So, the Socialist candidate Francois Hollande managed to outpoll Sarkozy in the first round of the French Presidential race. And aren’t the BBC happy about it? I suggest that the idea of a French President determined to raise upper tax threshold to 75%, increase the number of State Workers whilst raising the minimum wage and thus ignoring the concept of fiscal austerity is their kind of guy. I can only imagine how the BBC will treat this item tomorrow morning on the Today programme! I’m going to be out of the UK for the next few days so will do my best to post here but hope fellow writers can step up whilst I am gone! Au revoir…
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I haven’t looked at the detail but the first round is irrelevant. The Left have probably gone with a coalition Gauche united front ticket, while Marine le Pen’s FN has split the right. In some provinces the FN come 1st in Round One. The bBC are just jumping up and down waving their pompoms instead of reporting and analyzing, which is what you pay they to do, but they behave like adolescent lefties and don’t do. We really ought to have a human right not to have to pay for this crap.
It’s not entirely irrelevant, as the incumbent hasn’t lost a first round since the 50s. Funny how in the BBC’s “live text”, the only people pointing out that LePen voters and whoever supported the centrist are going to have to vote for someone else in the finals – meaning NOT the Socialist – are French vox pops and not highly-paid clever Beeboids, like Gavin Hewitt, who should know better than to express his surprise that Sarkozy’s camp isn’t full of rent garments and broken hearts just yet.
Socialist hope springs eternal at the BBC.
Not sure if I have the exact figures but I saw them reported as
Hollande 28.5%, PS
Sarkozy 27% UMP
Le Pen 19% FN
Others the rest
Purpose of the first round is to knock out the lesser candidates, but its still difficult to claim Hollande as President, yet
FN is described by no less than The Times as “far right” – one vote in five. The Times, unfortunately, is infested with left-wing journalists, like most of the media. All Blair’s Children.
Good God; if France votes in a socialist we’re in the brown and smelly big time. We’ll be flooded with immigration (probably by right wingers mind you). With a little luck the BBC might mercifully choose to relocate to Paris with all the other cravat-wearing daydreaming bohemians.
I don’t mind getting flooded in immigrants, if they are French entrepreneurs. While the Normans and the kind of company which the early Plantagenets kept gave French immigration a (well-deserved) bad name in England and Wales, the more recent waves of religious refugees and economic migrants have never done any harm to Britain. They have always been France’s loss and England’s/Britain’s gain.
“…the more recent waves of religious refugees and economic migrants have never done any harm to Britain. They have always been France’s loss and England’s/Britain’s gain.”
Oh Really? Like these as one example, and believe me I can go on.
Muslim gang jailed for kidnapping and raping two girls as part of their Eid celebrations
I think he meant such as Huguenots. The contrast between them and the human scum we’ve received in the last few decades is stark.
You don’t help the cause with knee-jerk comments like these. I can’t find anything in the article to suggest that the culprits came from France.
What ’cause’ are you part of then? Pray ‘enlighten’ us?
Learn to read. Did you really think the reference to religious refugees was that they came from France?
Mind you, as somebody once observed, with the French so keen to promote the Palestinian peoples, they should let them all immigrate there. The name of the new State – Frankenstein 😉
If the French tax rate is going up to 75%, we may be able to export some of our welfare scroungers to France.
We can’t even get rid of islamic terrorists let alone bacon roll fraudsters!
Those guys aren’t religious refugees, but maybe they redefine the term “economic migrant”. Neather migrants?
What’s the betting that this socialist with his nutty policies proves to be yet another quisling who serves the Eu and the bankers just like all the other elected socialists we remember so fondly here in the UK since World War Two. The BBC will love him, of course, because Hollande will represent the interests of elitist establishment liberals, with a free pass from French working classes who will take several years to discover they have been sold out yet again. The BBC will spin Hollande’s policies constantly in the meantime to attack Cameron and support Miliband.
It’s a win-win for the BBC.
You’re dead right. He’ll be portrayed as caring, eductaed, sophisticated, and a cut above anyone in our own coalition.
He may even temporarily eclipse the Chosen One from Over the Water, but only until the US Presidential Elections get into their final stages, and then it’ll be business as usual.
Since when did the French elections(part 1) matter to us over here?
Only the fact that we`re in the EU(for now) makes it of any relevance-and their political class is as bankrupt and as needless as ours.
When I saw the French regional elections over there last year, you might as well call them all David De Dimbleby and Jeremy Le Paxman…as clueless, air-headed and as trivial as our media monkeys.
