’t give a fuck he seems unduly worried what right-on Euroweenies think of him. Still, it’s one more reason for Richard Bacon to like him.
Oh, and before any Stanhope fans come on here and tell me I don’t “get” him – don’t bother. I do. So go fuck yourself in the head instead.
UPDATE 17.30. Apology to the DSA from BBC 5 Live and Richard Bacon:
The Down’s Syndrome Association has today received and accepted a full apology from Radio 5 Live and Broadcaster Richard Bacon following his show on Thursday 4th August. The official statement and letter are printed below.
Statement on behalf of 5 live:
“During a live interview on Thursday 4th August with American comedian Doug Stanhope, Richard Bacon made an unscripted comment referencing an online clip of one of his guest’s stand-up performances.
“Richard has apologised for referring his listeners to the video of his guest. At no stage did he or does he condone the offensive material in that sketch, none of which was broadcast on 5 live. It was still unacceptable to highlight the clip and he fully accepts that it was inappropriate. It falls below the standards our audience expects from us and both he and 5 live apologise unreservedly for any offence caused.”
Letter from Richard Bacon:
I am writing to apologise for any offence caused by my live interview with the American comedian, Doug Stanhope, on the 5 live radio show on Thursday 4 August.
In order to illustrate the comedic style of Stanhope’s stand-up performances, I referenced available You Tube clips. This was a poor recommendation and I whole heartedly accept that this reference was inappropriate because of the subject matter. I full well understand my responsibilities as a broadcaster and such a reference fell below the standards I set myself personally in my broadcasting.
I am sorry if the reference has caused offence to anyone in anyway. I shouldn’t have done it.
Yours sincerely,
Richard Bacon
These would-be comedians who like to “shock”, are always PC and predictable when it comes to black or brown; they share the Beeboid skin colour fetish but they target disabled children, women and homosexuals in the most cruel and crude ways as suitable targets for their venomous hate-filled rants. The credo of the illiberal “progressive” on-the-edge hero of comedy is laid bare as nothing but a sham. See through them and they are not daring but small, cowardly conventional peddlers of paranoia and carefully targeted hatred.
“For someone who doesn’t give a fuck he seems unduly worried what right-on Euroweenies think of him”
Hole in one, DB. Or perhaps that should be (ass)hole in one.
Telling how the “edgy” stuff only goes one way. As if Madonna started her show with a ten minute tirade against Obama, that would be edgy. If Sean Penn got up at a Hollywood award ceremony and called Obama the stupidest President ever. That might be cool.
If Doug Stanhope really does want to shock us, why doesn’t he finish his next act by plugging his appendage into the mains. That would indeed be shocking. Why do we always have to be the ones shocked? Why not him?
excellent deconstruction. All so true. Then again this ‘comedian’ is entertaining for his perpetual foot in mouth
What’s so f**cking funny about using the word f**k after every second f**king word? It doesn’t make you f**king funny, it just makes you look like a f**king w**ker.
Stanhope is going to cause people to miss the point: that Bacon’s political bias made him choose that clip instead of others equally representative of his “humor”.
I look forward to Richard Bacon recommending some of the late Bernard Manning’s stuff on Youtube.
Personally, I can’t wait for the ‘edgy’ Tottenham riots jokes.
well done all you complainers, if you dont just cherry pick the bits you might be offended by and maybe listen to the whole sketch not just read it you might just get the point, until then stop complaining and maybe try concentrating on a more worthwhile cause other than something a comedian has said.or if your life is that boring that blogging is your only way of getting a point across keep blogging because nobody really cares, but it is a waste of your finger tapping potential.
Never heard it cg!
Therefore maybe you can explain to me how making fun of Sarah Palins Downs Syndrome child-if that is what all this is about-could possibly be “funny” or “taken out of context”.
When the best that Stanhope can say is that critics should “go fuck themselves in the head”…I resent the fact that we paid this louchebag anything to go on Bacons show to say such stuff.
Bad enough stumping up for Bacons habit…as well as any pals he “shares lines” with in the “scriptwriting sense” of things.
cg, I refer you to David Preiser’s point above, and I’m sorry to hear you are blogging because it’s you only way of getting a point across. That point of course being that a Down’s Syndrome baby is a legitimate target if the mother is Sarah Palin. Welcome to your world.
