Bill Nighy Plays Himself And Gives Those Evil Americans/Israelis One In The Eye..

Bill Nighy, wooden, crinkled and oozing bus pass angst, meets up with earnest young woman (Rachel Weisz, born 1970!). Nighy, as per usual, autocues his lines in a monotone to nobody in particular, is hardly ever out of his overcoat and sacrifices his career and pension to flag up the evil Americans.

You’ve guessed it – “Page Eight” (BBC2 28/08/11) another glossy drama of beautiful people in NW1 (and weekend rural retreats) pumping out a subliminal version of the eternal and unchanging BBC philippic against capitalism, America (pre Obama, of course) and those vicious, conniving Je…whoops….Israelis.

Written by Richard Curtis David Hare, the storyline is as predictable as a Tom & Jerry cartoon. Public School/Oxbridge educated MI5 boss hands Public School/Oxbridge educated MI5 agent (Nighy) a file fingering UK PM as the The Evil One Covering Up US Rendition. Said agent discovers his next door neighbour had a boy friend killed by Israeli soldiers while innocently protecting defenceless Hamas protestors. This has also been covered up by the same UK PM.

Usual ending of any Nighy drama….he forces UK PM to publish the truth about the evil Israelis in return for remaining schtum about rendition. Nighy then heads off into the sunset until the next BBC drama.

Production values – AAA+
Characterisation – pure unadulterated cardboard
Message – BBC Goebbels TV at its most blatant


What’s remarkable about the BBC is the way in which their instinctive regard for Labour manifests itself even in the most innocent items. Take the item at 8.22am on how devolution has affected the UK. The BBC invite Peter Ackroyd on to discuss his latest history of England. Who then do they choose to balance the discussion? Yes, Labour MP Tristram Hunt who is also – lest we forget – a historian,


I’m sure you will be tuning in to “Class Ceiling”…it’s on Radio 4 @ 9am.

“Polly Toynbee explores the ever-more-pressing question of how possible it is to move up through British society. Who gets to break the ‘class ceiling’?”

They DO love Polly, don’t they and who better to cover this “ever pressing” issue in an impartial and considered manner? Our money, spent wisely.


I listened to Jeremy Bowen being interviewed from his perch on Tripoli this morning on Today (8.10am). One of the issues being covered was what united the “rebels”. Jeremy came back with the official BBC meme that it is a shared hatred of Gadaffi that united them. But hang on a moment, there is something else that unites them – as evidenced here – but left curiously unreported by the BBC. I wonder why? When even Reuters can tackle a topic the BBC runs away from you know that you are in real danger of getting a very contrived and controlled narrative. The emerging Libya’s hatred of Israel may be much greater than that of Gaddaffi but the State Broadcaster may not deign that as a problem.

BBC- pro Israel all the way

I get an awful of of email to B-BBC and 99.9% of it is a  pleasure to read and I regularly post some of the numerous excellent observations. However every now and again I get mail from deep inside Arkham Asylum and here is one I am choosing to share with you whilst protecting the identity of the author.

“Whatever you might say about the prehistoric crackpot Islamists it`s pretty obvious they were NOT running Britain from Wall Street and from Israel during the last century.

Whereas the entire global economy and media are firmly in American/pro-Israeli hands,and so is the BBC!

Name one other group (other than America`s beloved Zionists and the IRA)that could behave like the Israelis without attracting NATO bombing raids and having their leaders on trial in a court of international justice?

Anyone can see that the overall stance of the BBC is pro-America to an embarrassing degree,and being pro-America automatically means that the Beeb a pro-Israeli organisation.

The most likely outcome of your pro-Israeli stance at Biased BBC is that you will get another six million innocent Jewish people killed like Wall Street did when it sowed the seeds of Nazism by wrecking the global economy in 1929!

Israel cannot survive in it`s present form.The Muslims will simply wipe it off the face of the Earth. 

Get the westerners pretending to be biblical Jews back into the western world before they are all killed playing at being King Canute!”

With views like that, I’m surprised he is not working for the BBC!!!