Therefore whether “merde” is “le”…or “la”…is of supreme indifference to us here…but it gets Sopel a free cafe creme in a nice square and well away from the banlieus.
Hope Sarkozy wins anyway-the idea of swapping Carla for Segolene would put France back years.
When you have to contribute another few billion to the IMF or whatever to bail out France after a couple of années socialistes perdues, then you’ll know why it’s important to you now.
Hollande dumped Segolene (she of the surgically permanent smile) ages ago, and has a new woman Valérie Trierweiler. The French gossip mags are leading with the spitting catfight between his babes. Now thats what I call real politics, not all this “show us your tax return” envy politics promoted by our left wing student radicals.
Hollande’s Position on Turkish Accession to the EU
Hollande, E.U-Brussels bureaucracy, ‘Le Monde’, INBBC, ‘The Guardian’ etc plus Cameron, Hague, Hannan, Clegg and Milibands will all continue to campaign for and use public funds for Turkey’s admission to the E.U. ,and, thereby for the deep Islamisation of Europe, and Britain.
Such political campaigners, working together with the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) will accept a ‘postponement’ on Turkey, but this will not deflect them from their goal of Islamising the E.U.
They all knows that most European non-Muslim people are opposed toTurkey in the E.U., but the European political class continues to campaign for Islamisation and all it entails, as part of a ‘multicultural’ colonising project.
Compare and contrast the two final paragraphs of the two reporters from the camps of the left and the right…
Christian Fraser – Hollande HQ, Paris (left)
But 350 polls published since this campaign began have put Mr Hollande in a commanding lead for round two. The celebrations must wait another two weeks – but they are daring to believe.
Katya Adler – Le Pen HQ, Paris (right)
She has tried to soften the party’s racist image, in an attempt to widen its appeal. But her party’s critics will wring their hands at her strong showing.
Left-wing – hopey changey
Right-wing – boo-hiss
What about just giving us the facts, BBC. We don’t need your reporters’ personal opinions of the respective candidates.
It’s not really a fair comparison, is it?
Le Pen is a fascist scumbag, I would hope for bias against her. The pity is, it’s a left wing bias not a democratic one. One doesn’t see a similar tone of reporting concerning the commie scumbag.
Why would you hope for bias in reporting? I have no time for socialist candidate either, but I’d hope for bias free coverage of the left too. You seem to be advocating equal bias for both – what about reporting stripped of any agenda – isn’t that what this site is for?
Who gets to decide which are the legitimate candidates as opposed to the ‘non-respectable’ ones? If it is left to the opinions of the BBC reporters, then it’s no wonder UKIP get such a hard time, as I’m sure they are considered to be ‘scumbags’ by most at the BBC.
‘what about reporting stripped of any agenda’
If a boat long since sailed, sunk and lying at the bottom of the Marinas Trench in some quarters.
Let’s not forget the ‘centrist’ scumbag Blair and his hidden agenda of mass immigration.
“Le Pen is a fascist scumbag” Hippie?. That may be your view but it is not shared by 20% of the French electorate who voted for her. Papa Le Pen is a genuine war hero, none of the other candidates could hold a candle to him, and Marine calls a spade a spade and is proud of her country. I dont call that being “a facist scumbag” Pity there are not more “facist scumbags” here in UK politics. We just get Europhile scumbags.
The real Dutch courage is of course Geert Wilders who is refusing to sign up to Brussel’s imposed austerity plan for Holland in order to save the Euro.
The BBC are on a cleft stick…they hate Wilders, they love the EU but they also hate Austerity.
Midnight oil will be burning tonight to write that one up.
NETHERLANDS: difficult political issue for BBC-EU – the Socialist Party there agrees with Geert WILDERS:
“Dutch government falls in budget crisis .”
“Mr Wilders, who was said to have stormed out of talks at the last minute, said the coalition’s proposals would harm economic growth and affect many people’s spending power. Socialist Party leader Emile Roemer said he too was not prepared to support the attempt to bring the budget deficit below 3% by 2013.”
“Worrying news: Dutch PM resigns as the euro crisis continues to claim political victims ”
Good comment on the Telegraph article, quoting Wilders…
“We will not accept having our people bleed at the hands of bureaucrats in Brussels.”
Could you imagine Osborne or Cameron sticking up for Britain like that?
“Geert Wilders: profile”
But look how successful all the other EU countries that’ve been under socialist rule in recent years have been.
Greece, Spain, Portugal . . . Economic powerhouses with huge budget surpluses and 100% employment. What could possibly go wrong?