You may be “in” to Mr Stanhope. If so can you link to his “shock” line on Islam? Or isn’t he prepared to be quite THAT shocking.
oh and go fuck myself in the head!! yeah that really sets you apart from any other foul mouthed person on the planet, free speech is great but not when you get blog happy nutcases telling you to go fuck yourself in the head because you might just want to exercise that right and they dont agree with it, very limited intelligence i feel sorry for your mother!
cg, what’s that then, clitoris giganticus? You are a retard, get over it.
Its seems this foul mouthed person is the flavour of the mouth at the bBC
‘[BBC associate producer] Danny Carr… he gets you coke’.
Don’t know about comedy, but his investigative insights seem fairly well informed.
But nice to see Aunty trying to save money by scoring a set of freebies before signing the new breed of market rate talents up.
Stanhope is the louche and unfunny Yank that is approved by the likes of Charlie Brooker…who writes for the Guardian, and is married to Konnie Huq!
Funny that we get no blasts at that relationship…nor do we get the trailer drunk tirade that our Doug does for Screenwipe about anything other than “Daily Mail issues”-as set out by the BBC paymasters.
His response to the arraigning of Bacon is typical cokehead stuff-that it`s just not funny means that we`re obviously in need of more shock jock diatribes.
Clearly only from Left Field though-and approved by the BBC/Guardian Committee of Comedy…they still hold Russell Brand as the Unknown Soldier that the plebs brought down!
Unknown eh?…if only!
It really is about time that the BBC were only funded from 4-11.30 p.m-this 24 hour incontinence is getting dangerous…hope Doug can be put on the next plane taking Bonnie Greer home.
Why do we let ourselves be saddled with the Americans that can`t cut it back home?…Ruby Wax syndrome I believe!
i think you will find doug is hugely popular in the states,and due to his growing popularity in the uk has been booked for just about every comedy club you can shake a stick at,i hope he continues in the same way he has been even if it only offends 1 of you hyped up moral objectors!
cg, reading your posts it seems his fans are people without a sense of humour or political psychopaths like Richard Bacon.
It’s not as if we’re a country that’s short of people, exactly. Surely there must be some Brit that could run the British Museum without sending for a Chicagoan playwright and even someone who can run the Metropolitan Police without hauling a policeman across the pond? Even here, there must be the odd decent one with the required character, experience and leadership potential. Is this another symptom of our near-fatal penchant for self-flagellation to the point of near-destruction?
Millie, we have badly lost our way and need foreigners to point us back in the direction we came from.
I see the new defenders of the indefensible are proving my point that the issue of Bacon’s bias is getting lost in the smokescreen of focusing on Stanhope.
‘i shall not return to view the comments.’
Sort of a General Macarthur reverse homage satire dealy?
Can’t say I am too convinced.
Such promises have been made before, and now we seem to have an entire flock of cherry vultures, albeit a smidge scrawny trying to survive on meagre fare and increased population.
There may even be an eco-metaphor in there too, so multi-tasking five, dudes.
“Right what you please…”
Ah, the benefits of 13+ years of education, education, education.
It’s so amusing to see these ‘edgy’ people sounding like barking walruses because people take exception to Richard Bacon endorsing Stanhope’s attack on a Down Syndrome child because its mother is Sarah Palin. These Doug Stanhope fans dont even ‘get’ themselves!
I did admire Stanhope’s no-holds-barred attitude when I thought he really meant it. But now he’s defended Richard Bacon in that prissy, caring way, I realise that what I admired was just an illusion. He does give a f**k after all!
That’s me sorted.
As a former Stanhope semi-fan I won’t be doing exactly as you suggest, but I did toy with doing something a bit similar whenever someone Scottish (my mother, if you must know) quipped: “away an’ bile yer heed.”
In my complaint to the BBC I suggested that Bacon apologises to Sarah Palin as well as his BBC audience. (Optomism over realism I guess).
I hope my complaint made clear that my complaint lay with Bacon having Stanhope as a guest and recommending Stanhope’s attack on Palin and her children, as what Stanhope does when not paid for by the BBC is not my (as a licence payer’s) affair.
That’s it , “We don’t get it!”
Stewart Porven had second thoughts about fighting the good fight, did he? Tut tut.
‘i shall not return to view the comments.’
Can’t say I am too convinced.
Such promises have been made before…
I also do wedding & Bar Mizvahs.
Have we just been again doomed by the curse of a BBc ‘stealth edit’ (sorry, make that ‘evolution of the story… that was not suiting the narrative)?
All that was being replied to seems to have vanished!