UPDATE; I received this a short time ago……

“Biased BBC is not a critic of the BBC in itself…it`s
yet another mouthpiece of Zionism and Americanisation.I totally agree that so
called minorities get far too much say in what the Beeb thinks and does but the
idea that Jewish people and Israel get a rough ride is preposterous.
There are far too
many Jews contributing to  BBC programmes
and any criticism of Israel is very muted.
I totally agree that the 
BBC is a pro Islamist and pro Zionist organisation….and its pro
American obsession is absurd…..but it`s NOT pro-British.It completely
suppressed news of the protests in Israel recently while it`s CIA-run Egyptian
spring was covered intensively. Mubarak and his CIA torture chambers were
supported and  run to keep Israel afloat
in a hostile Middle East.
Unlike most of your contributors I am British and have a
Welsh name.Could I kick the English and others out of Wales and declare a
Celtic homeland with the assistance of public money from Europe and the USA? Of
course not…only Zionists/Israelis would get away with that!
Are there any English or Celtic contributors to your
Zionist blog….they all sound like Yanks and Israelis?No wonder the BBC
carries on regardless if you are its main critics!”


Well, we’ve managed to survive the hype spewed out by the BBC concerning Hurricane Irene and made it to the start of a fresh week! Here is your NEW Open Thread and I trust you will fill it with examples of BBC bias even quicker than Usain Bolt out of the blocks…go!


“The BBC’s lack of self awareness, or its solid brass neck, is apparent in this piece about one of its new stars Professor Brian Cox….

‘Prof Cox said the BBC had put science centre stage and had been rewarded with high ratings and huge interest. The Wonders of the Universe presenter said public service broadcasting had a “very important” role to play in changing the direction of society.”

Fair enough admission that the BBC has an activist agenda, I would have thought from Prof Cox

Two years ago James Murdoch made the keynote MacTaggart lecture at the festival, describing the BBC’s size and ambitions as “chilling” and accusing it of mounting a “land grab” in a beleaguered media market. During his alternative MacTaggart talk, Prof Cox said: “One of the things that surprises me about the debate about the BBC, here is an institution that is clearly a big global brand, a powerful global brand, recognised as the best in the world in many areas and what the British disease is to even consider damaging that institution.” ‘
The irony….the BBC likes to tell us how powerful Murdoch is and he must be stopped….when we all know it is the BBC which is the world’s most powerful and influential broadcaster. Yep….Murdoch is ‘too powerful’ and must be crushed!…..or is that just the British disease of attacking the successful?


The BBC sustained hatred towards Israel is one of the most disfiguring facets of the DState Corporation. I am advised by a Biased BBC contributor that Jeremy Bowen is doing his best to discredit Israel as usual….Israelis have no interest in peace, Israelis want the Arab dictators to stay in power and don’t support democracy in the Arab world…..missing out the probability that democracy isn’t the likely outcome of the ‘Arab Spring’…. Arab Spring spells uncertainty for Israel 

‘….back in Jerusalem, surrounded once again by the hatreds that never seem to change. Israeli police with clubs and automatic weapons were still on guard at the gates to the walled old city. Plenty of Israelis believe that Palestinians have no interest in peace. Palestinians feel the same about Israelis and were still simmering with anger and resentment about the expansion of Jewish settlements. The old Middle East suited the Israelis. But it is disappearing. A top Israeli journalist told me a few years ago that every morning the foreign ministry in Jerusalem offered a prayer for the health of President Mubarak. What he meant was that Israel believed the best way to manage the threats it
saw in the old Middle East was to make sure that nothing changed.’

Several points to be made about Bowen’s commentary;

1. I suppose watching several neighbouring states fall under the control of the Jew-hating Muslim Brotherhood is cause for concern, maybe Jeremy could bring his forensic skills to bear on that?
2. Might Israel cynicism about Palestinians interest in peace be influenced by years of vicious bloodthirsty terrorism. Jeremy is too busy equating Palestinian concerns with Israel to let us know.
3. Curious how Jerusalem is instantly associated with “hatreds” in his choice of words, almost like he was trying to create some sort of subliminal association.