For Danish courage it might be this guy.
Melanie Phillips tells us:-
Two cheers for Danish justice
…Following my piece here a few days ago about the witch-hunt against the President of the Danish Free Press society Lars Hedegaard, the Danish Supreme Court ruled last Friday that he was not guilty after all of hate speech and racism.
The crux of the issue, whether someone is entitled to speak in public in Denmark about child abuse and violence towards women in Muslim culture,…
You’d think something to do with the Danish Free Press society would invoke some sort of coverage by the BBC, but are you surprised to hear THERE’S NOTHING ON IT – AT ALL!
‘It is likely therefore that Denmark will indeed criminalise any public defence of Muslim women and children against the horrors of ‘honour violence’. This is by no means a situation confined to Denmark. In Britain and throughout Europe, so-called ‘progressives’ have defined such a defence as ‘Islamophobia’. Thus they are doing the dirty work of Islamist fanatics in trampling down the freedom to defend the victims of violence and oppression. Where are the feminists now?’
Which is a typical example of ‘Leftie Top Trumps’ at work. The Defend Islam card trumps every other leftie card in the deck.
It’s not worth their time unless someone is convicted of it, and the BBC approves. They censored all news of what happened to Ezra Levant in Canada, for example.
A ‘Telegraph’ report on first round of French elections:
“France election 2012: one in five vote for Marine Le Pen as Nicolas Sarkozy is beaten into second place.”
“19 – 20% for Marine (and it’s not over!) ”
If it wasn’t for the fact that Dominic Strass-Kahn can’t keep hi flies done up, the bBC would have to to tell us what a fine chap he is as the Socialist candidate!
Bring the Socialists in! He says he will stop funding other countries in the EU, employ far more people, ‘borrow and spend to grow’ and cancel austerity.
So France will go from A-rating to C-rating, their borrowing costs will shoot straight up, and the whole Euro / EU party will either become honest and call itself the Fourth Reich, or dissolve into smoke.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch! I just hope it happens before the IMF spends our £10m on them!
the words “turkeys” and “christmas” spring to mind.
According to Toady, the real “shock” and “surprise” was the right wing vote.
Just like it was a shock and surprise in Austria, Poland, Holland, Denmark, Finland….
If the left get in we’ll see how they do. They could totally collapse the French economy with their anti-austerity drive. They could get their economy booming again.
We need to look and learn for they will be showing us the way the left are going and if they have the right answers. I’m thinking that they don’t, but am prepared to wait and see.
Now all that ‘growth’ we had under Brown’s tenure at No. 11, that wouldn’t have been borrow and spend, would it? A million public sector jobs with their fat salaries and fat cat pensions?
Spending? I think you meant ‘investment’.
See – you can convert wrecklessness into responsibility just by changing one word. It’s wonderful living in lefty fantasy land, where good intentions are golden, and the resulting outcomes are always someone else’s fault.
Any surprise that the BBC will support Hollande?
Massive Mosque Mobilisation to Help Socialists in French Elections
L’Observatoire de l’Islamisation reports that a federation of 700 mosques under the control of the Grand Mosque of Paris undertook a massive mobilisation in favour of the Socialist candidate Hollande in the recent, and still ongoing, election campaign in France.
“Right Wingers In Europe Just Fired Off Two Huge Torpedoes”
Read more:
Yes, INBBC supports the pro-Islam Hollande in France, and opposes the anti-Islam Wilders in The Netherlands.
It’s all part of INBBC’s political project of campaigning for the Islamisation of the E.U. through continuing mass immigration, and preferential treatment for Islamic colonisation here.
Got it in one there George!
Hollande-anti austerity candidate-hurrah!
Wilders-anti austerity candidate-boo!
Some Governments are to be attacked, like Sarkozys and Camerons for cutting too far and too fast…other Governments like the Dutch one are to be supported, because it is only being a good neighbour to the European project.
That it`s always the Socialists that end up on the side of the angels as far as the BBC goes…well that`s a bonus…not of course the bankers type….
If only the BBC could send us a rule book or guidelines on who we are to support, it would be made a bit easier.
I assume here that Newham are not flytipping undesirables because they`re a shit council and caught up in their own Olympian shambles…they are a Labour Council-and therefore have cow eyes and compassion as they sign the railway warrants to anywhere north.
Now had Westminster done this…well, that would be a Rwandan atrocity…because they`re a Tory Council.
Labour Councils only do social cleansing( they certainly don`t do environmental cleansing very well) because the Tories make them do it!
Sounds about right then…