I had written a reply to him and included a rebuttal of cg too. Trouble is I had to log on again as his stealth deletion took me out of the loop too. So much for his “I shall not return” lie.
I take it back. Your spelling and grammar are pretty good given that English clearly isn’t your first language.
Heh. He pressed “delete” in the time it takes to post a reply. Perhaps to go look up a dictionary before reposting.
if you cant laugh at everything why laugh at anything!
You must be a Jim Davidson fan then. I’ll bet you love Bernard Manning’s racist jokes and the sexist ones of Les Dawson.
Or is this where you would draw the line? Hmmm.
now your attempting to disect my character on the basis of a mere comment!!!!! wow thanks for showing us exactly the idiot minded calibre of comment that sets you apart from the crowd! job done hmmm.
You said that you either laugh at everything or nothing. You obviously laugh at Stanhope’s unfunny attacks on Palin’s child, therefore one must assume from your own words that you find Manning and Davidson funny too.
I’m afraid you shot yourself in the foot, because you were too stupid to even realise what you had written yourself.
thats not what i said,you have altered my wording i,m beginning to think you work for the bbc such are the glaring differences in what i said to what you decided to manipulate and word totally different. and their in lies the problem,what i find funny some people wont and that my friend is life ,my comment is open to interpritation but please blatantly changing its context debases your point.
Many people (not me I hasten to add) found Bernard Manning very funny. Probably people with the same i.q. as people who found this Stanhope/Palin routine funny.
Many found him offensive as many find Stanhope the same, but Manning was banned from the BBC for his hate-views for many years before he died. He tried to say the most outragous things too, just for shock value, just like Stanhope. Although I don’t recall him ever making jokes about murdering babies with Downs Syndrome. (I could be wrong as I’m no expert on Manning as he was almost as repulsive as Stanhope).
So the only difference between the offensiveness of Manning and Stanhope is that Stanhope attacks right-of-centre politicians and their families. That is the only reason why his filth is recommended by the BBC and Manning’s was banned.
And before you kid yourself, no I didn’t alter your wording. You said it, and I took the only interpretation possible.
‘your attempting to disect my character on the basis of a mere comment!!!!!’
To be fair, the BBC (lucky to get that in as Ben, below, seems worried on points of procedure, rather missing that OT here is not quite dealt with in the same way as chez Aunty) tries to destroy people’s characters daily on pretty much that basis.
Lumme, a bit of rotten wood gets kicked and the calibre of what comes scuttling around…
But if potting own feet, a .177 can still suffice.
Best advice: “Don’t Feed the Troll”
Is the poor spelling and typing supposed to be a put on?
cg, have you seen Stanhope live? Do they really let prepubescents into his concerts?
Doug Stanhope the libertarian is in cahoots with Richard Bacon the libert- oh wait, that’s not right, is it?
And, at the risk of annoying the locals, what does this have to do with BBC bias? I mean, obviously I’m no fan of the BBC (and don’t find Stanhope that funny either, for what it’s worth), but is everything you don’t like on the BBC automatically an example of bias? Or is it simply something you don’t like on the BBC?
No, it’s just that Bacon’s endorsement of Stanhope is because of the partizan (biased) attack on Sarah Palin. It’s clear that a) Stanhope would not have attacked so viviously if Sarah Palin had been a Democrat, and b) Bacon would not have recommended that clip (and laughed about it) if he had not been biased himself.
Basically Stanhope can do or say what he wants, but his aggressive, violent views should not be endorsed by a BBC person. Bacon is the problem, Stanhope is the symptom.
wow kevin bacon at the heart of american politics…i,m sure he spends every waking moment plotting against conservative america in his osama bin laden costume whilst endorsing the new terror threat to america the one and only doug stanhope!!!…complete and utter nonsense. grow up people!!!!
<i>wow kevin bacon at the heart of american politics</i>
Awww that’s so cute. Bless!
No real libertarian would have voted for The Obamessiah and thought He was cool. No real libertarian would give a damn about what wet Europeans think about his citizenship. I bet Stanhope is about as libertarian as St. Jon Stewart, and probably thinks a libertarian is just someone who thinks he should be allowed to act without accountability.
I bet Stanhope doesn’t like the idea of ending the Federal Reserve’s ability to print money, and thinks all sorts of personal freedoms should be curtailed if he doesn’t approve.
What makes you think he’s libertarian? Is it because he said so? I’ll take a claim like that with a grand pinch of salt until I’ve looked beneath the surface to see whether there is any substance to the claim.