Wonder if you caught this gem brought to us by the Muslim-adoring BBC? A B-BBC stalwart notes;

“The BBC launches yet another attempt to persuade us that even though Muslims think our culture is depraved, our Christian religion heretical and that they have no real intention of integrating in any meaningful way, we should thank them for their contributions to our society.

‘Eating plays a major role in Ramadan, and it’s now playing a surprisingly big role in British culture too. Stand-up comedian Shappi Khorsandi looks at the way in which food from Muslim countries has helped revolutionise the British palate… and she discovers the surprising effect those foods have had on British identity.”

The BBC’s very own Dan Brown version of history merging fact with fiction, myths and lies to create a story that paints a picture of Britain that the BBC want you to believe in. Muslim comedian Shappi Khorsandi, remarkably annoying and patronising, tells us that Curry is Muslim, coffee is Muslim and spices are Muslim….she doesn’t say much about that other Muslim invention the suicide bomber. We have a lot to be grateful for to the Muslims.

Except perhaps not so much.

Watch this programme and you will come away believing Britain goes home every night to a Vindaloo or Tikka Masala and is changing, evolving, into secret Muslims as you are what you eat as the programme keeps insisting. In that case presumably we are more likely to be Peruvian or at least part Spanish, as we eat so many spuds brought to us from South America by the Spanish….never mind Mexican, Chinese or MacDonald shaped.

For the BBC the history of spices in Britain begins with the Muslims and ends with them….missing out the vast spice trade in the Far East, Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire…..Curry is ‘Muslim’ rather than Indian…never mind Thai, Burmese, even Chinese or Japanese.

Coffee is definitely a Muslim, not just ‘Arab’ invention. Shappi misses out the story of the goatherd who takes some ‘coffee’ berries to a monastery and the Abbot there eventually produces some form of concoction from them to produce a stimulant….that is a Christian Monastery.

‘According to the legend, the news of the “wakeful monastery” spread rapidly, and the magical berry soon “came to be in request throughout the whole kingdom; and in progress of time other nations and provinces of the East fell into the use of it.” ‘

And she certainly didn’t want you to hear about this…..The Arab slave trade and coffee….
‘Another story says that Sudanese slaves used to chewing berries to survive their hard journey. According to this version, this is how coffee reached Arabia from Ethiopia.’

Islam in fact had a retrograde effect on the coffee trade often banning it for religious reasons… was certainly Arabs who popularised it as a drink but Islam the religion, had nothing to do with it.

This programme is not about history it is about rewriting history as the BBC’s Professor Cox says…‘public service broadcasting had a “very important” role to play in changing the direction of society’.

So now you know….curry is Muslim not Indian, spices are Muslim not Far Eastern, coffee is Muslim not Arabic…or Ethiopian/Christian.

Curious that when Muslim terrorists let off bombs in London killing 52 people and injuring over 700 and tell us in videos that this is done in the name of Islam the BBC hurry to tell us that this is rubbish….this is not Islam, Islam means peace (and coffee, spices and curry)….these bombers are perverting and distorting Islam.

Trouble is the bombers were following the teachings of Islam…it is with programmes like this that the BBC are perverting the truth about Islam and attempting not only to rewrite history but to write the future as it wishes it to be….quite a dark future if Muslim countries are anything to go by.”


It grates on the BBC that Northern Ireland is still British so it never misses the opportunity to pretend otherwise; A Biased BBC reader points out that they have watched a BBC programme entitled “Timothy Spall:Back at Sea.” Spall is travelling by barge all over the U.K and in the episode screened on 24th August on BBC 4 he sails from the Isle of Man into Bangor Marina. Bangor is located on the eastern coast of Northern Ireland. The BBC play “If you’re Irish, come into the parlour” as the theme, show a map of the island of Ireland with no border between ourselves and the republic and show the Irish Tricolour as the flag just below Bangor. You can see it for yourself on BBC iplayer, 17mins 40secs into episode 3. This is the sort of nonchalent anti-British bias the BBC delights in – casually thrown into a programme for no other reason but to suggest that we are Irish, not British.