The bias is that Bacon, from the blatantly political, Labour-loving and rabidly Palin-hating Beeboid Corporation, chose to carry on that political bias by recommending a gruesome hate-filled diatribe against Sarah Palin, using her disabled child as the means to get at her.
This is indulging in political bias by means of rabble-rousing hatred. It was designed to get people to revel in the hatred and humiliation of a female politician because she is in the party that the Beeboids hate. That’s its purpose. It has nothing to do with humour.
As David Preiser keeps saying – and so will I – this is not about Stanhope, who is just another coked-up third-rate comedian who will be lying in a pool of his own vomit in a few years.
The point is that Richard Bacon, a BBC presenter on a major news network, told his listeners to listen to Stanhope and see how funny he was! Not just any Stanhope clip but one in particular about Sarah Palin.
This is about a POLITICAL point of view shared by Bacon and promoted by him through a “comedy” clip. The choice of target – specifically made – proves that.
Discussion about Stanhope is irrelevant here. The subject is, and should always be, about Bacon, the use of his show, Radio 5 Live, BBC editorial policy, production guidelines and, in the end, Bacon’s suitabilty to be on air talking about the forthcoming US election.
If he remains, it would imply that his views are shared by the British Broadcasting Corporation.
“Down’s Syndrome Babies, Sarah Palin and the BBC ”
(by Paul Weston).
Stanhope / Bacon : the gloves are off.
Come and see me anytime you want.
If not, I will come and see you anywhere you wish, I’m here on this site, just tell me when and where and I will turn up.
Go on then brave men !
Bring a BBC TV crew – you’ll need it !
just stick to altering comments thanks!!
Bacon has apologized, and good for him. The DSA accepts it. Credit to DB for this result!
One hopes that Bacon realizes that his political bias and personal hatred for Sarah Palin caused him to overlook the offensiveness of the bit in question, and he should watch himself a bit more. Can’t hope for more than that, really. He holds the approved thoughts, and so is not required to make the same kind of Maoist, self-abasing apology Jay Hunt made a condition for Carol Thatcher to keep her job.
Notice Bacon was not required to admit he meant to cause offense, and is sorry for it, but merely sorry if it caused offense. Thatcher, on the other hand, was required to admit a racist intent, or the apology would not be accepted.
Still, at least Bacon has had to pay attention for a brief second.
Check out this spin on matters from comedy website Chortle:
“Bacon warned his audience about the nature of Stanhope’s act, and said that anyone who didn’t believe it really was as bad as he made out should seek out his routine about Sarah Palin on YouTube.”
He didn’t say anything of the kind. Liars.
Didn’t Bacon get sacked off Blue Peter for sucking off some gay guy??
The News of the World caught him doing coke, so the BBC had to give him a promotion to his own show.
Didn’t Bacon get sacked off Blue Peter for sucking off some gay guy??
No, he got sacked for repeatedly demanding that 4-year old girls be sent to his dressing room so he could fuck them up the arse to see how many thrusts it would take to rent each anus asunder, all the while licking coke off the cock of his favourite 6-year old Blue Peter badge winner.
Hey this shock stuff is easy, isn’t it? Bit more of that, chuck in a couple of Obama-is-cool jokes to appeal to the trendy crowd, and I might be ready for Edinburgh.
This is just plane sick , i think you need to have a chat with your Mother and repeat what you said.
You do realise that what Beeboid Richard Bacon recommended to listeners was just plain sick, don’t you?
Didn’t Bacon get sacked off Blue Peter for sucking off some gay guy??
LOL, that was the bloke who played Tock in Return to OZ and died of AIDS.
So wishing ill on babies with Downs syndrome is libertarian? Using that logic Hitler must have been a libertarian.
I’m sorry but that apology does not convince me.
“Doug Stanhope is here, just a remarkable stand-up comic. If you’ve never seen him, or want a flavour of what he is like, go on YouTube now and type ‘Doug Stanhope-Sarah Palin’ (sniggers) and get back to me.”
He knew exactly what he was endorsing. He should be sacked.
i love bacon especially on a bap with brown sauce!! does this make me a bad person?
Grow up. Give a sensible defence of your heroes, or go away.
Foul mouthed “left wing” comedy does not shock me anymore, it just proves how depraved these peope really are and that goes for their ill-educated followers.
Again the hate that comes from this bigoted little site amazes me. i dont have to stand up for anyone! i,m certainly not ill educated and i have no political bias nor religious bias i dont find all of doug stanhopes material funny but quite a lot of it i do, should i have to defend this stance? i cant express anything on here because if i do it gets attacked and then the accusations of being all these bad things start.its quite pathetic the level of intolerance to someone having an opinion. i have never attacked any person with my comments or swore or been rude or promoted hatred unlike the majority of people on here. so the biased bbc is biased,no free speech allowed!!!
Calm down, dear! 😀
Forgive me for pointing out that you have indeed been rude and attacked people here. Just look back at your comments and see for yourself.
You called us hyped up moral objectors and hoped Stanhope would offend us; you said our lives were boring and no one cared and we were wasting our time; you referred to idiot calibre of comments and blog happy nutcases of very limited intelligence and you felt sorry for someone’s mother; and you told us to “grow up people!!”
That’s not very nice, is it? I don’t think you’ve done too badly when it comes to handing it out. You’re not perhaps the most tolerant of people, are you, to write things like that and then complain about others being intolerant?
cg, your comments have a somewhat random quality at times. Who was supposed to stick to altering comments? Your love of bacon quip is a bit weak but it’s still funnier than Stanhope. Why would you waste your time defending him? He’s not even funny.
I think the altering comments comment was directed at me when he bizarrely claimed I had. I had done no such thing as I had interpreted his comment in the only way possible. He however intoduced Kevin Bacon into the mix, and that IS altering a comment. He knows that the Bacon we are are talking about is the Dick from the BBC.
wow you interpreted my comment in the only way possible????? couldnt you just have used the actual wording?? ahh that must have been just a step too far you are bbc in disguise!
i,m not defending him he,s a big boy he can do that for himself. i was merely trying to engage in some sensible disscusion given the furore over the 5 live show, i was not attempting to provoke anyone into calling me names and slagging me of for nothing. i have not said anything to promote doug stanhope or richard bacon i was merely offering my view in a pleasant non aggressive manner.
oh and(stick to altering comments) was aimed at demon1001 for blatantly trying to attack my character based on a comment i wrote that he then decided to alter the wording and accuse me of being racist and sexist.
Re-read what you wrote. Then you’ll have to lay off false accusations of altering comments. You are like the BBC – you say something and then claim it was the opposite of what you actually said. However, your words are still there – re-read them!
in the most childish manner…make me!
Plus I did not accuse you of being sexist and racist, just somebody who claims to find everything funny including racists and sexists.
Yet again it is you who are changing my comments.
Pleasant, non-aggressive, cg. Oh, yeah! < where’s that smile icon>
However, you did ask – or state – at one point, ” If you can’t laugh at everything, why laugh at anything”.
So I presume Demon was questioning the logic of that statement. The point is whether you or Bacon do indeed laugh at everything. I don’t believe you do. I don’t believe anyone does, really. It would be pretty silly, since not everything is funny.
Should there not be some age limit to be allowed to post here?
or at least an iq in double digits
Attention-seeking troll alert: do not feed, it’s what cg wants.
Last time.
i,m not bothered if you dont reply i was merely answering a question …its called common courtesy! needlessly attacked again this proves my point.
It’s a poor excuse for an apology from both the BBC and Bacon. Not ONE mention of the fact that it was Sarah Palin and her Downs Syndrome child who were so grossly dealt with by Bacon’s hero, Stanhope.
This is standard practice from the BBC whenever they do something so gross that there is nothing to do but apologise. They probably get their legal department to check it over first.
There is NOTHING in either of those apologies that anyone can nail the BBC for.
I note the errors in Bacon’s last sentence. I guess he’s one of those BBC employees with a sub-standard English education. And the apology reads as if he had someone standing over his shoulder dictating it to him, who then lost patience and left him to finish it on his own.
This sorry saga reminds me of something Pat Boone said, funnily enough in an interview on the World Service recently. He said he sees “a tremendous coursening of today’s music,” probably a reference to misogynist gangsta rap.
Same applies to the crop of ‘comedians’ vomited forth by the likes of the BBC.
Statement on behalf of 5 live:
“During a live interview on Thursday 4th August with American comedian Doug Stanhope, Richard Bacon made an unscripted comment referencing an online clip of one of his guest’s stand-up performances.
“Richard has apologised for referring his listeners to the video of his guest. At no stage did he or does he condone the offensive material in that sketch, none of which was broadcast on 5 live. It was still unacceptable to highlight the clip and he fully accepts that it was inappropriate. It falls below the standards our audience expects from us and both he and 5 live apologise unreservedly for any offence caused.”
When I read that statement I wondered whether it was intentionally weasel worded and trying to avoid admitting culpability or whether it was just inept.
It says that he didn’t condone the the offensive material in that sketch. However, I heard the clip posted here and I got the strong sense that he positively relished it. What material was in that sketch that wasn’t offensive? I must have missed it.
It then says it was unacceptable to highlight the clip.
But it wasn’t the highlighting of the clip that was offensive. It was the manner, intention and purpose of highlighting it that were offensive. He was advocating for it and its content. He could equally have highlighted it with the intention of disapproving or warning against it. But he didn’t of course.
And then it finishes by referring not to “the” offence caused but to “any” offence caused, as if it wasn’t actual but only a possibility.
Reading Stanhope he seems to want all of us ignorant English to think well of him. Not just the committed fans but all of us. Such insecurity.
I stand by mine and others’ comments. He is a bully and a coward with a foul mouth masquerading as a comic and like all bullies cannot take any fightback.
Bacon is merely an in- crowd pleasing fool with no sense of self preservation.
Neither of them are worth any further attention from us or anyone else.
Yes, it’s amazing what a sensitive flower he has turned out to be as soon as anybody says “Boo!” back to him.
Wow i came back as i deleted my comments as i did not want anything to do with this narrow minded , racist site. After reading through i see that your all a bunch of F5 hitting fuck whits waiting on a reply. Your life just sitting in front of a computer thinking that your so above everybody when the best you have is to log on to this bullshit site and dont open to understanding other peoples points of view. This site is about BBC bashing nothing to do with Doug Stanhope. The fact is just about all of you have never watched a Doug Stanhope DVD and you never will so go back to your low life am above everybody else listen me on my blog bbc bullshit who has 362 members.
That makes all of 42,300 members of Dougs facebook page that are laughing at this blog as i posted the link to this vile shithole.
Good night Losers and dont forget to go fuck yourselfs. Those are not my words they were Doug`s.
If there is a spelling mistake in the above text call the cops. Is this site full of middle class wankers?
It’s a bit rich for you to point your finger at us as thinking that we’re so above everybody while simultaneously saying that you and 42,300 people are so superior. And missing the entire point the whole time.
At last it seems you got the point. The complaint is about Richard Bacon’s overt political bias causing him to overlook the offensive bits about Down’s Syndrome, violating the BBC Charter process, and, as you say, nothing actually to do with Stanhope himself. Funny how none of you care to address that, and just defend your darling instead.
Thank you for playing.
Yeah its a good game
Are c g and stuart proven typical examples of Doug Stanhope fans? If so, I’d be worried if were him.
OH there is a spelling mistake here tut tut
Worried about what? We going to shoot the place up? With Drugs or Guns?
at last sense!!!!! roll on tuesday when all this bullshit is forgotten and richard bacon still has a job and doug stanhope still performs sell out gigs and you sad fuck heads are still here probably bashing some other person for what amounts to fuck all!! have a good life i,m of to not hate anyone at all because i have better things to get on with. i,l leave you blogaholics to sit and salivate over your next bile filed salvo thats gonna strike right at my heart and make me change my opinion……yeah fucking right!
“i,m of to not hate anyone at all because i have better things to get on with”
I doubt that on at least two points, but thanks for stopping by.
And to think a little while ago, cg, you were telling us of your love of courtesy and pleasant non-aggression! Well, that didn’t last long, did it?
Better things to get on with? As i said earlier c litoris g iganticus, i’d love to know what those ‘things’ are. Perish the thought.
I sense a ‘Waco’ incident coming on from Doug Stanhope’s followers.
Waco incident! To Funny!
Changed your mind, I see. Spending your life sitting in front of a computer, seething and hating middle class people. That’s so open to other people’s point of view an’ all.
Look, if you don’t mind, I prefer properly written and spelt abuse. It’s wits, not whits; you’re all a bunch of, not your all; you’re so above everybody, not your so above; don’t, not dont; people’s points of view, not peoples; and I is a capital letter, not a lower case i. Finally, it’s yourselves, not yourselfs. Okay? Good night!
Millie, if cg is a uk national, then his grammar and punctuation are the result of our dumbed down, leftist teaching methods, i could see the rot setting in way back in 1974 when i left the sixth form.
Now here is my Personnel spell Checker. Thank you for helping me out
Happy to help.
Only a fully paid up member of the middle classes, probably public school educated, uses” middle class wanker” as his ultimate put down.
I think on here you will find all sorts and conditions of men and women many of whom have seen much of life and the world. Not spoilt children living off the state or their parents.
Come on now it has to be one or the other. Do i get my off the Tax Payer or my junkie mum?
“Is this site full of middle class wankers?”
No. I am a proud upper-class wanker, thank you very much.
“Good night Losers and dont forget to go fuck yourselfs. Those are not my words they were Doug`s.”
How can we fuck ourselfs when we’re too busy wanking?
All this sweary stuff is jolly fun. I reckon I have got what it takes to be an edgy™ Radio 4 panel-show comedian. When does the next ship set off for the North Pole and will Rachel Whiteread be on it?
Aww I missed the thick oh so right on circle jerks awwww well to the one I hope you post up your personal details and we can laugh and poke fun of them and to the nice young hole in the air at the top of this page, I’m poor and as you like class distinctions [bit bigoted of you] I am working class , I live on Anglesey of the coast of Wales which is one of the poorest parts of Europe so why not pop up and we can discuss your Tourettes syndrome and how you are ever going to make something of yerself when all you do is hang about faceache and hate the haters??? lol
Still me thinks you are best summed up with
“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.”
Not my words but Oscar Wildes a man who knew a f$ck load more about comedy then you and your 42,300 other keyboard fondler’s! but be careful as even your beloved BBC have recognised behaviour problems with over use of faceache
,People with the most Facebook “friends” are more likely to feel stressed out by the site, according to researchers’
So as was said above “calm down dear “
I hope you enjoyed your wank over all your blog friends
stuart provan , it’s really VERY simple , you should be able to understand.
Dunno, I just cannot see what some find so compelling about this Stanhope. If I saw him in a bar or restaurant I’d want to sit as far away from him as possible. He slouches around the stage with a beer in his hand and taking a drag on a cigarette, probably laced with dope. I guess he needs artificial aids to bolster his courage during his routine. These days people seem to think comedy consists of someone being as offensive as he can in as threatening a manner as he can.
Why would anyone want to pay good money to see him when you can see the same violent and ignorant crap in any pub near closing time?
Here’s an example of a comedy routine that takes skill, class and timing and inventivity – qualities Stanhope wouldn’t recognise if they hit him in the face:
Yes, he looks and sounds like a right slob, loud, crude and generally a mess. I wouldn’t find any of that at all appealing.
Not a single f**k anywhere, this cannot be comedy!!
I enjoyed that clip.
Doug has not smoked in over a year but you should know that since you know all about him
How do you know?
He was smoking and drinking beer on the stage during his ‘Fuck the Jews’ performance, on YouTube . No, I don’t know much about this sick little fascist. I’ve seen quite enough of him to know I don’t want to see more.
Good of the Down’s Syndrome Association to accept those weasely apologies so readilly. Pity they don’t know the BBC as well as we do. Then they would have written to the BBC again and demanded a genuine apology for what happened, not a vaguely-worded cop out.
On this night of all nights I think I`ve spotted a couple of real scaredy weirdos popping up with increasingly nasty and bilious comments in support of “their Doug”.
Do you think that they are too obese to be rioting in defence of his right to abuse Downs Syndrome kids…or just got increasingly drug-addled and confused abuse with humour somewhere along the way?
The children of Russell Brand need no excuses now that Doug has emerged from under Brookers assortment of pizza boxes..with a suitably-chilled Mouton Cadet no doubt!
This point is the best of them all. We had a good laugh at this one. The answer is all Doug fans are Fat Bastards
What does Richard Bacon have to do to get fired by the BBC?
Call Obama a ****** live on air.
Praise a Conservative politician?
Sarah Kennedy came cose to it.
“She was also “spoken to” by BBC bosses after she praised Enoch Powell during a show in July 2009, describing Powell as “the best Prime Minister this country never had”
Seems this is more serious than Bacon. I don’t think he has been “spoken to”.
Funny how Enoch Powell is persona non grata at the BBc but loud mouth uneducated “comedians” are not.
At the risk of continuing to feed trolls, it’s noticeable that those with the least grasp of grammar, syntax and punctuation seem to be those who find liberal use of the f-word the height of sophisticated comedy.
this blog needs an “ignore” button 😉
Relax, folks. The pro-Bacon diatribes give me great hope. Not much grey matter there – just bile. The depressing thing is these guys have the vote (and I defend their right to use it). But it means that most people can be persuaded if the case is made. Let’s just keep winning the argument. It pays off.
maybe he’s got tourette’s syndrome
can’t construct a sentence without random swearwords
Standjoke fails totally on one comedy essential! remove the audience take him off the stage and then listen to him! is it funny? or just the stuff drunks in doorways shout at people at 3 in the morning ?.
Comedy real comedy works on you no matter where and when it happens but he can only do this on stage as if he spoke like that around me or anyone I know in public and I know some real swearing types he wouldn’t do it twice !
Have you met Doug? Ive not
I am one of the many who complained to the BBC and have yet to receive a reply. Bacon’s apology is obviously made under duress and is totally insincere and the only remedy is to sack him.
So, wait a bit, Bacon approves/recommends/pushes a sketch by some liberal/libertarian(oxymoron) in which he calls for the FBI to kill Sarah Palins Downs Syndome Child at birth by shooting it in the head and Bacon gives some half arsed grudging apology to the Downs Syndrome assoc.
All well and good, but what about Palins Family?
Imagine a second, the word downs was replaced with Muslim,black or Obama’s , would he have targeted the child no. Why then Palin? Why does Bacon approve a skit of a FBI shooting of her child?
What has she done?
Remember the way the left disapproved of the celebrations after Bin ladens death. Remember Fatty Abbott and the bearded Druid, and Poly filler sneering at the celebrations at the death of a man responsible for the murder of thousands, and yet they are silent when crap comedians celebrate the idea of killing a downs child.
So the life of an innocent child has less value than some bearded psychopath because the child’s mother is fiscally conservative.
Like, ‘dancing on thatchers grave’ and it becoming ‘britains biggest toilet’ and yet tearing up at the death of the terrorist Arrafat, they can use inflammatory language which is both hurtful and harmful to real families of those the disagree with while at the same time eulogising mass murderers
This has to be the funniest site there is. Guys who pay to watch something they hate, Looking for the dirt everyday on the BBC and then blogging about it! OH and Talk about people who they know nothing about.
The future is here , right now.
I wonder if anybody has said anything good about the BBC?
Why dont you switch over and watch Fox news?
OK spell checkers do your job…..
It would be funny if this is Stuart Provan – see the biogs
He fits every middle class stereotype. same name . Quite unusual. Could well be. I think he needs to deny it to retain credibility
dave s
His screen icon here has a hat. So does the clown who runs this Twitter feed, obviously the Guildford County radio guy.
We seem to be getting a lower class of trolls these days. This Provan sounds barely-employed – just a couple of fill-in hours on a Saturday.
Pretty pathetic – and arrogant with it.!/stuartprovan
provan is improving.
I thought he was done with this site and didn’t want to come back?
My grandpa used to say foul language indicated a lack of a more acceptable vocabulary. In other words the more ignorant the more likely to curse.
Ah a nice middle-class Home Counties boy. Very perceptive of dave s who spotted this early on.
I love the fact you googled my name. I could be that guy on the Radio and ended up here Defending BBC for my dream job on radio 1 with all that lovely modern playlisted music With puppets for DJ`s By the way i hate Chris Moyles , a fat unfunny overpaid twat! I will dislike the BBC for that.
Maybe that will win me some credit? Anyhow seems the vote is swinging if am middle class or a low life . Brand me how you wish, i really dont care or do you think that really matters much?
Don`t worry i will get bored and move on, just a troll passing getting a little fix. You seem to be very anti drugs on this site and no mention about Religion. There you can twist that little sentence and think even more on who i am and all this left wing stuff really has to stop. You will end up mad… Thats just some of the other posts i read which have a common theme.
OK charge on i still think you have bigger fish to fry but this is what you do. Spell police at the ready and i have no idea how i got that hat , looks cool.
Am not available 2-6 Sat!!!!
Yes, it will get some credit with me. He’s another mess – a dysfunctional slob who is overpaid and overindulged by the Beeboid Corporation. Why you defend the other slob is a mystery, though.
On the debit side, however… the apostrophe on a keyboard looks like this: ‘ , not this: `. Also, you know by now how to write I.
I’m scratching my head here wondering if there is something wrong with being anti the illegal use of drugs. And why do you say there is no mention of religion? Beeboid bias pro or anti certain religions is often mentioned.
Stuart, it is my considered opinion that you are a bit of a cock.